CritiCall Practice Test with Free Questions, Answers, and Explanations

CritiCall is a computer-based analysis test that determines the aptitudes and skills needed for emergency services and dispatcher positions.

On this page, you’ll find a free CritiCall practice test for 911 dispatchers, with full answers and explanations, that will give you a taste of the actual exam.

The free Critical test prep questions were hand-picked from JobTestPrep's CritiCall test prep and highly resemble the questions on the real exam.  

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Free CritiCall Practice Test Questions

Common Modules

The CritiCall dispatcher test is a common hiring tool used by many agencies. It has various sections that assess skills crucial for 911 dispatchers. It includes over 10 modules, and agencies choose which ones to use. Most focus on core modules that assess the essential job skills and duties needed for the job.

To help you prepare, we've divided the 911 dispatcher practice test into "Common Modules" which are frequently tested, and "Additional Modules" which are less common.

The following CritiCall practice test covers the common modules, with 2-3 sample questions per module for practice.

Note: If you have already received a test invitation, we recommend checking whether you have been provided with a list of the modules you will be tested on and focusing on those modules in this free test. If you have not received a list, we recommend going through all the modules, particularly the most common ones.

We will begin the dispatcher practice test with the Call Summarization Module, one of the most abundant and famous modules of the CritiCall test.

CritiCall Call Summarization Practice

The Call Summarization section virtually simulates the real-life work of a 911 dispatcher.

There are two types of questions – Call Summarization 1 (short), which includes a short random recording followed by a single question, and Call Summarization 2 (long), which includes an extended recording of a 911 distress call with more information and multiple questions. 

Listen to the following recording and then answer the question below. Try to listen to it only once, as on the actual test, you’ll have only one shot as well. It is recommended to write down information while listening, as you'll have an on-screen notepad you could use on the actual test. Open the text version if you don't have access to audio.

▶ Play Audio 

"My sister, Tracy, told me she was nervous because she had to give a speech in front of television cameras. Those who sat in during her speech rehearsals were very impressed with the speech's content and Tracy's presentation style. Even with many words of encouragement from those who attended the rehearsals, Tracy was still anxious. When the time came for the actual presentation, Tracy said she had an upset stomach. However, she delivered the speech perfectly."

Which of the following best describes this call?

A. Tracy’s thorough preparation helped her feel less nervous.

B. Hard work always seems to pay off.

C. Other people’s words of encouragement lessened Tracy’s nervousness.

D. Tracy was nervous about giving a speech, but it went fine.


The correct answer is:

Tracy was nervous about giving a speech, but it went fine.

It expresses both facets of the main occurrence with no additional information

Narrative analysis:
The main occurrence of this narrative is Tracy's concerns from her upcoming speech. This occurrence is actually "split" – the speech is mentioned in the first sentence, and Tracy's feelings are mentioned in the third sentence.


Step 1: Notetaking

Here is an example of notes that were written to document all important details in the least amount of time and effort.

To do so, vowels are omitted, as well as some obvious context details (like "rehearsals of her speech"- only "rehsls" was written in the notes, and the words "of her speech" were omitted). Also, T replaces "Tracy" throughout the notes after it was written in full once.


my sstr tracy tld me she nrvs bc she had 2 give speech in frnt of tv cams
those who sat in during rehrsls were imprsd with da speech cntnt n Ts prsntaion style
even with mny wrds of encrgmnt, T stil felt anx
when the time came 4 the actual prsntation, T said she has updt stmch, however she dlvred speech prfctly


Step 2: Eliminating answers

Remember the three characteristics of false answers:

  • false conclusions
  • new/ contradictory information
  • focusing on minor details

Answer A – Tracy's thorough preparation helped her feel less nervous.
Reason for elimination: new/contradictory information.
It was only said that Tracy rehearsed the speech, but it wasn't specified that the rehearsals were thorough. In addition, despite her preparation, she still felt anxious.
Answer B – Hard work always seems to pay off.
Reason for elimination: focusing on minor events.
This answer doesn't express any of the facets of the main occurrence –the speech or Tracy's concerns about it.
Answer C – Other people’s words of encouragement lessened Tracy’s nervousness
Reason for elimination: contradicting information
It is clearly stated that: "Even with many words of encouragement from those who attended the rehearsals, Tracy was still anxious."
Answer D – Tracy was nervous about giving a speech, but it went fine.
Reason for elimination: This answer is correct.
It expresses both facets of the main occurrence with no additional information 


Listen to the recording below and then answer the two following questions (Open the text version if you don't have access to audio).

▶ Play Audio 

Operator: "911. What's your emergency?"

Caller: "Hello, I'm on the US One highway junction to Miami. There's a major storm hit, the water is beginning to flood and cars are drifting away".

