BCG Online Case Interview – Your Guide to Success

One of the most challenging obstacles that candidates wanting to get a job with BCG need to get through is the BCG Online Case (also known as the BCG Chatbot Interview).

This is a test that has been used for BCG candidates around the world and is gradually being deployed more and more broadly by various BCG branches.

Here's what you'll find in our comprehensive PrepPack:

  • Detailed explanations of the BCG Online Case Assessment and the skills it evaluates
  • Insights into the BCG Casey chatbot and its functionality
  • 3 BCG practice case assessments and BCG Behavioral Interview questions
  • Essential BCG online case study tips

By combining our free resources with this specialized Case Assessment Prep Package, you'll be well-equipped to tackle the BCG Online Case and stand out in your application process.

Make sure to read about the BCG Pymetrics Test, the first step in applying to the Boston Consulting Group

BCG Case Interview

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3 Comprehensive Case Assessments:

  • Merger & Acquisition
  • Profitability Analysis
  • Promotion Launch Strategy

Each case includes:

  • Thought-provoking questions
  • Detailed explanations
  • Industry-relevant scenarios

Did You Know?

On the Internet you will find many posts by people talking about their BCG Online Case experience, blog posts giving tips and advice, and so on. However, it's not uncommon to find some of these sources offering advice that conflicts with others. Understanding this can be challenging, especially if you're new to the topic.

This is why this page has collected the most reliable information about studying for the BCG Online Case, all in one place.

Below you will find:

  • An explanation of the BCG Online Case Assessment and the skills it assesses.
  • Information about the BCG Casey chatbot and how it works.
  • Free BCG practice case, along with BCG Behavioral Interview questions.
  • BCG online case study tips.

What Is the BCG Online Case?

The BCG Online Case is an assessment that uses an online chatbot called 'Casey' to evaluate candidates' business skills. Casey presents candidates with a fictional client case, challenging them with 8-10 questions about the case. You will have 25 minutes to answer them all.

Through this interactive platform, candidates are tested on their analytical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and strategic insights.

In the BCG Online Case, candidates engage with Casey to analyze the intricacies of the given client case. They are prompted to answer questions that require critical thinking, data analysis, and thoughtful decision-making.

The chatbot guides candidates through the evaluation process, allowing them to provide well-considered responses based on their understanding of the case.

Most of the questions in the BCG Online Case Assessment are either multiple-choice questions or open-ended questions requiring a brief answer. However, the last question will require the candidate to record a video answer. The candidate is given 1 minute to prepare and rehearse their answer, and 1 minute to actually record the video.

Is the BCG Case Interview Hard?

The BCG Case Interview is not easy. One of the most challenging elements of the BCG Online Case test is that you will almost certainly be shown a case you’ve never seen before.

BCG continuously updates its database of cases, which means it’s not possible to prepare for a Case Test just by reading lots of cases and hoping you’ll get one you’ve seen before.

Practicing with books or other question collections simply won’t do the trick.

Another issue that many candidates struggle with is that the BCG Case Test has extreme time limits. You will have 2-3 minutes to answer each question, intended to put pressure on you and see how well you can handle it.

What Skills Does the BCG Online Case Test?

The BCG Online Case evaluates several types of skill categories:

Business judgment refers to the candidate’s overall familiarity with business concepts and their general business sense. BCG emphasizes the candidate’s ability to resolve questions that are related to profitability and cost optimization, as well as being able to think in terms of company growth and innovation.

For this reason, many cases that candidates will have to resolve are related to product development, analyzing market trends, responding to the challenges of disruptive technologies, and entering new markets.

Structuring refers to the candidates’ ability to structure their thoughts to address problems in an efficient manner. This will be in the form of questions that require you to prioritize what problems you want to solve or address, for example, having to select between several options, each addressing only some of the company’s problems in the test case, requiring you to address the problem based on a decision tree logic, as well as your ability to demonstrate structured thinking in the final video answer.

Logical reasoning questions require the candidate to draw inferences from the information provided. During the BCG Casey test, you will be provided with relatively large and complex bodies of statistical data, charts, and graphs, and you will have to draw your own conclusions from this data.

Mathematical aptitude – Candidates should be proficient in fractions, decimals, percentages, ratios, and weighted averages. While the concepts themselves may be basic, candidates must work with large and complex sets of numbers and apply their knowledge of the mathematics concepts to complex questions.

Synthesis refers to the candidate’s ability to make use of different types of skills when answering business questions, such as discussing supply and demand issues and maximizing revenue or profit. Here, candidates must integrate different types of skills and apply them to complex data sets.

BCG Interview Questions

There are two types of interviews at BCG one includes an online chatbot case interview and the other BCG behavioral interview questions about the candidates' work experience, background, and personality.

Here are some examples of typical BCG behavioral interview questions:

  1. What is the most effective strategy to address and structure these issues?
  2. What advancements can we expect in your field in the future?
  3. Could you describe your ideal role?
  4. Why are you interested in BCG, and what can you bring to the table?
  5. Could you share some information about your background and experiences?
  6. Where do you envision yourself professionally five years from now?
  7. In your opinion, what are the three key attributes of a successful consultant?
  8. Could you share your greatest achievement, your interest in consulting, your reasons for choosing BCG, your potential contribution to BCG, your biggest challenge, and a case study?
  9. Could you guide me through your professional history as presented on your resume?
  10. Can you identify and describe your strongest skills and areas needing improvement?

Case Interview Prep Tips

Study with Real-Life Cases.

An important element of the BCG Interactive case is to test your business skills. As such, you should study either real-world business cases or business cases that were used in past BCG Online Case tests. This will help you sharpen not only your math skills but also your understanding of business problems.

Structure Your Conclusion.

Structure your conclusion in a clear and organized way to ensure that your answer is clear to understand and demonstrates a structured and analytical frame of mind, as well as an ability to approach business problems creatively.

Time Management Is Key.

Pay attention to the time it takes you to answer each question. Pace yourself and avoid getting bogged down on difficult questions. The best way to practice is with time limits that are similar to those that are in the real test.

Work on Your Analysis Skills

Know how to analyze the data presented in the test, so you can identify key information and make informed decisions. In multiple-choice questions, you can also home in on the right answer through the process of elimination.

Start Working in Advance

Start practicing well in advance of the test to give yourself ample time to improve your skills and identify areas for improvement. Develop a practice routine to help you get into the right mindset and improve your skills over time. Practicing regularly will also help you build confidence and minimize your stress levels during the actual BCG online case assessment.


The BCG Online Case assessment is a very challenging test format that could, but shouldn’t be, what stands between you and your next big career step.

The best way to prepare for it is to put in the work – by practicing responding to test questions in conditions that closely resemble the real test.


If you are looking for a different test, or are not sure which test is relevant for your position, please contact us at and we will do our best to ensure you get the most accurate preparation for your upcoming assessment.