Free Pellet B Practice Test Question and Answers 2025

The PELLET B is a challenging test battery used in California Law Enforcement Agencies.

It has 120 questions and must be completed within 2 hours. Question types include Writing Ability, Reading Ability, and Reasoning Ability.

Check out the Free PELLET B Practice Test Questions on this page to see if you have what it takes to pass the exam and join your local police department.

Whether you're brushing up on writing skills, tackling common writing errors like run-on sentences, or mastering the cloze section, our comprehensive free practice will be invaluable.

Shir, Civil Service Assessments Expert at JobTestPrep
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Get complete practice with our PELLETB Preparation Pack page, which includes accurate prep materials for every section of this exam. Or learn about other Civil Service Exam requirements and positions. 

Navigating the PELLET B Test, a common requirement for California post exam applicants and most law enforcement agencies, demands solid preparation.

Your writing ability, reading comprehension, and reasoning ability will be put to the test with a variety of question formats including cloze tests, multiple choice questions, and reading passages.

If you are interested in additional resources make sure to visit our Free Police Exam Practice Questions or our Police Psychological Exam Preparation

PELLETB Writing Ability Test

This part of the PELLETB includes 45 multiple-choice questions divided into 3 categories:

  • English Clarity
  • Spelling
  • Vocabulary

English Clarity Sample Questions

These questions will present you with 2 similar sentences, and ask you to choose the more clearly-written one.

Sample Question #1

A. Colleges are going to increase there tuition next year because of the increasing demand to attend.

B. Colleges are going to increase their tuition next year because of the increasing demand to attend.



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The correct answer is B.
Sentence A is incorrect because the sentence refers to the colleges (their) not to a location (there).

Sample Question #2

A. There are different types of student loans; some don't need to be paid off if you maintain a higher grade point average.

B. There are different types of student loans; some don't need to be paid off if you maintain a high grade point average.



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The correct answer is B.
Sentence A is incorrect because we are not comparing grade point average to anything, so it can't be higher.

Sample Question #3

A. Making an positive first impression is vital to the success of networking.

B. Making a positive first impression is vital to the success of networking.



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The correct answer is B.
the general rule for choosing between ‘a’ and ‘an’ is that if the following word starts with a vowel (A, E, I, O, U), we should use ‘an’, otherwise we should use ‘a’: "making a positive first impression…"
  • When deciding between n/an, remember that the first sound of the noun is the deciding factor, not the first letter. For example, we use "a euro" instead of "an euro" because the first sound of the word "euro" is a consonant (y) and not a vowel. The opposite is also true; We use "an hour" instead of "a hour" because the h is silent, and the word "hour" begins with a vowel.
  • Learn more about the Police hiring process or, if you are still not sure where to apply, check out our Police Exam by State page. 

How Do I Prepare for the PELLET B Test?

Don't leave your future up to chance. JobTestPrep’s newly upgraded preparation pack provides the most effective PELLET B test prep available.

  • Get instant access to hundreds of realistic sample questions designed to match the actual test.
  • Master all topics and difficulty levels with targeted exercises.
  • Enhance your reading and writing skills with expert-designed practice.
  • Boost your chances of passing and start your journey toward becoming a police officer.

Limited-time offer: Get full access to the PELLET B PrepPack, starting at $79.

"Very similar to the actual test. Scored an 86"


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 Kayla-Toryn B. 

"The questions were actually harder than the real test which is great! I can say it really helped me to at least have an idea what to expect."



Spelling Sample Questions

These questions will present you with sentences which are missing words, which you must fill in while avoiding spelling mistakes.

Sample Question #4

The prosecutor had to explain the ______ of the murder weapon from the crime scene.





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The correct answer is D. “absence” is a state of not being present or being away. If something was missing from the scene, it was absent.
A is incorrect - the word is misspelled.
B is incorrect - “absent” is both a verb and an adjective, but the sentence calls for the use of a noun.
C is incorrect - the word is misspelled.

Sample Question #5

The deadly shooting of a suspect who ______ rocks at officers during a disturbance call in Washington has sparked calls for a federal ________ and weeks of protests.