Operator: "How many cars do you see on the road?"

Caller: "I can't see clearly. I can recognize nine right now, but there might be more, two of them are stuck. The water level is the same height as the window. Hurry, please".

Operator: "What car are you driving?"

Caller: "A Volkswagen van?"

Operator: "Are you in a safe place?"

Caller: "No, I can't see any safe zones around here. Help me. I can't steer. I've lost contact with the road".

Operator: "Keep calm. The emergency crew is on their way, sir".

Caller: "Please hurry".

Operator: "What is your name, sir?"

Caller: "Steven Seveka".

Operator: "Are there kids inside the vehicle with you?"

Caller: "No, just me and my friend Larry Brickman here".

Operator: "OK. Listen to me, try to stay on the road. Whatever you do, don't leave the car. If the water level becomes too high. Get on top of the vehicle. Our helicopter is trying to find you".

How many kids are inside the vehicle?

A. Was not mentioned

B. None

C. Just one, Larry Brickman

D. Just One, Steven da Backer


The caller's answer to the question "do you have kids inside the vehicle?" is "no, just me and my friend Larry Brickman here." Therefore the answer is B.


How many cars does the caller believe are currently at the junction?

A. 9

B. 9, maybe more

C. 2

D. 2, maybe more 


"I can’t see clearly… I can recognize 9 right now, but maybe there are more."

Tip: To succeed on this test, we recommend that you learn different techniques for quickly summarizing audio recordings, as well as strategies for answering within a tight time limit. A comprehensive guide to various types of questions, including unique summarizing techniques, as well as 13 Call Summarization practice tests and additional practice materials, can be found in our criticall-test-practice.

If you're a New York resident, visit our NY Police Exams for additional information ,or try our Free NYPD Practice Test for more questions with full solutions!

Access Expert-Approved CritiCall Test Practice Today!

Master the Call Summarization module with our CritiCall prep! Simulate the real test with virtual text boxes where you'll summarize calls under pressure. Enhance your focus, memory, typing speed, and inference skills with practice questions that mirror the real exam. Boost your confidence and performance now!

The next common module is quite different, as it requires logical skills and quick thinking. Decision-Making simulates an essential role of the 911 dispatcher’s everyday work. Referring distress calls and emergency situations to a different unit is crucial – since assigning a situation to the wrong unit may have fatal results. In order to correctly answer the 911 dispatcher practice scenarios you must have a clear understanding of different emergency situations. 

CritiCall Decision-Making Practice

Question #1

Which unit would you assign?

A man reported dirty water coming out from the window of the neighbor's apartment.

A. Police

B. Fire


D. Utility


The appropriate agency, in this case, is (D) - Utility.

The public utility should be dispatched in case of a problem related to the water system.

Public utilities are those business undertakings that provide necessary services to society. The undertakings dealing with the supply of electricity, gas, power, water, transport, etc., are all covered under public utility services. All these things are needed in the day-to-day life of the people.

Question #2:

Which unit would you assign?

A girl's hand got stuck in a vending machine.

A. Police

B. Fire


D. Utility


The correct answer is (B) - The fire department.

The Fire Department should be dispatched in case of a trapped person.

The fire department forces are extinguishing fires in their area, protecting life and property in the event of fires in their area, rescuing and protecting people in the event of a road traffic collision, and rescuing and protecting people in other emergencies.

Question #3:

Which unit would you assign?

A teacher reported that a boy collapsed in gym class.

A. Police

B. Fire


D. Utility


The correct answer is (C) - The emergency medical service.

EMS should be dispatched in case medical treatment is needed.

The emergency medical service will be dispatched in case of a medical event that requires treatment by a qualified paramedic or when an evacuation to a hospital is required.

To make the right decision, you must rely on the decision rules that are given by the test administrator. These rules can be found on the official PDF of the CritiCall test provider, as well as in JobTestPrep's preparation pack.

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💡 Note that Decision-Making questions are typically integrated as emergency pop-up questions in other Criticall test sections, rather than presented as a standalone exam. As a result, you'll need to prioritize and respond to multiple tasks simultaneously while answering these questions. 


To prepare for these challenges, our CritiCall practice test pack includes a full Decision-Making practice test, with hundreds of additional scenarios included in other test modules as a multi-tasking option. For a price of 69$, you can start practicing and substantially improve your abilities prior to the test.

CritiCall Data Entry Practice

The purpose of the CritiCall Data Entry test is to assess your accuracy in entering various forms of data, including names, license plate numbers/VIN numbers, addresses, telephone numbers, and alphanumeric characters, into their corresponding fields.

