Interview Questions and Tips 2024

Applying to a new job? There will most likely be an interview as a part of the hiring process. Whether you are a seasoned professional or a recent graduate embarking on your career journey, mastering the art of the job interview is essential for any position.

This page aims to provide you with valuable insights and interview preparation tips. From understanding different interview formats to preparing for common interview questions - everything you need in one comprehensive guide. 

On this page you will:

  • Discover strategies to showcase your skills.
  • Make a lasting first impression.
  • Learn interview methods and answering techniques.


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What is a Job Interview?

Job interviews serve many purposes in the hiring process. They are an opportunity for you to learn about the role and understand the company culture. Also, questions are tailored to discuss your professional background, explain your career goals, test your communication skills, and showcase your qualifications and personality.

Interviewers want to assess whether or not you are a good fit for the company and position.

It's safe to say that all positions require some kind of interview as part of the hiring process. Some companies even have a few. The best way to ace the interview is to prepare and study. If you know what to expect you will be more confident and will have a higher chance of giving the answers that your employer is looking for.

Before the Interview

Do Your Research

Researching before the interview is a critical step.
A big part of the interview will be surrounding the details of the position, company, and their product.

The best interview preparation tip is to have as much context as possible when you answer questions. This way you can tailor your response to the specific company and position. It will show that you know how to be prepared and professional.

First, research the company as much as you can from different sources. It is important to learn through their own website and social media, though having other perspectives will give you a broader view of their work. Try talking to people that work in the field and ask them about specific keywords or strategies that might be relevant in this role.

To broaden your research, aim to learn everything you can about the position you’re applying for. You will have a huge advantage if you know exactly what they’re looking for. Go back to the job posting to see the experience and skills they listed, and conduct research according to that.

Even if the role you applied for isn’t directly related to the product or service, it is crucial to understand what they offer as much as you can. Chances are they will ask you what you know about the company, this will be a good opportunity to demonstrate that you prepared accordingly. If the company offers a product available to you, definitely try it out before the interview.

💡Tip: If you have information about the person interviewing you, don’t be afraid to research them too! A simple search on LinkedIn will make you feel ready and know what to expect.

Determine the Type of Interview

Distance Interview

Nowadays, many companies decide to do interviews via phone or video call. This can be either because the company you are applying for has its corporate offices far from your current location, or because it is a prescreening interview looking to ask basic questions before continuing with the hiring process.

Either way, you should treat this interview in the same professional manner as a face-to-face interview. Make sure your internet connection is strong, that you dress accordingly (in the case of a video interview), and that you don’t have any noises or distractions during the call.


Many companies, such as Capital One, JollibeeBoeing and BPO, will have a distance interview before a one-on-one interview. They ask general questions about your credentials, availability, work history, and skills.

One-On-One Interview

A one-on-one interview is a traditional interview where you typically meet with a manager and/or HR professional and they will assess if you are a good fit for the company and position.

Employers will usually ask about your experience, specific skills and achievements. They will often include trick questions to test your ability to think and communicate on-the-spot. When answering, make sure to give concise examples and avoid rambling.

Committee or Panel Interview

This kind of interview consists of several people from the company asking you questions. It is a way to have a more dynamic interview where each person will ask you questions on different areas of the position

Panel interviews aim to assess how good a candidate is for a position while also testing how you can work under pressure. It is very important to stay calm and collected during the interview.

💡Tip: Make sure that you engage with all the interviewers during the process. Try making eye contact with the panel member who is asking a question but address all of them when answering.

Behavioral Interview

Behavioral interviews are a more in-depth version of the traditional interviews. The interviewer will examine your behavior pattern based on experience rather than correct answers. You will need to describe specific situations in your previous role and how you delat with them.

The questions will usually start with “tell me about a time when...” or “give me an example of how you...”. Often interviewers will include hypothetical questions like how you would fix a problem or how you would act in certain situations.

💡Tip: Make sure to think of at least 5 concrete examples of your previous position before the interview. This way, even though you don’t know the exact questions beforehand, you will be prepared to answer quickly. Also, answer using the STAR method (continue reading to learn more).

Candidate Group Interview

A group interview consists of two or more applicants being interviewed at the same time. It is a more competition-based method that is usually applied when there is more than one probable candidate for the position. Therefore, it is important to stand out.

You will be judged based not only on your answers but also your teamwork, leadership and other interpersonal skills.

Working or Technical Interview

In a technical interview you will be asked to perform the duties of the position in real time. This will assess your ability to apply your skills in real situations. There will be a focus on the answers and on your thought process, make sure you are clear about the steps you are taking to get to a certain conclusion.

This kind of interview is especially popular for the tech industry although it can be useful for other positions.


