Amazon Writing Exercise: What to Expect & How to Ace It

The majority of Amazon's high-level employment interviews include a writing exercise, which is a mandatory screening step that evaluates several specific abilities.

In this article, you'll learn:

  • What Is the Amazon writing exercise?
  • Requirements for Length and Time Limits
  • Common Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Writing Sample
  • Tips for Creating a Perfect Writing Sample

Let's get started.

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What Is the Amazon Writing Exercise?

The Amazon writing exercise is a written task you will need to complete prior to your job interview.It is meant to assess your ability to communicate effectively in writing and how well you handle difficult situations.

When Do You Receive the Writing Exercise?

The written exercise usually comes after the initial phone screen and the on-site interviews. However, depending on the position you are interviewing for, you may be given the task during your on-site interviews.

What Job Levels and Specific Positions Require It?

Positions at both levels 5 and 6 will require you to complete a writing assignment at some point during the interview process. However, there are a few exceptions. For instance, entry-level customer service positions to join the customer support team may not require it.

For some levels at Amazon (often mid to senior level, L6 and above), you'll be asked to submit writing samples as part of the interview process. Depending on Amazon’s employee job description, some positions have a higher chance of requiring an amazon writing sample, as many positions require frequent email communication.

Ensure your success at every stage of the Amazon hiring process. Prepare thoroughly for the writing exercise and all other Amazon assessments to stand out as a top candidate.

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Length and Time Limit Requirements


No more than two or three pages is required in this interview phase to answer the two written interview questions. As you write, keep in mind the Leadership Principles, and Amazon’s company culture, and structure your examples in light of these principles. Use the STAR format to edit your Amazon writing sample to make it as logical and concise as possible.

Time Limit

You will have 48hrs to complete the writing assignment, depending on the criteria and instructions. If you finish early, take a few moments to review your work and make any necessary edits.

What Topics Will You be Asked to Write About?

Option #1

The first question in the written exercise revolves around the type of innovation you have already contributed. You'll be asked to describe the most innovative or creative thing you've ever done eg a product idea you’ve championed.

Pick one innovation that was your idea and speak on that; it might be a new product idea, a process modification, a new metric, or a creative customer interface. Something new that made improvements to your work is enough; you don't necessarily need to have a patent or anything as complicated.

Remember not to divulge any confident and proprietary information about your current or previous employer. Give the reviewers all the information they need to understand your idea.

Answer questions about the issues you tried to resolve, the measures you employed, the outcome, if it was a crucial issue, and the impact of fixing this issue on a bigger scale.

Option #2

A great majority of decisions we make involve careful deliberation, but some can't be thought about scientifically because there simply isn't enough time or data. In business cases, no matter how big or small the issue, they should answer the situation, any alternatives considered, and why the final decision was made.

Be sure to explain how the alternate route you considered differs from others.

Some of the Amazon written interview questions at the on-site interview can also come this way:

Most decisions involve analysis, but some are Proper judgment calls that can't be subjected to analysis because of time or information limitations. For example - "please describe a recent judgment call you made that couldn't be analyzed."

It should center on a business issue, regardless of how big or little it is. What were the circumstances, the alternatives you thought about and weighed, and the steps in your decision-making process? Include a justification for your decision concerning other options that were taken into consideration.

How Is the Exercise Evaluated?

Your submission will be evaluated and rated generally by Amazon reviewers based on the following two standards:

  • Expression and Clarity of idea.
  • Thought organization and structure.

Explain your answer clearly while maintaining the logical flow of the written piece to increase your chances of passing Amazon's written test.


The written exercise will also be evaluated on the following criteria:

Content: Does the response address the customer's concerns? Does it attempt to resolve the issue? Is the language professional and courteous?

Structure: Is the writing easy to read and understand? Is it well organized?

Formatting: Are the document's font, point size, and spacing consistent? Are any charts, graphs, or images easy to understand?

Creativity: Did the candidate devise a creative solution to the problem?

Impact: Would resolving this issue positively impact the customer's experience?

Candidates who can effectively address all these criteria will be well on impressing the reviewers and landing the job.

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Common Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Writing Sample

Now that you know how to format your written exercise, it's time to avoid common mistakes that can ruin your chances of impressing the reviewers.

1. Not Answering the Question: When you are given a writing prompt, make sure that you answer it directly. The reviewers are looking to see if you can understand and follow simple instructions, so don't try to be creative or clever with your response and deviate from the relevant context of the question.

2. Being Too Creative: While you want to show that you are a creative thinker, you don't want to go overboard with your written exercise. Stick to the facts and avoid any fanciful language or outlandish claims.

3. Failing to Proofread: One of the quickest ways to lose points is to submit a writing sample full of spelling and grammar mistakes. Be sure to proofread your work before you submit it, or have someone else take a look for you.

4. Using Slang or Colloquialisms: Your written exercise is not the place to bust out your best slang or colloquialisms. Stick to Standard English and avoid any language that could be interpreted as unprofessional.

5. Being Too Negative: If you are asked to write about a time when you faced a challenge, it's important to focus on the story's positive aspects. The reviewers want to see that you can stay calm and collected under pressure, so avoid any negativity in your writing.

Tips for Crafting a Writing Sample That Will Impress Your Recruiters

Now that you know what to do (and what not to do), it's time to start crafting your written exercise. Use the following tips to create a writing sample that will wow your recruiters and helps you land the job.</p<>

1. Keep It Simple: When it comes to your writing sample, less is more. Stick to the facts and avoid superfluous language that could confuse or distract the reader.

2. Make It Easy to Read: Use short paragraphs and simple language to make your writing sample easy to read and understand. The reviewers should be able to quickly scan your work and get a clear sense of your writing style.

3. Stick to the Prompt: If you are given a specific prompt, make sure that you answer it directly. The reviewers are looking to see if you can follow simple instructions, so don't try to be creative or clever with your response.

4. Proofread Your Work: Before you submit your written exercise, be sure to proofread it for any spelling or grammar mistakes. These errors can be costly and may cause the reviewers to doubt your writing ability.

5. Practice, Practice, Practice: If you want to ace your written exercise, practicing ahead of time is important. Write out a few sample responses to common prompts and get a feel for how to structure your work. With some practice, you'll be able to write a writing sample that will impress your recruiters and help you land the job.


According to Amazon, the only communication that can assist you in successfully resolving any disputes you may encounter while making quick business decisions is written communication. Simply put, this is because words are quantifiable, purposeful, precise, and time-bound.

When working in teams as large as Amazon's, being concise in your writing might help you get your point across. To prove to the recruiters that you are the ideal candidate for the position, you must succeed on the written test.