This module comes in two versions- written data and audio:

1. Written

A split-screen format where the data is displayed on one side and the empty fields on the other. This example is designed to simulate such questions:

CritiCall Data Entry Test Practice JobTestPrep

Full-Size View

You will have to fill in the displayed fields according to the information on the left side of the screen. In addition, you must respond to emergency situations and redirect the caller to the most relevant government agency: Police, Fire, EMS, or Utility.

Solving Tips

  • Before beginning the module read the rules carefully. Phone numbers, for example, can be written without dashes, while license plate numbers may require dashes, and capital letters may or may not be of importance.
  • When typing written information – work methodically and quickly. Either type in chronological order, letters, numbers, and then mixed data, or any other method that best suits you – and don’t change it midway through the test.
  • Identity in advance long and confusing pieces of information such as VIN and Driver’s License and make sure you retype them correctly.
  • Use the Tab to move forward, and Tab + Shift to move backward to improve your overall typing speed.

Our full CritiCall test prep pack is an interactive practice that helps improve accuracy and speed by requiring you to respond to multiple emergency messages within 15 seconds of them appearing. Due to the short amount of time you have to complete the form and catch essential details, as well as respond to emerging messages, this task is especially challenging.

2. Audio

On these questions, you will listen to an audio recording of an emergency call where the caller provides all necessary information. Your task is to accurately fill out the appropriate fields based solely on the information you hear.

Listen to the following recording, which highly resembles the real Data Entry test questions, and write down the details below on a piece of paper. On the actual test, you'll need to enter the details into their appropriate fields.

▶ Play Audio 

  • Last Name
  • First Name
  • Title
  • Address
  • City                                
  • Zip/Postal
  • User Name                         
  • Password 


Last Name: Brooks| First Name: Florence

Title: Photographic Spotter

Address: 3472 Parkway Drive

City: Mammoth | Zip/Postal: 85618

User Name: rymen1991rymen-1991 

Password: cush4aev

Solving Tips

  • Before beginning the module read the rules carefully - License plate numbers may require dashes, and capital letters may or may not be of importance.
  • When typing recorded information always work according to the order of information given to you. The order of the data may change in the test. Make sure you write down the information in the correct field instead of instinctively writing according to the order of the fields.
  • Unlike written information – data is not visible to you. You must listen carefully to the exact letters given for names and addresses and not assume how the words should be written, i.e., while Rian is a possible name, the correct name in this drill is Ryan.
  • If you miss a piece of information while the recording plays do not dwell over it. Continue to the next piece of information, at the end of the data, quickly write down what you remember and move on – so you will not run out of time before all recordings are played.

Unlock Your Full Potential with Our CritiCall Test Practice!

💡 The Data entry module appears in every agency's dispatcher test since data entry skills are one of the most fundamental abilities of a 911 dispatcher. You'll have either an audio version, a non-audio version, or both.

Additionally, you'll need to respond to emergency messages simultaneously within 15 seconds of their appearance. This task is particularly challenging because you only have about five minutes to catch essential details and correctly complete as many fields as possible, while also responding to emerging messages on time. The recorded version of the Data Entry is even more difficult, as the data does not remain visible, and mistakes can't be double-checked. 

Comprehensive and timed practice for both the written and recorded versions of the Data-Entry module that simulates the challenge of simultaneously entering data and responding to emergency messages, can be found in our CritiCall practice test PrepPack.

The next module requires typing abilities. The Data Entry module requires you to fill out forms identical to the ones presented – either written or recorded.

Dispatcher Typing Test Practice

In the Dispatcher typing test, you are required to re-type a given text passage as quickly and accurately as possible for 5 minutes. Keep in mind that mistakes and the number of times you corrected a typing error are also measured and impact your final score. Here's an example from our Dispatcher typing practice test:

A glimpse into Dispatcher Typing Test Practice Prep

*source: JobTestPrep CritiCall Practice Tests

Get CritiCall Practice Test

For the Dispatcher typing test module, we recommend practicing to improve your accuracy and typing speed, or WPM (words per minute). The typing speed expected from a 911 dispatcher or operator candidate is set by the hiring agency involved, but it is recommended to reach a typing speed of 35 WPM and above and to be able to maintain this speed for at least 5 minutes throughout the test.

To achieve improved typing speed and accuracy, you can use typing practice software that tracks your speed and analyzes mistakes. Our CritiCall Test Prep Pack includes this type of software, offered to easily improve your typing skills before your upcoming assessments. 

Check out our employment typing test and sharpen your typing skills.

Now that you’ve finished the Common Modules of the 911 dispatcher practice test, we will review additional Criticall modules which will possibly appear on your Dispatcher test. We recommend going through this section only if any of the modules appear in your test invitation, or if you are not sure which modules you will face. 