Technical interviews are common among employers recruiting for engineering, science or I.T. For example, Nucor includes a technical interview in their hiring process, along with at least two other interviews.

Case Interview

Case interviews (like the BCG case interview) start out with interviewers posing a question, challenge, or situation that you are expected to solve. To do so, you are given general background information about a situation, from which you are expected to ask questions that will help you either understand the issue (by collecting more information) or solve the problem. Sometimes case interviews can be given both individually or in group exercises, but regardless of team size, interviewers are assessing the same things—numerical and verbal reasoning skills, communication and presentation skills, and overall business acumen and professional awareness.


Coding Interview

In a coding interview, you will be given a set of questions/problems. The interview can be online or onsite. In most cases, you will have to use a whiteboard or Google Docs, and you will have to write code live, and it is better to prepare in advance. Most coding interviews will last between 30-40 minutes. The good news is that you can prepare for the coding interviews, and we recommend you to read our Google Software Engineer Interview guide.

Puzzle Interview

Some companies, such as Google, Facebook, and Microsoft, pose challenging puzzles and riddles as part of their interviews in order to assess a candidate's cognitive abilities and problem-solving skills. These puzzles demand that candidates think outside the box while showcasing their creativity. Additionally, the puzzles are typically not work-related and do not require prior knowledge about a particular topic.

An example of a puzzle interview question is the following: "How many ties are sold in New York City in a day?"

What to Wear to a Job Interview

Even though the main objective of an interview is to assess your credentials and skills, it is also important to make a good first impression. Dressing accordingly will demonstrate your professionalism and also help you feel more confident.

Consider matching your outfit to the prospective work environment, every place is different. Depending on the research you’ve conducted, determine what will be the appropriate dress code. If you are unsure, simply aim for something clean and professional.

Generally, the dress code will be one of the following:

  • Casual workplace: This is the less formal option, generally more relaxed but not what you would wear on the street or at home. Try jeans or dark pants with a blouse or button-down shirt. Knee-length dress or skirt is also appropriate
  • Business casual workplace: This attire is relevant usually for a client-facing role. Basically, traditional business attire with a relaxed twist. You will need dark dress pants or skirt, a button-down shirt or blouse and a formal jacket or a blazer. You want to be polished but comfortable.
  • Business formal workplace: Lawyers, bankers, politicians, and other positions require a formal attire. You will need a dark-colored suit or a dress/skirt with a matching jacket.

24 Hours Before Interview

It is very important that you feel comfortable and stress-free before and during the interview. To ensure this, be sure to make all of the necessary arrangements so that everything will go smoothly on interview day. We have a few interview preparation tips to help you have a smooth process.

Triple check that you have accurate time and location, and also a contact to the company so that you can notify them in case of any emergency or delay. Print a copy of your CV and bring it with you, just in case. Make sure you know how to get there with enough time, you should be there 10 minutes before the actual interview.

Relax, have a good night's sleep, and a quick study refreshment before you head out. The best advice you can get is to follow any routine that you know will zone you in. Confidence is key.

During the interview

Ask questions

A job interview is not only a test on the candidate, but also an opportunity for you to determine if the job is a good fit for you. Don’t be shy to ask details about the position, work environment and the company’s vision.

It is also a great opportunity to show the interviewer that you did your research, have been paying attention to the interviewer and are actually interested in joining the team.

You can ask about how your success will be evaluated, training and professional development, specifics on the tasks you will manage and the process it involves, or about the actual team and work culture.

Interviewers will typically ask if you have any more questions at the end of the interview. Make sure you do.

How to Answer Interview Questions

When answering job interview questions, be concise, clear, and focused. Use specific examples from your experience to support your answers. Highlight relevant skills and achievements and align your responses with the job requirements. Try to keep each response shorter than 2 minutes.

You should definitely study and prepare some of your answers but avoid memorizing them. Be confident, maintain a positive attitude, and show genuine enthusiasm for the role and the company. You have to sell yourself!

To answer behavioral questions, we recommend you follow the STAR method. 

What is the STAR Method?

The STAR method is an interview technique that will help you frame and format answers related to experience and specific examples of your work and skills. This technique will help you answer behavioral interview questions in a structured and compelling way. 

STAR stands for:

  • Situation: Paint a picture in a general sense. In the Situation part of the answer, you must describe the background to the main event.
  • Task: Task is where you include the specifics. While in Situation, you were merely opening the story, in Task you are getting into the nitty gritty of the problem. You need to describe why it was such a big issue and why you were the one to deal with it.
  • Action: Action is really where you are aiming to get to the bottom of the story. You have been faced with a big challenge: How did you deal with it? What plan did you put into action to ensure the desired outcome?
  • Result: Result is wrapping up the story. After building up the problem and solution, you now have to explain how you got the desired result and what this achieved in the long run.
The STAR method will be very helpful for companies like Amazon, Google, and Home Depot - who value examples from experience and will ask about your past performance and attitudes.

