Prepare for Job Interviews in the Auto Industry

Are you seeking a job in the automotive industry at one of the largest automotive companies? Whether you are an engineer, a customer service specialist, or a machine operator, JobTestPrep can help you prepare for your assessment tests and get hired for the job of your choice.

  • Positions: Maintenance, Engineering, Machine Operator, Customer Service, Finance & Management
  • Included: Full-length tests for Mechanical Comprehension & Reasoning and Numerical & Verbal Reasoning, Personality Test Guide, Interview Tips & More
  • Also, some employer-specific tests are available below

It's not easy to get a job in the automotive industry. Technology has made many positions redundant, meaning that there is increased competition for the positions that are left. To filter out candidates, automotive companies use aptitude and personality tests. On this page, you will learn about the hiring process in the automotive industry and about the tests that you will have to take. Our Automotive Bundle includes preparation material for popular tests such mechanical reasoning, numerical reasoning, and personality tests. Start your career in the automotive industry today.

What Is the Hiring Process in the Automotive Industry?

These are the steps involved in the application process:

  1. Submit your resume and cover letter online and fill out an application form. List your relevant skills and past employment. For certain positions, it is also helpful if you are referred by an employee.
  2. Complete an initial phone or video interview. The purpose of this interview is to screen candidates and determine if you have the basic skills required for the position.
  3. Take a test consisting of logical, mechanical, or personality-related questions. This is a skills-based form of screening.
  4. Be invited for an in-person interview. This may be a one-on-one interview, or it may be a group discussion.
  5. Complete a technical interview—this may immediately follow the more general in-person interview.
  6. Receive an offer and start your new job!
Hiring Process for the Automotive Industry Jobs

What Is the Interview Process in the Automotive Industry?

  1. Complete an initial phone or video interview. In the case of a video interview, you may be asked to record your answers to questions within a certain time limit. This gives you the opportunity to carefully plan out your answers and re-record if necessary. These tasks are known as pre-recorded interviews.
  2. Visit a work site for an in-person interview. This interview will consist of general questions which will mostly be behavioral in nature. You should answer questions according to the STAR format:
    • S: state the situation
    • T: explain your task(s)
    • A: describe the actions you took
    • R: summarize the result

You should prepare for this interview by making a list of work-related challenges that you have faced in the past and the ways in which you overcame them.

  1. Complete a technical interview. You will be asked questions that are directly related to your position, such as questions about machinery, programs, products, or market–related questions. If you are a graduate, you will be asked about your grades and school projects as well as your relevant employment history.

What Assessment Tests Will I Have to Take?

Employers want to hire workers who are best-suited for the position at hand, both personality-wise and skills-wise. To that end, you will need to take a personality test and a psychometric test. Personality tests may consist of a list of adjectives that you need to rank from most to least relevant to you. Alternatively, you may be presented with a set of statements and you must state whether you agree or disagree with each statement. Psychometric tests may evaluate your logical, numerical, or mechanical reasoning skills. You can practice for any test with JobTestPrep's tailored study guides and practice tests. 

Automotive Companies

Our bundle can help you prepare for your interviews and aptitude tests at any of the following companies.

What Jobs Is This Bundle Relevant For?

The Automotive Bundle contains study materials and practice tests that are suitable for any of the following positions:


Jobs in the Automotive Industry
Maintenance Mechanical Engineer Customer Service

Machine Operator

Electrical Engineer

Management Trainee

Assembly Line Worker