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The correct answer is C.
When two words are missing we need to go over the answer choices carefully and find the choice which offers correct answers for both of the missing words. Upon reading the sentence it becomes clear that the first missing word is likely a verb and the second missing word is likely a noun. Another thing we can deduce is that all the answer choices provide spelling variations of the same word, and we need to find the correct one.
A is incorrect - “through” is not the right fit for the first missing word, it is a preposition and not a verb, and “investgasion” is a misspelling of the word “investigation.”
B is incorrect - “throw” is a verb but it is in the present tense. The sentence calls for a verb in past tense.
C is correct - “threw” is the right tense and “investigation” is spelled correctly.
D is incorrect- both words are misspelled.

Sample Question #6

Fire-fighters are held in great ____ by society for saving the lives and ____ of others.






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Fire-fighters are held in great esteem by society for saving the lives and property of others.

  • For info about police exams other than PELLETB, Click here for our main police exam page with info about police exams across the US.
  • Incorporating the latest test-taking strategies, such as deciphering context clues and managing time wisely, can mean the difference between a good score and a great one. Learn more about how the PELLET B is scored.

Vocabulary Sample Questions

This section will present you will a sentence with an underlined/Capitalized word. You will need to choose the correct synonym to use in place of that word.

Sample Question #7

Detective Parker concluded that the suspect's actions were deliberate.





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The correct answer is A.
Deliberate means considered thoroughly, in order to act in a conscience and calculated manner (i.e., act intentionally).
Answer choice 1 matches the second definition.

Sample Question #8

Mr. Smith's dwelling was compromised, so he was forced to find a different one temporarily.





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The correct answer is B.
Dwelling means a place where one lives, a place of residence. The word abode is similar in meaning and is therefore the correct answer.

Sample Question #9

'Mad' Jack Churchill was an adept archer before joining World War II.





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The correct answer is C.
Adept means having or showing aptitude, proficiency, or skills in something; in other words, very capable.

Your Shortcut to PELLET B Success – Start Practicing Today

Passing the California POST PELLET B exam requires more than just sample questions—you need real, structured practice to build your reading and writing skills.

Join thousands of successful candidates using the PELLET B PrepPack™, featuring:

  • Hundreds of expert-crafted questions & answers – Sharpen your reading and writing abilities.
  • Step-by-step PELLET B study guide – Master the best strategies to ace the test.
  • Targeted CLOZE section practice – Gain confidence in the most difficult part of the exam.
  • Bonus: Police Psychological Test Prep – Exclusive personality insights for aspiring officers.

Recently updated with the most accurate materials to help you succeed.

Don't wait—give yourself the best chance to pass.

PELLETB Reading Ability Test

This section is divided into two categories:

  • Reading Comprehension (20 questions)
  • CLOZE (40 questions)

Reading Comprehension Sample Questions

This category is all about reading texts and answering multiple-choice questions regarding their contents.

Sample Question #10

Read the text and answer the following question.


Europe has long benefited from a dense railway network and is the world leader in the supply of railway systems. Employing 1 million people in rail operations and another 250,000 in manufacturing, the European railway sector has a 60% share of the world market and an annual turnover of €95 billion.

Rail transport offers a viable and competitive means of shifting more cargo traffic away from the continent’s crowded roads, thus improving traffic circulation and cutting vehicle-emitted pollution. The EU places particular emphasis on stimulating new investment in trans-European transport infrastructure such as rail, and supports research efforts to create new methods of interoperability, higher safety standards and the reduction of rail-related noise levels.

One of the main advances in the EU's railway system is the recently launched MODTRAIN project. The project brings together, for the first time, all the main European rail system manufacturers, sub-system suppliers and rail operators. Working towards interoperability of national rolling-stock systems, MODTRAIN offers a radical approach to rolling-stock construction. Its goal of reducing the number of single components in a railway carriage from 1,200 to 120 parts and cutting construction time by more than 50% should give a huge boost to the sector’s competitiveness.

QUESTION: Which ONE of the following does the passage suggest about railway transport?







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The correct answer is B.