CritiCall Practice Test – Additional Modules

We will begin with Map Reading, which requires orientation abilities and following instructions and directions.

Map Reading is a crucial skill for a 911 dispatcher since it requires the ability to orientate in and understand navigation to a scene of an emergency. It requires spatial reasoning skills, following instructions, and usage of directions (north, south, east, and west, and adjusting to left and right according to the current direction).

CritiCall Map Reading Practice

Answer the questions below based on the this map:

Free CritiCall Map Reading Sample Question

Question #1

A man fainted at a grocery store on Lord Cir. A dispatcher ambulance is currently parked on the narrow road next to the medical center, between 29th St and King Cove.

What is the most direct route of the ambulance to reach the Lord Cir entrance of the store?

A. Exit to 29th St and drive east. Take the second turn south to 15th Ave and turn left to Lord Cir.

B. Exit to King Cove St and drive east. Turn north and then turn east to 29th St. Follow the road south to 15 Ave and turn right to Lord Cir.

C. Exit to 29th St and drive east. Take the second turn south to 15th Ave and turn right to Lord Cir.

D. Exit to King Cove St and drive east. Turn right and then another time right to 30th St. Turn left to 11th Ave and follow the road until you reach the grocery store.


The correct answer is (C).

Free CritiCall Map Reading Question Answer

Question #2

A man fainted in the grocery store on Lord Cir. An ambulance is dispatched to take care of the event. The ambulance is currently parked on the narrow road next to the medical center, between 29th St and King Cove. What is the most direct route for the ambulance to reach the Lord Cir entrance of the grocery store?

A. Exit to 29th St and drive east. Take the second turn south to 15th Ave and turn left to Lord Cir.

B. Exit to King Cove St and drive east. Turn north and then turn east to 29th St. Follow the road south to 15th Ave and turn right to Lord Cir.

C. Exit to 29th St and drive east. Take the second turn south to 15th Ave and turn right to Lord Cir.

D. Exit to King Cove St and drive east. Turn right and then another time right to 30th St. Turn left to 11th Ave and follow the road until you reach the grocery store.


The correct answer is C.

Answer for CritiCall Map Reading Practice with route explanation

CritiCall Test Prep

The CritiCall map reading questions will usually consist of two types:

  • Best route: you'll need to find the most direct route between two locations.
  • Orientation: you'll need to follow directions from a given starting point and determine where you will be at the endpoint.

A Map Reading guide and 13 practice tests with hundreds of map reading questions, and a variety of maps can be found in our CritiCall Preparation Pack

The next module, Cross-Referencing, requires dealing with multiple data and locating specific pieces of information according to given instructions. The Cross-Referencing section requires you to navigate large tables of data, scrolling through information, and extracting names, addresses, license plates, or other personal information. The module may include a multi-tasking feature, including decision-making questions which make it far more challenging.  

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CritiCall Cross-Referencing Practice

Answer the following questions according to the information below: 

Last nameFirst nameAddressPhone NumberVINLicense Plate
CARTERDIAMOND3130 ESSEX COURT713-678-52255J6RE48558L048775RMJ 6699
CABLERMIRANDA2055 ROUTE 30398-343-1204WAUGFAFC7EN0720176XAB175
PARKERRYAN3644 CLAY STREET663-601-81075XXGM4A72DG2154996YVH144
MOORENATALIE2397 ROSE STREET269-743-96851G1AB5F52A7117210ATW V31
MITCHELLHUNTER9289 ROUTE 30741-304-74242MEFM75W01X7078337BSR491
CARTERHOLLY1255 WHITE STREET696-724-7942JS3TX92V1241952377AVM897
CABLERGEORGE6334 WHITE STREET310-446-86951C3EL46X04N248206A38 7LG

Question #1: 

What's the last name of the person whose License Plate number is 6XAB175?

A. George

B. Mitchell

C. Miranda

D. Cabler


The correct answer is (D), CABLER.

Start by searching the license plate in the last column, until finding the correct license plate on the 5th row. Next, search for the last name in row 5, which is the first column, and the last name is Cabler.


 Question #2: 

What is the phone number of the person living on Rose Street?

A. 663-601-8107

B. 713-678-5225

C. 269-743-9685

D. 741-304-7424


The correct answer is C, 269-743-9685.

Start by searching for the address in the third column, until finding the correct address (2397 ROSE STREET) in the 8th row. Next, search for the phone number in row 8, which is the 4th column, and the phone number is 269-743-9685.


 Question #3: 

What is the first name of the person whose VIN starts with 5X?

A. Ryan

B. Brianna

C. Parker

D. Diamond 


The correct answer is A, Ryan.

