Ramsay Test Sample: Mechanical & Electrical Questions with Answers [2025]

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Updated February 20, 2025

Below are 12 Ramsay Test sample practice questions from a number of prevalent Electrical and Mechanical test topics, that help understand the Ramsay test questions, level, and appearance.

All practice questions are adapted from actual Ramsay Corporation tests. See our full preparations
for the Ramsay Mechanical Aptitude, the Ramsay Maintenance Tests, and the Ramsay Electrical Test. Also, see our All Inclusive Pack combining the Mechanical Aptitude (MAT-4) and Maintenance exams.

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Ramsay Mechanical Test Questions

The Ramsay Corporation provides a variety of mechanical and electrical tests. The following questions appear on Ramsay maintenance tests (often referred to as Ramsay Multicraft Test), and examine professional and practical mechanical knowledge, expected of test takers.

Although similar in format, mechanical aptitude test questions are much easier and require no previous knowledge. Both Ramsay Mechanical Aptitude test (Ramsay MAT test), and Ramsay Basic Skills Test (A4) contain such questions, asking about gears, basic mechanical concepts, and everyday hand and power tools.

Hydraulics and Pneumatics

Hydraulics and Pneumatics Sample Question

Which type of valve should be used when a precise, low flow is required?






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The correct answer is B.

A needle valve is constructed as an elongated, narrow plunger inside a small port. This structure enables the valve to regulate the flow with high precision. However, it is not capable of withstanding high pressure.

A check valve is a valve that enables flow in only one direction, using a ball, a piston, or a spring-loaded flapper.

A gate valve operates by lifting a gate from the path of the fluid. These gates are planar and are mostly used with high-volume, unrestricted flow.

Hydraulics and pneumatics are two of the most prevalent topics in Ramsay tests aimed at strictly mechanical positions (e.g. the Ramsay MecTest). Apart from being familiar with practical methods and concepts, this section also deals a lot with theoretical knowledge. This makes this section a pain point for experienced candidates in particular.

Print Reading - Mechanical Sample Question

What is D in the above drawing?

Ramsay print reading mechanical sample question





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The correct answer is A - 74.5

Print Mechanical Answer

There are two ways to find D in the figure as shown.

'v' value is unknown but we know that it is half of 'u'. Therefore:



D=65+9.5 or 84-9.5=74.5

Print reading is the technician's bread and butter. However, Ramsay tests print reading questions require more than just knowing the conventions and symbols, as they commonly include troubleshooting and deduction as well. It is one of the most prevalent and important topics in Ramsay Maintenance Tests.

Power Transmission

Power Transmission Sample Question

What is the aim of flexible couplings?





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The correct answer is B.

The aim of flexible couplings (such as universal joints or Oldham couplings) is to allow a certain degree of misalignment between connected shafts (it may be an axial, lateral, or angular misalignment). Rigid couplings, on the other hand, require absolute alignment between shafts and are somewhat limited in that manner.

Another very prevalent mechanical topic. Although covering around 14 sub-topics (e.g. couplings, bearings, shafts, etc.) several sub-topics often constitute the majority of questions in this section, so they are more worthy of your attention. 

💡Ramsay's test questions are drawn from a pool. As a result, questions tend to repeat themselves across test versions and even between tests. It allows experienced test-takers to prepare for the Ramsay test by studying from a list of commonly used topics.

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Preventive Maintenance

Preventive Maintenance Sample Question

If dirt is not removed from the motor windings, it may cause:





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The correct answer is A.

The dirt on the motor windings causes blockage of the air ventilation in the windings and therefore is the correct choice.

Voltage and current imbalance can be caused by loose connections.

Single phasing is an electrical supply-related consequence.

Having practical experience probably helps in this Ramsay mechanical test section the most. Yet the variety of topics you could be asked about makes it essential to study for it effectively. Nearly any topic of a Ramsay mechanical test will incorporate knowledge of preventive maintenance in one way or another.

Tools, Materials, and Equipment

Tools, Materials, and Equipment Sample Question

What is the value shown on the micrometer?

Ramsay tools and materials sample question





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The correct answer is A - 2.72 mm.

2.5 + 0.22 = 2.72 mm

This reading is tricky. we are not sure if we see a whole mark on the barrel. in order to know whether we should count it or not we look at the thimble and see if the value is at the beginning of a new round OR at the end of the last round. in this case, the thimble shows a value of 22 which is very close to completing the round (back to zero). thus, it means we should not count the mark that we related to on the barrel. Therefore, the last mark on the barrel shows the value of 2.5mm and we should add 0.22 mm to it.

Remember: when the barrel shows the slight beginning of a new mark, you should check whether to count it or not based on the value that the thimble displays.

This section is considered by candidates a relatively simple section on Ramsay mechanical tests. It will include questions about both heavy working tools and mechanical precision measurement tools.


Troubleshooting Sample Question

Coolant leakage into the engine cylinders is most likely to occur because of defective:





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The correct answer is B.

A cylinder head gasket is a seal that is fitted between the piston cylinder head and the engine block, installed in internal combustion engines. A defective gasket will cause leakage of fluids such as coolant or engine oil into the cylinders. In such cases, efficiency is reduced and combustion is compromised.

Troubleshooting is not a section per se - troubleshooting questions will be an integral part of most, if not all test sections, including the entry-level Ramsay mechanical aptitude test. as this is basically what a maintenance mechanic or a technician does on a day-to-day basis, so expect it to be a major part of your Ramsay Maintenance test.


💡In spite of the fact that Ramsay Tests emphasize memorization, you shouldn't simply memorize answers to practice questions in hopes that they will appear on your actual test.

Make the most of every question you encounter. Once you have understood why the correct answer is correct, try to understand why the others aren't. As you consider possible versions of this question, imagine them in your mind.