The question deals with railroad transport in general, as opposed to Europe's railway. It is based on the following section in the passage: ‘Rail transport offers a viable and competitive means of shifting more cargo traffic away from the continent’s crowded roads, thus improving traffic circulation and cutting vehicle-emitted pollution’. Now that we understand the question and have identified the corresponding section in the passage, let us eliminate distractors:

Statement A follows from the passage but addresses only the European railroad system.
Statement B follows from the passage and addresses rail transport in general.
Statement C does not follow from the passage; the passage says that the EU supports research to ensure high safety standards.
Statement D does not follow from the passage as it is not mentioned in the text.
Statement E follows from the passage but addresses only the European railroad system.
According to the passage, the EU is supporting new research and launching new projects to advance the European railroad system. It does not mean that the EU is not satisfied (statement F).

The only statement that follows from the passage and concerns the railroad system in general is: statement B.

Sample Question #11

Read the text and answer the following question.


The current generation of young Europeans is the first to have grown up in a largely borderless and peaceful Europe, with all that implies in terms of mobility, multilingualism, and new cultural and economic opportunities. Whereas their parents and grandparents defined themselves along national lines, many young people today have added a European dimension to that description.

The EU’s Youth in Action program aims to inspire a sense of active European citizenship, solidarity and tolerance, as there is still a certain measure of political disengagement among young Europeans. The program promotes non-formal learning and intercultural dialogue among European youth, as well as the inclusion of all young people, particularly those from less-privileged backgrounds. Its main goal is to bring young Europeans closer to the EU decision-shaping process by backing activities that encourage a sense of active European citizenship amongst them. Another important goal is promoting mutual understanding, by giving young people from different countries the opportunity to meet and learn from one another through intercultural youth exchanges. In addition, The Youth in Action program encourages young people’s mobility within and beyond the EU borders, thus giving them the opportunity to expand their horizons and gain valuable life and work experiences.

QUESTION: Which one of the following is NOT furthered by the Youth in Action program?







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The correct answer is F.

The question deals with the Youth in Action program. Note that this is a negatively-phrased question. We are asked to identify 5 objectives promoted by the Youth in Action program and 1 that is not. Let us eliminate distractors by finding the corresponding sections in the passage:

A.Furthered - ’as well as the inclusion of all young people, particularly those from less-privileged backgrounds’.
B.Furthered - ’its main goal is to bring young Europeans closer to the EU decision-shaping process by backing activities that encourage a sense of active European citizenship’.
C.Furthered - ’another important goal is promoting mutual understanding…’
D.Furthered - ’…thus giving them the opportunity to expand their horizons and gain valuable life and work experiences’.
E.Furthered - ’The EU’s Youth in Action program aims to inspire a sense of active European citizenship’ (together with the logic of the introduction)
F.Empathy towards the less privileged – not mentioned in the passage.
The only statement that is not an objective furthered by the Youth in action movement is: statement F.

Sample Question #12

Read the text and answer the following question.


A prolonged labor market recession is in the making as long-term unemployment is on the rise and many workers are becoming excluded from the labor market. The shift to austerity measures has further deteriorated labor market conditions in states hit by the debt crisis. The depressed employment situation has been accompanied by growing job precariousness for those who have a job. The incidence of part-time work has risen significantly as has that of temporary employment.

Given the significant slowdown in economic growth, job loss can increase severely as businesses tend to decrease expenditure, leading to higher unemployment. At the same time, the crisis has resulted in the contraction of bank credit for small and medium-sized businesses and this, in turn, has reduced the growth in self-employment.

Measures that will increase employment and speed up economic growth should be taken promptly. Given the impossibility of financing expenditures with deficits, one can realistically suggest budget-neutral increases in training programs and subsidies to businesses. This must be coupled with government programs to facilitate credit to small- and medium- sized businesses, financed with increases in taxes in other areas such as environmental or tourist taxes that will not distort the economy adversely.

QUESTION: Based on the text, determine the truth value of the following statement:

The government cannot afford further budget deficits.




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The correct answer is A.

The statement is based on the following section of the passage: ’Given the impossibility of financing expenditures with deficits, one can realistically suggest budget-neutral increases in training programs and subsidies to businesses.’ In other words, the author suggests that the government cannot afford further expansion of the country's debt and therefore offers alternative measures to overcome the crisis. Thus, the statement is true.