Start by searching for the VIN in the 5th column until finding the correct VIN (5XXGM4A72DG215499) in the 6th row. Next, search for the first name in row 6, which is the 2nd column, and the name is Ryan.

911 Dispatcher Practice Test

The cross-referencing questions above require focus, data navigation techniques, and following instructions. You'll have only a few rows visible, and you'll need to scroll through the address book to find the details while responding simultaneously to emergency messages that appear at the bottom of the screen. This requires additional focus to remember exactly in which rows and columns the information should be found, which can be achieved and improved through practice.

Practice tests that include written and recorded questions with multitasking options are available in the CritiCall Preparation Pack. It can be purchased for $69 and can help you improve your skills prior to the test, feeling more confident and prepared for the assessment. 

The next CritiCall test practice module refers to the 911 Dispatcher's ability to make difficult decisions while prioritizing. The Prioritization module will present you with different scenarios of varying urgency levels.

Prioritizing scenarios correctly is crucial and may be the difference between a successful response and a disaster. It requires you to consider both time and response urgency - for example, whether the situation is ongoing, whether there is any current danger to civilians, how serious an injury is, and so on.


CritiCall Prioritization Practice

Question #1:

Which situation is more urgent?

1. A man calls in reporting about his loud neighbors. He claims they are having a loud argument. Sounds of glass shattering and a scream for help were heard.

2. The municipal garbage men crew found a dead homeless man in an alley in the city's commercial area. His corpse had signs of brutal violence on his head and chest. Gang graffiti was sprayed next to him.


The correct answer is (A).

In prioritization questions, When deciding, follow scales. These scales will help you determine which scenario is the most urgent:

Free CritiCall Prioritization Question Answer

Scenario A depicts a possibility of abuse and violence that could be stopped (screams for help). A plausible outcome of this scenario is serious injury and physical harm (code 1).

Scenario B is an incident, which presents a dead homeless person. This incident is also code 1, but this case already happened, and the criminals are known. According to the time scale, incident A has priority on this call.

Question #2


Which situation is more urgent?

1. A young tourist calls from his hotel, trying to explain that he got mugged while hiking in the park, approx. 90 minutes ago. He claims that all of his cash and his passport were stolen, and he thinks that the criminals are still there.

2. The local deli manager calls in reporting about a fire that burst in his kitchen. All the customers and staff were evacuated from the business, and the gas faucet was disabled.


The correct answer is (B).

Incident A presents a minor property loss regardless of the chance to catch the criminals.

Incident B presents a major property loss due to the fire, and you may prevent the fire from spreading and inflicting more damage. According to the urgency response scale, incident B has a priority on this call.

911 Dispatcher Practice tests with many unique scenarios, including full explanations, and methods for prioritizing, can be found in our CritiCall Preparation Pack. 

911 Dispatchers require more than just prioritizing skills, typing and summarizing abilities. The next module - Reading Comprehension- assesses the verbal skills necessary to understand and respond to texts. As the examples demonstrate, reading comprehension requires careful reading, verbal proficiency, an understanding of context, and summarization techniques. Some of the texts may be lengthier, contain more details, or be at a higher English level.

CritiCall Reading Comprehension Practice

Answer the questions below according to the following text:

Lots of people start running in their 30s or older, and it is one of the few sports in which you can improve with age. One example is the great Jack Foster, a self-styled "ancient marathoner”, who ran for the first time at the age of 32, and by the age of 40 found himself picking up a silver medal at the Christchurch Commonwealth marathon in 1974.

Of course, while we all may hold secret hopes of uncovering a latent talent, most of us are unlikely to progress to an elite level. But, whether we like to compete on a weekend or prefer to go on solitary excursions through the countryside, the message is that age is far less of a barrier in running than it is in other sports. With running, even if taken up later in life without any previous experience, it really is realistic to expect improvement with age.

1. Which of the following best summarizes the main idea of the second paragraph?

A. It describes people's hopes to uncover their talents.

B. It compares solitary runners to competitive runners.

C. It highlights the message that running has no age.

D. It emphasizes the importance of running when one is older.


The correct answer is C. 

To answer this question, we must read paragraph 2 carefully. Once we do, we can see that the answer is evident in the paragraph, starting with the words: ” The message is…” The message of this paragraph is that running has no age, and therefore answer choice (c) is the correct answer.

2. Based on the text, which of the following is definitely correct?

A. Many people start running at an older age.

B. Older runners generally receive more medals.

C. More people prefer to compete than to run alone.

D. Older runners are faster than younger runners.


The correct answer is A. 