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Ramsay Electrical Test Questions

Electrical questions are also a prominent part of Ramsay Maintenance Tests (aka the Ramsay Multicraft Test) and may appear in one variation or the other in pre-employment maintenance technician tests of Amazon, UPS, and Walmart

Print Reading - Electrical Sample Question

What will happen if the forward button is pressed and released after a while?

amazon ramsay maintenance test print reading sample question





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The correct answer is A.

Answer choices C and D cannot be true because M2 is not affected.

In this circuit, the forward button is an in-parallel auxiliary connection with M1. This means the forward switch enables M1.

However, when the forward button is released, the M1 connection maintains the current and keeps energizing the forward circuit.

As in the Mechanical Print Reading section, here you will usually need to combine the ability to interpret electrical schematics with an understanding of electrical processes. That's why it's important to solve advanced questions to sharpen your problem-solving and integration skills. If you are required to take an electrical maintenance test, expect this topic to be a major theme.


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AC/DC Theory

AC/DC Theory Sample Question

In a 110V electrical system, there are three appliances: appliance A (550W) appliance B (770W), and appliance C (330W). Given that all appliances operate simultaneously, what is the minimum required fuse rating?





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The correct answer is C.

The minimal fuse rating should be higher than the normal operating current of the system. Since an electrical system is connected in parallel, the total current in the system when all three appliances are working is the sum of all three.

The current consumption of each appliance is calculated by:

I = P/V


  • I = Current [Ampere]
  • P = Power [Watt]
  • V = Voltage [Volt]


  • Appliance A consumes 550/110 = 5A
  • Appliance B consumes 770/110 = 7A
  • Appliance C consumes 330/110 = 3A

The total current in the system is 5 + 7 + 3 = 15A

In order to withstand normal working conditions, the minimal fuse amperage rating must be greater than 15A, thus 20A.

This is a predominantly theoretical section that revolves around the fundamentals of electricity. While simple for many candidates, those who have not dealt with electrical theory recently will often find this section problematic and will need a focused recap to ace it.

Control Circuits

Control Circuits Sample Questions

Identify the relay type shown below:

amazon ramsay maintenance test electrical theory sample question





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The correct answer is B.

SPDT is a single pole double throw relay. The schematic diagram of an SPDT is shown below.

There are three terminals:

  • COM (common)
  • NO (normally open)
  • NC (normally closed).

When the relay is OFF, the COM terminal is connected with the NC terminal and when the relay is ON, the COM terminal is connected with the NO terminal. The schematic diagram of SPST (single pole single throw) and DPDT (double pole double throw) are also shown below.

amazon control systems electrical sample question answer

With the advancement of technology, this section becomes increasingly important in Ramsay tests. It covers all levels of control circuits, from fundamental concepts to the advanced analysis of ladder diagrams.

💡Your ability to pass the Ramsay tests is based on your overall score and not on your scores on individual sections. This is why you should concentrate on the main topics found in the test – hydraulics and pneumatics, mechanical maintenance, welding, and rigging. Focusing on these major subjects first will help you achieve a higher score.

To prepare for these challenges, our Ramsay Mechanical Test preparation pack contains full-length mock tests that cover both entry level (MAT) and professional (MultiCraft) practice questions, as well as additional practice tests on mechanical and electrical concepts . At only 79$, you can start practicing and substantially improve your abilities prior to the test.

Electronics and PLC

Electronics and PLC Sample Question

What is the equivalent Boolean expression for the PLC program below?

amazon control systems plc sample question





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The correct answer is A.

Below are the steps of analysis:

Amazon Control Systems Sample Question Plcs Answer

Alongside Control Circuits, this section should be your main focus if you apply to electrical maintenance positions. In Ramsay electronics and PLC questions, in particular, special emphasis is given to schematics and print reading. You should be aware that some positions, focused on PLCs in particular, require the Ramsay PLC Test.



In induction motors, the difference between the synchronous and asynchronous speed of the rotor is referred to as:





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The correct answer is B.

Induction motors which are also called asynchronous motors work on the principle of induction which is inducing a current in the rotor by changing the magnetic field of the stator.

We can differentiate two definitions of speed in induction motors:

  • Synchronous speed – The speed of the changing magnetic field.
  • Asynchronous speed – The speed of the rotor (which is different from the synchronous speed).

The difference between these two is called slip. Therefore, B is the correct choice.

As for the other answers, single phasing (A) occurs when one of the motor terminals is loose or disconnected making the motor run on a single-phase. No-load speed of a motor (C) is the maximum speed of a motor when there is no load applied.

The Motors section will appear in nearly every Ramsay test, the two most common ones are the Ramsay Multicraft Test (used in different variations by Amazon, Walmart, and UPS)  and the Ramsay Electrical Maintenance Test (ElecTest). While it is also a relatively practical section, theoretical knowledge of motor types and functionality is required as well.

Test Instruments

Test Instruments Sample Question

In electrical circuits, voltmeter is always connected in ____________ and ammeter is always connected in ____________.





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The correct answer is D.

In electrical circuits, voltmeters are always used in parallel to the nodes where the potential is required to be determined. However, ammeters are always connected in series to measure the desired current in the branches. These connections are shown in the figure below.

Test Instruments Answer

This section deals with electrical test instruments such as ammeters, meggers, and multimeters. While most candidates are familiar with the basic operation of these tools, Ramsay test questions tend to be a bit more in-depth.

💡The average score of the Ramsay MultiCrafTest is somewhere around 37/60. To score at the top 80% of test-takers, which is approx. 1 standard deviation (10.4) above average, you should score 47-48 correct answers out of 60.

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  • Full-length mock tests for MAT & MultiCraft exams
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