Boilermaker Pre-Apprenticeship Exam Preparation

Studying to become a boilermaker? As a future boilermaker you will encounter an aptitude test at the start of your apprenticeship application process. JobTestPrep has developed a complete boilermaker apprenticeship test preparation program. Start practicing today and apply with confidence.

Boilermaker Apprentice Exam Practice

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  • More than 850 questions to practice with
  • 19 Reading comprehension and English grammar tests
  • 24 Numerical reasoning tests assessing basic arithmetic, algebra, geometry, word problems, and conversions
  • 9 mechanical tests which focus on mechanical reasoning and electrical concepts
  • 5 Study guides focusing on different mathematical aspects
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  • Immediate online access, practice 24/7
  • Exclusive to JobTestPrep

The members of the IBB are defined by the quality of their technical skills, focus on safety and emphasis on excellent work products. As a boilermaker, some of your tasks will include fabrication and assembly of metal plates, welding and working with pressurized vessels such as storage tanks.

Pre-apprenticeship tests involve the subject matter that is applicable to on-the-job tasks in this trade. Similar to the well-known IBEW pre-apprenticeship test, the boilermaker aptitude exam delves into relevant topics at a level that predicts applicant success as trainees. 


U.S. Boilermaker Apprenticeship Exams

Each Boilermaker exam is different based on location. The aptitude tests highlight those who possess the ability to make a positive contribution in an immediate on-the-job apprenticeship. The tests vary in question type and format at locals throughout the U.S.

The aptitudes that are being tested reflect those on-the-job tasks. Therefore, you can expect your specific pre-apprenticeship exam to include relevant math skills, reading comprehension and basic trade-oriented science knowledge.

Apprenticeship boilermaker tests cover a wide range of mathematics concepts and functions. Measurement; metric/imperial conversion; algebra; volume; geometric objects, including perimeter, area, angles, parallel lines, sides, circumference, diameter, radius; fundamental arithmetic calculation; equations; inequalities; numerical and spatial reasoning; percentages; and graphing are some of the math aspects found on Boilermaker tests. You have the opportunity to review math through practice tests with question & answer explanations.

Mechanical comprehension and the states of matter form the bases of the science section. You will find gears, diagrams, heat, energy, pressure gauge, electricity, molecules and friction amid other topics within the science portion of the Boilermaker aptitude test.

Reading Comprehension is tested through various passages, each followed by a series of questions. The exam assesses your ability to understand what you are reading.

Canadian Pre-Apprenticeship Boilermaker Exams

The boilermaker exam covers the some of the same three primary areas as the U.S. Boilermaker Locals. The pass threshold is 70%. The test is comprised of multiple-choice questions which is to be completed in a timeframe of three hours.

  • Math – There are 50 questions in the Mathematics portion of the exam. Relevant formulas and metric/imperial conversion charts are provided within the test. Basic equations, arithmetic functions and calculations, decimals, percentages, fractions, spatial reasoning, exponents, geometric shapes and conversions are some of the many topics found in the Boilermaker apprenticeship test.
  • English & Reading Comprehension – This section is passage-based and consists of 22 questions. Some of the exam tasks involve drawing conclusions, summarizing, applying the concepts contained in a passage and recalling information.
  • Science – Mechanical aptitudes are assessed in the 28 questions contained in the Science section. Expect items involving illustrations, diagrams, graphs, charts, gears, levers, basic science information, states of matter, heat, cooling, gauges, volume, energy, electrical circuits, friction, compounds, molecules, fulcrums, density, air pressure, water principles, conversions and a host of other topics.

Prepare for Your Boilermaker Pre-Apprenticeship Test

JobTestPrep provides aptitude exam prep tools including boilermaker sample tests, Q & A analysis, apprenticeship test study guide and helpful exam strategies. Through JobTestPrep, you can complete pre-apprenticeship sample tests as many times as it takes for you to feel comfortable with your accuracy and speed.