10 Interview Questions and Answers

Tell Me About Yourself

This question is simple but very important. Interviewers don’t want to hear your complete employment history or personal details. They want to determine if your experience and personality will be a good fit for the company and position.

Use the “present, past, future” formula. Start explaining your current job including one big accomplishment, then briefly talk about the experience that helped you get there. Finally explain how this makes you perfect for the role.

“Currently, I am working as a Senior Marketing Manager at X Company, where I have successfully implemented several strategic marketing campaigns that have significantly increased our brand visibility and customer engagement. One campaign resulted in a 20% increase in website traffic and a 15% boost in conversion rates, by analyzing market trends and developing effective marketing strategies.

I accumulated over seven years of experience in the marketing field which has led me to excel in my current role. I gained some hands-on experience working at Y Company where I did market research, campaign planning, and social media management. This early exposure allowed me to understand the fundamentals of marketing.

Looking toward the future, my current role has equipped me with the necessary skills and expertise to excel in this position. As a Senior Marketing Manager, I have honed my abilities in strategic planning, team leadership, and data analysis, which are crucial for this role. Additionally, my track record of delivering successful marketing campaigns, combined with my passion for staying abreast of industry trends, positions me well to drive results and contribute to the success of your organization.”

How did you hear about this position?

Although this seems like a less important question, it is actually a great opportunity to show your passion and connection to the company. If you found the position through a contact that works in the company, make sure to name-drop that person and explain how excited you were when you heard of the opening.

If you discovered the job through an article or a different kind of job posting, share that and explain what specifically interested you about the role when you saw the opening.

My friend Z, who works on the product team, let me know about the opening since he knows I’m a big fan of the company. After reading the job posting I realized I would be perfect for the job and decided to apply.

Why do you want this job?

Companies want to hire candidates that are passionate about the job and the company. Mention some characteristics of the position that are relevant to your experience. It's not only about why you are good for this job but also why is this job good for you.

You want to stand out and avoid generic answers that don’t relate to your personal experience. The research you did before the interview will help you stand out, try to include reasons why the company’s strategy and history also fit your skills and ambitions.

💡Tip: If you can’t honestly connect to the company or the position isn’t exciting to you, perhaps it’s a good opportunity to rethink if this is the right job for you.

“I am very excited about this sales position and the prospect of joining Z Company. What most attracts me to this role is the opportunity to leverage my experience and passion for building strong client relationships and driving revenue growth.

I’m truly impressed by Z Company’s track record in exceeding sales targets and delivering exceptional customer satisfaction. Your strategic approach aligns perfectly with my expertise in consultative selling and developing tailored solutions to meet clients' specific needs. It is an incredible opportunity for me.

I am also impressed by the collaborative sales culture and emphasis on continuous learning within your organization. Your commitment to ongoing professional development aligns with my own ambition to continuously refine my sales techniques and stay at the cutting edge of industry trends. I am excited to contribute my knowledge and skills while learning from the talented sales team here.”

Why should we hire you?

This question might seem intimidating, but it is actually a great opportunity to show confidence and qualifications. You must sell yourself! Don’t worry about sounding a bit cocky, you must stand out from the rest of the candidates.

Assure the interviewer that you are a great fit for the team, you will not only manage to give them good results but that they will be the BEST results, and finally that you are a better option than the rest of the candidates.

“Firstly, I bring a proven track record of delivering exceptional results in human relations. Throughout my career, I have consistently demonstrated my ability to effectively handle a wide range of HR functions, including talent acquisition, employee engagement, and performance management. I am confident that my strong grasp of HR best practices and my ability to drive positive outcomes will enable me to make a valuable contribution to your organization.

Secondly, I am genuinely excited about the opportunity to join a team that prioritizes collaboration, open communication, and supportive work culture. I am a natural team player, adept at fostering strong relationships and promoting a positive work atmosphere. I am confident that my interpersonal skills and ability to work effectively with diverse teams will allow me to seamlessly integrate into your organization's culture.

Lastly, what sets me apart from other candidates is my unique combination of skills, experience, and passion for human relations. I have a deep understanding of employment law, HR policies, and industry trends, which allows me to navigate complex situations and provide guidance. I am driven by a genuine desire to make a positive impact on the lives of employees and contribute to the overall success of the organization.”

What are your strengths?

For this question, consider quality before quantity. Instead of listing adjectives without explanation, choose a few strengths and then explain in what instances they help your work. A story or a specific example will always be better than a generalization.

If there is any quality or ability that you didn’t have the time to mention during the interview, this is the perfect time to do so. If possible, try choosing skills that are relevant to the position you are applying for.