  • Remember, success on test day hinges on more than just getting the correct answers – it's about understanding the test format, avoiding common mistakes, and confidently navigating through each section. Get additional practice with our Free Police Practice Page.
  • Embrace the challenge, arm yourself with top test-taking tips, and aim for a score that spells success with our All-Inclusive Police Preparation Pack.

CLOZE Sample Questions

In this infamous section, you must fill in the blank spaces with a word that makes sense in the context. The correct word should have the same number of letters as the number of dashes given.

Sample Question #13

The FBI was closing in on a suspect's house. Hoping to distract the agents, he threw a chair at the front window as the FBI closed in on him. The (1) _ _ _ _ _ _ shattered and a shard of (2) _ _ _ _ _ flew into Agent Peters’ eye. (3) _ _ _ was in excruciating pain but kept moving forward. She told the suspect he was under (4) _ _ _ _ _ _, put him into the (5) _ _ _ driven by her partner, and then allowed the paramedics to take her to the (6) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. Agent Peters was treated and released a few hours later. While she was in the hospital, illegal weapons, drugs, and stolen diamonds were found on the suspect’s (7) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

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1. The correct answer is “window”, which refers to the window in the sentence before.

2. The correct answer is “glass”, which completes the phrase “shard of glass”.

3. The correct answer is “She”, which refers to Agent Peters.

4. The correct answer is “arrest”, which completes the phrase "under arrest".

5. One of the correct answers is "car". Another possible answer is another three-letter vehicle, namely, “van”.

6. The correct answer is “hospital”, which is a logical destination for paramedics.

7. The correct answer is “property”.

Sample Question #14

Last week, in Chicago, two _ _ _ _ _ _ _ went out for a _ _ _ _ after work one Friday night. Witnesses say they were last seen leaving O'Shaughnessey’s Bar at 11:30 p.m. and getting into a _ _ _ _. Their husbands both filed missing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ reports the next morning, and neither man is a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at this point. Inquiries at their law firm revealed that although they were competing with each other for a partner position, they were very close _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and were supportive of one another. They have not been _ _ _ _ or heard from since Friday night and the _ _ _ _ _ _ have begun a full investigation.

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1. The correct answer is “lawyers”, refers to the women who are missing. A clue that they are lawyers is that they work at a law firm, as stated later in the passage.

2. One of the correct answers is “beer” as it is mentioned later in the passage that they were seen leaving a bar. Other possible answers are other four-letter words meaning “a glass of beer”, namely “pint” and “brew”. Another less likely yet correct answer is “soda” as it is possible that they both drank a non-alcoholic beverage.

3. The correct answer is “taxi”.

4. The correct answer is “persons”, which completes the phrase “missing persons reports”.

5. The correct answer is “suspect”.

6. The correct answer is “friends”, which, when used with the conjunction “although”, correctly contradicts the phrase “competing with each other” in the first clause of the sentence.

7. The correct answer is “seen”, which completes the phrase “seen or heard from”.

Sample Question #15

On his way home one (1) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ night, Harry was pulled over for speeding down a suburban (2) _ _ _ _. The officer asked him for his license and registration, and Harry eventually found (3) _ _ _ _. As the officer was handed the two items, she thought she smelled alcohol on Harry’s (4) _ _ _ _ _ _. “Do you know why I pulled you over?” asked the officer. “No,” answered Harry. “You were speeding, and I think (5) _ _ _ may also be inebriated.” Harry considered this for a few (6) _ _ _ _ _ _ _. “You know what? You may have something there. I always (7) _ _ _ _ _ when I’m drunk.”

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1. The correct answer is “window”, which refers to the window in the sentence before.

2. The correct answer is “glass”, which completes the phrase “shard of glass”.

3. The correct answer is “She”, which refers to Agent Peters.

4. The correct answer is “arrest”, which completes the phrase "under arrest".

5. One of the correct answers is "car". Another possible answer is another three-letter vehicle, namely, “van”.

6. The correct answer is “hospital”, which is a logical destination for paramedics.

7. The correct answer is “property”.

Struggling with the CLOZE Section? Get the Right Practice to Pass!