In order to conclude which of the statements is definitely correct, we must locate them in the text and find which of them is explicitly mentioned there:

  • Answer choice (a) - The passage begins with the words: ”Lots of people start running in their 30s or older…”, corresponding with this answer choice and confirming it as correct.
  • Answer choice (b) - While it is true that Jack Foster received a medal for his running achievements, we don't actually know whether older runners receive more medals than younger runners. This is not necessarily a correct statement.
  • Answer choice (c) - The second paragraph describes two types of runners: people who like to participate in races and those who like to run without competing. It does not, however, compare the number of runners per category. Thus, this answer choice is not necessarily correct.
  • Answer choice (d) - Again, like answer choice (b), we do not have information regarding the qualifications of younger versus older runners. Therefore, this answer choice is also not necessarily correct.

Therefore answer choice (a) is the correct answer.

3. Which one of the following is definitely true regarding Jack Foster, based on the text?

A. He ran in his 20s.

B. He ran a marathon.

C. He is from Christchurch.

D. He is stylish.


To conclude which of the statements is definitely true, we must locate them in the text and find which one of them is explicitly mentioned there. In this case, it is easy to locate the section in the text corresponding to the answer choices, as the question provides us with a clue (”Jack Foster”) leading us to our answer. This is the section that refers to Foster:” One example is the great Jack Foster, a self-styled "ancient marathoner”, who ran for the first time at the age of 32, and by the age of 40 found himself picking up a silver medal at the Christchurch Commonwealth marathon in 1974”. It is said that Foster: (1) ran for the first time at the age of 32 – this eliminates answer choice (a). (2) ran a marathon in Christchurch – however, we do not know if he actually lived there, thus eliminating answer choice (c). (3) he is a self-styled ”ancient marathonist,”- which does not mean he is stylish, eliminating answer choice (d). Since the text states explicitly that Foster ran a marathon, answer choice (b) is thus the correct answer.

How to Pass the CritiCall Test?

The content of the CritiCall reading comprehension passages will mostly be related to law enforcement, emergency communication, and other texts that are used on the job. That being said, you don't need to use any prior knowledge or experience, but rather base your answer only on the given text and your reasoning skills.

For a comprehensive practice that includes guides and different types of questions, you can purchase our CritiCall Preparation Pack.

Next is another verbal module – Sentence Clarity, which focuses on using proper English and the ability to rephrase or clarify sentences. The Sentence Clarity module requires excellent verbal skills, proficiency in English, and a sharp eye for errors. It involves selecting how a sentence should be phrased, as well as being able to rephrase it in the most effective way.

CritiCall Sentence Clarity Practice

Question #1:

Choose the passage below that is most clear:

A. For years, police have cited bad driving as the main cause of accidents.
B. Police have cited bad driving for years as the main cause of accidents.


The correct answer is (A).

Question #2:

Find the answer which best matches the meaning of the original sentence:
An alarming statistic shows that suicide attempts among men are more likely to succeed, even though more women attempt suicide.

A. Despite the fact that suicide attempts are almost never successful, more and more women try to commit suicide, according to the frightening statistics.

B. While women are more likely to attempt suicide, according to statistics, men have a higher likelihood of succeeding in such an attempt.

C. Because statistics show that men are more likely to try and commit suicide, they are also more likely to carry out such an attempt.

D. A successful suicide attempt is more likely from a woman than it is from a man, according to an alarming statistic.

The correct answer is (B).

Answer A says suicide attempts are almost never successful, which wasn't mentioned originally. Also, more and more implies that the number of women attempting suicide is growing rather than just more than men. 
Answer C says more men attempt suicide instead of women.
Answer D says women are more likely to succeed in a suicide attempt, instead of men.

Other than reading and improving verbal skills, it is recommended to focus on practicing these types of questions. Practice tests full of different formats and types of questions can be found in our CritiCall PrepPack 

Next, you will face the Mathematics Module, comprised mostly of word problems in a variety of difficulty levels. The Mathematics Module requires numerical abilities, an understanding of basic arithmetic operations, the usage of fractions, decimals, and more. It also requires an ability to translate written problems into equations – while knowing which equations should be used (i.e., remembering that time multiplied by speed equals distance). 

CritiCall Mathematics Practice

Math Question #1:

Emilio drives to a town 25 miles away from his location. He calls you, saying he has driven 3/5 of the way. How many miles did Emilio drive?

A. 10

B. 15

C. 20

D. 5


First, calculate how much is 1/5 of 25 miles: 25*1/5=5miles.

Now multiply the number by 3 to calculate the sum of miles Emilio drove: 5*3=15 miles.

Math Question #2:

A mountain trail is 12.1 miles long. If a hiker walks along the trail at a rate of 1.96 miles per hour, in approximately how many hours will the hiker walk the entire trail?

