Free Hogan Personality Inventory Practice Test: Online Hogan Test Questions & Answers

The Hogan assessment test free resources focus on evaluating personality traits and cognitive abilities, helping you understand how you approach problems, make decisions, and lead others.

On this page, you’ll find a free Hogan assessment with sample questions covering the entire Hogan test, including Hogan personality assessment free guides (HPI), Hogan Development Survey (HDS), and practice tests for the Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory (HBRI). Additionally, explore Hogan assessment sample questions designed to give you a deeper understanding of the test format and structure.

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Amit, Hogan Assessment Expert at JobTestPrep
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Free Hogan Assessment Practice: Master HPI, HDS, MVPI & HBRI Tests
Prepare for Hogan assessments with free practice questions and expert tips covering HPI, HDS, MVPI, and HBRI tests.

What is the Hogan Assessment Test?

The Hogan Assessment Test is a comprehensive assessment used to evaluate personality, cognitive abilities, and potential job fit that includes:

  • HPI (Hogan Personality Inventory)-  a personality questionnaire with 206 questions.
  • HDS (Hogan Development Survey)- a personality questionnaire with 168 questions.
  • MVPI (Hogan Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory)- a behavioral questionnaire with 200 questions.
  • HBRI (Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory)- a cognitive test with about 24 questions.

What can you expect from the free sample questions in this page? Selected from our complete Hogan preparation pack, These questions comes with detailed answers and tips to help you prepare effectively for your Hogan assessment.

Free Hogan Assessment Practice Test - HPI, HDS, MVPI, and HBRI

The first Hogan test sample on this page is the HPI test. This test is extremely common and is almost always given as a bundle with the HDS questionnaire when completing a Hogan personality assessment. Let's start by going over the Hogan Personality Inventory sample questions!

Select a Test Section Below to Practice!

Clicking on each of the sections names below will reveal sample questions you can solve, practice and improve with.

👇🏻Click on the numbered circles to go through an entire mock-test!👇🏻


You have successfully completed our Hogan Assessment Test free practice. Now that you're familiarized with the Hogan personality and cognitive tests and you have been introduced to different solving techniques, it is time to begin your practice.

Our Hogan test prep includes comprehensive guides to better understand the traits for each personality test, and unique and useful solving techniques and tips. Prepare yourself through full and accurate simulations that will help you reach the high you need. 

Our all-inclusive Hogan test prep, available starting at 79$, includes comprehensive preparation material, including:

  1. a Full HPI simulation
  2. a Full HDS simulation
  3. a Full MVPI simulation test
  4. 5 Full HBRI simulation tests
  5. Comprehensive personality study guides
  6. Study guides and dozens of additional cognitive practice tests.

Explore Additional Personality Test Prep with JobTestPrep

Learn more about the different personality types with our PI Personality Types guide.

For more cognitive skills practice, check out our Free PI Cognitive Assessment!

Aiming for an Amazon leadership position? Check out our Amazon Leadership Principles Guide and learn everything you need to get the job you're after!