Ace the Amazon Data Analyst Interview and Excel Test Using This Accurate Preparation

This is an in-depth prep for the Amazon Data Analyst interview and Excel assessment.

We value your desire to learn how to pass Amazon's rigorous interview and assessments. The job-hunting journey isn't simple for anyone. No likes to be put to the test and get evaluated during interviews.

In fact, many applicants find the Amazon Data Analyst interview process frustrating. Some even choose to withdraw their applications because they have to face these tests.

We understand these frustrations and concerns. And we're here to help you turn this screening process into a great opportunity to stand out and get the job.

Thus, we've created an exclusive prep for the Data Analyst Excel assessment and the interview questions you're about to face.

It includes an accurate preparation with practice questions and guides (created by test experts) that will help you master this interview process.

If you'd like to learn how to breeze through Amazon's assessments and interview questions, you'll find this very effective.

Let's dive in.

Amazon Data Analyst Preparation

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  • 2 full-length Excel assessment tests
  • 2 case study preparations
  • 2 study guides
  • 2 video guide
  • Interview preparation
  • Presentations and self-evaluation forms


Succeeding in the Amazon Data Analyst recruitment process can be a real challenge. With the help of JobTestPrep's preparation packs, you can greatly improve your skills and increase the chances of getting that long-awaited job offer. We offer unique PrepPacks™ to help candidates succeed in their Amazon test.

Amazon Data Analyst Excel Test

Excel test measures your ability to complete tasks in Microsoft's Excel software at various levels. The advanced level test requires a candidate to master the different features of the software. Most of the questions on the test will deal with document properties, formulas, macro creation, advanced formatting, and more.

Amazon Data Analyst Case Study

Typically, a case study or analysis exercise introduces a series of fictional documents, such as reports and results from recent market research. These documents may relate to hypothetical or real-life situations.

You are asked to analyze the case at hand, make business decisions, and/or give a brief verbal or written report of your recommendations. You may also be given additional information to assess and respond to throughout the allocated time.

In some instances, these exercises include content that is relevant to the company's affairs, giving candidates a taste of a real day-to-day task. You may be asked to complete the case study as an individual exercise or as part of a group, which allows assessors to evaluate your ability to work as part of a team. 


Practice for the Amazon Data Analyst Assessment Tests

JobTestPrep has included in its carefully constructed PrepPack™ tests and drills that are similar to the ones you will encounter during your hiring process at the company. Our tests may differ from the company's ones in a few respects, but they share the same concepts and question types and measure the same cognitive abilities and professional skills. Our score reports and study guides will allow you to track your progress and eliminate your weaknesses, thereby ensuring that you pass your test without trouble and get a step closer to landing the job you seek at Amazon.

Amazon Data Analyst Hiring Process

To successfully receive an offer from Amazon for the data analyst position, you must pass all stages of Amazon's recruitment process. After making sure your resume clearly demonstrates your relevance to the data analyst position, you should submit your application. This will start the application process. Next, you will need to complete an Excel assessment and a case study.

If you pass these stages, you will then be asked to participate in several interviews. Each of the hiring process stages is explained in more detail below.

Amazon Data Analyst Assessment Tests

Candidates for Data Analyst positions face a series of tests, which consist of Excel assessments and case studies. With the help of our comprehensive preparation pack, you'll find yourself able to work through the tests with ease.

Amazon Data Analyst Interview Process

In this stage, your Amazon interviewers are looking for you to give examples from your former experience to back up your answers. Thus, ahead of the interview, review your resume and prepare examples that can be used to demonstrate your skills against the competencies Amazon's looking for in their interview questions. Our Interview PrepPack™ can help you excel during the interview stage of Amazon's recruitment process.