A. 6

B. 12

C. 14

D. 24


The correct answer is (a).

12.1 miles are approximately 12 miles. 1.96 miles per hour are approximately 2 miles per hour.

Since time (in hours) equals distance (miles) divided by velocity (miles per hour), the hiker will walk the entire trail in approximately 12/2=6 hours.

You can find math study guides and practice tests of increasing difficulty in our CritiCall PrepPack.    

For more math assessing exams, check out our Free Wonderlic Test Practice.

911 Dispatcher Jobs

If you're interested in becoming a 911 dispatcher, the first step is to research requirements in your area. Although each place has their own process, many departments use the CritiCall Test. Other popular tests are the Post Dispatcher Test and NYPD Police Communications Technician Exam.

For more information on 911 dispatcher jobs, contact your local law enforcement, fire department, EMS, or Department of Public Safety to know more about their application process. 

Learn more about how to become a 911 dispatcher

The next module aims to test your attention to detail and focus. You will need to be methodical to ensure that no mistakes are made. Proceed to the Character Comparison module, which demands attention to even the slightest details, methodical work, staying focused, and working quickly yet thoroughly.

CritiCall Character Comparison Practice

Question #1:

Determine which of the options is an exact copy of:

7227277277277222 James Baxter

A. 7227277277277722

B. 7227227277277222

C. 7227277722727222

D. 7227277277277222


The correct answer is (D).

Question #2:

From the alternatives below, choose the one which is exactly the same as:


A. 2C4GN68475R65969

B. 2C4GM68475R65696

C. 2C4GM68475R65969

D. 2C4GM68475R95969


The correct answer is (C).

Since multi-tasking emergency questions could also appear within this module – practice is greatly helpful in improving your ability to divide your attention between tasks while not missing any important details. You can find multiple practice tests with and without the multi-tasking feature in our CritiCall PrepPack.

The following module requires memorization, focus, and patience. Continue to the Memory Recall module: 

CritiCall Memory Recall Practice

CritiCall memory recall questions require listening to voice recordings of letters and numbers, and then repeating the recorded sequence.

Question #1:

Click the play button in order to listen to the sequence of letters and numbers:

▶ Play Audio 

Write down the sequence you heard after the recording ends. 

Answer: JS97QR

Question #2:

Click the play button in order to listen to the sequence of letters and numbers:

▶ Play Audio 

Write down the sequence you heard after the recording ends. 

Answer: NUKW5C


Memory Recall tests come in various levels of difficulty - the longer and more detailed the written or audio passage is, the harder it is to remember and answer questions later. Our CritiCall Preparation Pack includes unique tips and practices for improving your memory recall ability.

The following module is another verbal module – Spelling.

CritiCall Spelling Practice

Listen to the following recording and complete the missing words in the 2 sentences below. Open the text version if you don't have access to audio.

▶ Play Audio  

"The word is hazardous. Workers should wear gloves while working with hazardous chemicals."

Question #1:

Workers should wear gloves while working with __________ chemicals.

A. hazzardous

B. hazardous

C. hazzardos

D. hazardouse


The correct answer is (B). 

Question #2:

Any recent ____ in jobs is likely to have been ____ in the south.

A. increase, concentrated

B. increese, concentration

C. increases, concentrated

D. increasing, concentrated

E. None of these


The correct answer is (A).

Any recent increase in jobs is likely to have been concentrated in the south.

The Spelling module requires proper English, verbal proficiency, as well as listening abilities. The questions, which may involve sentence completion or correction, could include recorded words or not. Practice tests for the Spelling module covering all possible formats can be found in our CritiCall Preparation Pack.

The next and final module we will cover is the Probability Module which requires both numerical and reasoning skills. 

CritiCall Probability Practice

Question #1:

Read the following description and answer the question below: 

Four people reported the address of a burning building. The addresses reported were:

#1: 6742 Clerk Blvd.

#2: 4742 Clerk Blvd.

#3: 6782 Clerk Blvd.

#4: 3142 Clerk Blvd.

Which address is most likely the correct one?

A. 6742 Clerk Blvd

B. 4742 Clerk Blvd.

C. 6782 Clerk Blvd.

D. 3142 Clerk Blvd.


A1: The correct answer is (A).

As can be seen, in all addresses, the boulevard’s name is the same one – and only the numbers differ. To measure the best probability for the address – each number in order should be compared between all four addresses, and the most recurring number has the highest probability of being the correct one.

The report with all the most reoccurring numbers is report #1 – and therefore is the most likely correct address.