“I believe my greatest strengths lie in my creativity and attention to detail.

First and foremost, my creativity is a strong asset in the world of copywriting. I have a natural ability to think outside the box and develop unique and engaging concepts that capture the attention of the target audience. Whether it's crafting catchy headlines or creating captivating storytelling, my creative mindset allows me to deliver fresh and innovative ideas that resonate with customers.

Secondly, I have a keen eye for detail. As a copywriter, precision is crucial to ensure accurate grammar, spelling, and punctuation. I take pride in my ability to meticulously review and edit my work to ensure flawless copy that is both grammatically correct and compelling. This attention to detail helps me deliver high-quality and error-free content that meets the highest standards.”

What do you consider to be your weaknesses?

When addressing the question about weaknesses in a job interview, it's important to approach it with honesty, self-awareness, and a focus on personal growth. Rather than dwelling on shortcomings, highlight areas for improvement and steps taken to overcome them.

Mention a specific skill or trait you're working on and describe the proactive measures you've taken to enhance it, such as seeking relevant training or mentorship. Emphasize your willingness to learn and grow professionally.

“One area I have been actively working on is public speaking. While I have always been comfortable expressing my thoughts in writing, presenting in front of large audiences has been a personal challenge for me. However, I recognized the importance of effective communication in my role, and I have taken steps to address this weakness. I enrolled in a public speaking course to practice and gain confidence. I have seen significant improvement, and I continue to find ways to enhance my public speaking skills and become a more confident presenter.”

Tell me about a challenge or conflict you’ve faced at work, and how you dealt with it.

When discussing a challenge or conflict faced at work during a job interview, it's crucial to showcase problem-solving abilities, interpersonal skills, and a positive attitude.

Choose an example that highlights your adaptability and resilience. Briefly describe the specific situation or conflict, emphasizing the impact it had on your work. Then, focus on the steps you took to address the challenge, such as actively listening to all parties involved, seeking a common understanding, and collaborating on finding a solution.

Finally, emphasize the positive outcome and what you learned (or would do differently) from the experience to demonstrate personal and professional growth.

💡Tip: Spend more time talking about the resolution than the conflict. Interviewers are more interested in your progress than your failure. 

“In a previous role, I encountered a challenge when our team was assigned a complex project with a tight deadline. It resulted in conflicting opinions and miscommunication among team members. To address this, I took the initiative to schedule a team meeting to openly discuss our concerns and align our goals. Through active listening and fostering a collaborative environment, we were able to identify common ground, establish clear roles and responsibilities, and create a detailed project plan. By maintaining open communication channels, we successfully completed the project on time, and the experience taught me the value of effective teamwork and proactive conflict resolution.”

Why are you leaving your current job?

Most likely you will be asked this question. Don’t stress, it is not a trick question. Be honest and positive but avoid bashing your previews employer.

Frame your answer in a way that shows you are excited for a new challenge and that the role you are applying for is simply a better fit for you.

If you were let go from your most recent job, keep it short and honest: “Unfortunately, I was let go”. The chances of the interviewer contacting your previous employer are high. Simply frame it as a learning experience.

“I am genuinely excited about exploring new opportunities and finding a role that aligns more closely with my career goals and aspirations. This position presents an ideal fit since it allows me to be involved in product development from inception to completion, which is an aspect I am truly passionate about. My previous job didn’t offer the right environment and opportunities for me to thrive and make a meaningful impact.”

How do you deal with pressure or stressful situations?

This question gives you another opportunity to stand out from other candidates. Instead of giving a classic answer or saying, “I don’t get stressed”, talk about specific strategies and systems you use to avoid it. Try to give a real example or story about when this happens.

Interviewers want to know about your work systems and the way you manage different aspects of the job. 


"When faced with pressure or stressful situations, I believe in employing a combination of proactive measures and an effective mindset. I manage stress through proper time management and organization, breaking tasks into manageable steps and setting realistic goals. Additionally, I practice self-care techniques such as deep breathing exercises, mindfulness, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Lastly, I embrace a positive mindset, viewing challenges as opportunities for growth and maintaining open communication with colleagues to seek support when needed."

What should I know that's not on your resume?

This question means that the interview has reviewed your resume and thinks you might be a good fit. They want to know more about you and give you a chance to stand out from other candidates. It is a very wide question but focus on one specific positive trait or story that you didn't mention before and can reveal more about your experience and work ethic. It doesn't have to be something directly related to the position, but explain how this trait or experience was a learning experience and makes you a valuable candidate. 


"I have volunteered for a local non-profit organization where I mentored underprivileged youth in developing their leadership and communication skills. This experience taught me the importance of empathy, adaptability, and understanding diverse perspectives, which I believe are crucial qualities when working in a dynamic and multicultural environment."

Interview Questions and Answers - Video