The CLOZE section of the PELLET B exam is designed to challenge your ability to understand context and select the correct words—without any word lists to assist you.

Our PELLET B PrepPack™ helps you:

  • Master the CLOZE section with proven techniques.
  • Understand tricky fill-in-the-blank patterns.
  • Practice with sample questions and expert explanations.

Many test-takers find this section difficult, but with the right practice, you can improve your accuracy and increase your score.

Don't wait until test day—start preparing today.


The Pellet B is an aptitude test that assesses the language skills police officers and correctional officers need to perform their roles. It contains 120 questions to be answered within 2 hours and is considered one of the US's most difficult recruitment exams.

The test is divided into three sections, each further divided into several sub-tests that focus on specific abilities –

  • Writing Ability: an evaluation of your writing skills and fluency through three sub-tests – English fluency, spelling, and vocabulary
  • Reading Ability: an evaluation of your capability to understand and interpret written instructions through two sub-tests –reading comprehension, and a CLOZE.
  • Reasoning Ability: an evaluation of your ability to analyze information through three sub-tests – ordering information, grouping information, and pattern recognition.

The writing ability section of the test assesses your basic writing skills and fluency. It includes 45 multiple-choice questions divided into three sub-tests:

  • English Clarity - you will be presented with two almost identical sentences. You need to identify which sentence is written most clearly and correctly. 
  • Spelling - You will be presented with a sentence with a missing word. You need to choose the correct spelling of the missing word out of four options.
  • Vocabulary - You will be presented with a sentence that has an underlined or capitalized word. You need to choose the correct synonym for the marked word.  

The reading ability section of the test assesses your reading comprehension and capability to understand and interpret written instructions. It is divided into two sub-tests:

  • Reading Comprehension - You will be presented with a passage of text; the lengths of the passages can vary from a single paragraph to one page. You need to read the text carefully and answer a multiple-choice question related to the information in the text. There are 20 questions in this sub-test.

The PELLET B CLOZE test is considered the most difficult part of the test.

The CLOZE includes 40 questions. You are presented with a passage where ONLY the first and last sentences are complete. Aside from that, there are holes or gaps in the entire text. It's your job to fill in the blank words. Typically, every seventh word is removed and you have to choose what word belongs there.

One of the difficulties here is that there are no word lists to choose from- The word choice is up to you. The one clue you are given though is that the number of dashes that replaced the missing word tells you how long the word is. In other words, if there are four dashes, then you have to think of a four-letter word to use. 

Note: There may be more than one correct answer. If that is so, you are given credit for the word as long as it fits the context. 

Each state in the US has different protocols for its hiring process, and different civil service exams. Thus, below are the commonly used California recruitment process, which can vary depending on which agency or county you are applying for.

  • Physical Test: In most cases, the first process to becoming a California peace officer is to take a physical examination. Contact your local police precinct to find the exact details, but most tests consist of vertical jumping, sit-ups, push-ups, sprints, and 1.5-mile runs.
  • PELLET B Test: If you’ve passed the physical test, you will be invited to take the PELLET B test. The PELLET B exam consists of reading, writing, and logical reasoning assessment. This includes, but is not limited to, CHP, Oakland, Sacramento, Santa Barbara, and San Jose.
    Note: San Francisco, San Diego, and Los Angeles do not use the PELLET B test. Each uses its own version of exams.
    If you received a high score on the test, you would move on to the next stage of the hiring process.
    Learn more about the PELLET b test score.
  • Oral Interview: At some point during your recruitment process, you will be asked personal questions to better acquaint yourself to the department to see if you are a good fit to help assist local citizens and uphold the law.
  • Background Check: Next on the list is to undergo an intensive background check. In addition, you will likely be asked to participate in a CVSA or polygraph test.
  • Medical Check: You will be asked to see a local doctor to confirm you are in fit shape to wear the uniform.
  • Psychological Test: During your recruitment process, you will be asked to participate in the psychological evaluation. This can consist of a personality test or talking with a psychologist.

Looking for more questions? Check out our Free Police Exam for further practice!