Question #2:

Read the following description and answer the question below: 

A cyclist hit a pedestrian on a boulevard. The accident was described by a few eyewitnesses:

#1: The cyclist left the bicycle lane. The pedestrian was wearing earphones and was looking at his phone.

#2: The cyclist rode fast and hit a pedestrian looking at his phone.

#3: The cyclist left the bicycle lane when suddenly a Caucasian male appeared out of nowhere.

#4: The pedestrian was wearing his earphones, looking at his phone, and did not pay attention to his surroundings.


Which scenario is most likely the correct one?

A. The cyclist left the bicycle lane. The pedestrian was wearing earphones and was looking at his phone.

B. The cyclist rode fast and hit a pedestrian looking at his phone.

C. The cyclist left the bicycle lane when suddenly a Caucasian male appeared out of nowhere.

D. The pedestrian was wearing his earphones, looking at his phone, and did not pay attention to his surroundings.


To best answer the question, you are required to take the details described in each of the answers and compare them to others to see how many times each detail is reported. The answer with the most reoccurring details is the correct one:

1. Cyclist leaving bicycle lane, pedestrian wearing earphones, pedestrian looking at his phone.

2. Cyclist driving fast, pedestrian looking at his phone.

3. Cyclist leaving bicycle lane, Caucasian male appearing

4. Pedestrian wearing earphones, pedestrian looking at his phone, the pedestrian doesn't pay attention to his surroundings.

The recurring details are pedestrian looking at his phone (3), pedestrian wearing earphones (2), and cyclist leaving bicycle lane (2) – therefore the correct answer would be answer #1.


💡 In the CritiCall probability test section, you'll be allowed to use a pen and scratch paper (one of the only CritiCall modules where it's allowed), which may come in handy in the more complex questions.

These questions require quick yet keen observation of recurring details, to determine which of a few options is the most probable one. This skill is vital for a 911 Dispatcher who often receives reports with partially accurate information. Our CritiCall PrepPack includes practice tests and tips for succeeding in this module.

Congratulations! You have completed our free CritiCall practice test successfully. Now that you are familiar with the different CritiCall modules and have been introduced to various problem-solving techniques, it is time to begin your practice. Practicing each module methodically, under the same time constraints as the actual CritiCall dispatcher test, is the best way to improve your chances of achieving a high score on the real test.


Get Access to 125 CritiCall Practice Tests Tailored to Common & Additional Modules, including: 

1. Guides, Explanations, Tips, and Techniques for Studying.

2. Multi-tasking features to experience the same format and challenges as the CritiCall Dispatcher Test. 

3. Additional practice and an interactive interface to help you identify and address your strengths and weaknesses, maximizing your potential for improvement and success.

CritiCall Practice Test FAQ

The CritiCall test is designed to assess the essential skills required for a 911 dispatcher, including multitasking, decision-making under pressure, data entry, and situational judgment. Many candidates find it challenging due to its comprehensive evaluation of these critical abilities. However, thorough preparation, such as engaging in practice tests that simulate the actual exam environment, can significantly enhance your proficiency and confidence, thereby increasing your chances of success.

The exact failure rate for the CritiCall test varies across different agencies and is not publicly standardized. Some agencies have reported passing rates as low as 13%, indicating a high level of difficulty.

The passing score for the CritiCall test varies by agency, as each sets its own standards. Typically, a passing score falls around 70% to 75%. However, some competitive agencies may require higher scores, sometimes between 80% and 90%. It's essential to check with the specific agency you're applying to for their exact requirements.

The CritiCall test typically takes between one and three hours to complete, depending on the modules included. The CritiCall software offers over 20 different tests, but each agency selects only the tests most relevant to their positions. This results in varying test lengths and focuses based on the job's specific requirements. It's best to check with the agency you're applying to for details on the expected duration and content.

A proficient typing speed is crucial for 911 dispatchers to efficiently manage emergency communications. Many agencies require a minimum typing speed of 35 to 40 words per minute. However, specific requirements can vary by agency. Achieving a higher typing speed while maintaining accuracy can enhance performance in this demanding role.

You don’t have to be a genius to be a 911 dispatcher, but the role requires quick decision-making, multitasking, clear communication, and staying calm under pressure. Strong preparation, especially through practice tests, helps develop these essential skills and boosts your chances of success.

The hardest part of being a 911 dispatcher is managing high-pressure situations, such as handling life-or-death emergencies, while remaining calm and focused. Dispatchers must multitask effectively—listening to callers, entering data, and coordinating with responders—all in real-time. Emotional resilience is crucial, as dealing with traumatic calls can be mentally and emotionally taxing.

If you are looking for a different test, or are not sure which test is relevant for your position, contact us, and we'll do our best to ensure you get the most accurate preparation for your upcoming exam.