Canadian Adult Achievement Test Preparation

About to take the Canadian Adult Achievement Test (CAAT)? Becoming familiar with the test format will help you prepare for the test and ensure you achieve the score you need to get the job you desire. Start practicing for the CAAT today.

  • Total Questions: Over 850
  • Topics Covered: Numerical reasoning, reading comprehension and more
  • Includes: Study guide, score report, and answer explanations

Canadian Adult Achievement Test Practice

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  • More than 850 questions to practice with
  • 15 Reading Comprehension tests
  • 12 Numerical Reasoning test assessing basic arithmetic and algebra
  • 5 Word Problems practice tests with various levels of difficulty
  • 7 Study Guides focusing on different mathematical aspects and grammar
  • Detailed score reports and in-depth explanations!
  • Secured payment 
  • Immediate online access, practice 24/7
  • Exclusive to JobTestPrep


The Canadian Adult Achievement Test (CAAT) is designed by Creative Organizational Design. The CAAT is a unique test that measures mathematics, reading, and language. It may be used for apprenticeship, employment, or promotion.

CAAT Format

The CAAT consists of multiple choice questions on English, Mathematics, and Science. The CAAT has four levels of English measuring years of formal education. Below is a table with the name, years of formal education, and time frame for each level.

English LevelsFormal EducationTime Limit
Level A1-3 years2 hours 10 minutes
Level B4-6 years3 hours 30 minutes
Level C7-10 years4 hours 30 minutes
Level D11-12+ years3 hours 30 minutes

CAAT Content

The English skills assessment on the CAAT measures your skill level in reading comprehension, vocabulary, and writing.

The Math skills assessment on the CAAT varies according to the type of program you are applying to. The test may include, but is not limited to, multiplication, division, decimals, percentages, word problems, averages, fractions, order or operations, exponents, graphs, trigonometry, angles, and geometry.

TheScience assessment on the CAAT includes basic principles of biology, chemistry, and physics.

Prepare for the CAAT

JobTestPrep provides practice tests, study guides, and answers with full explanations to prepare you for the exam. Becoming familiar with the types of questions on the test will help you achieve a high score so that you can get the position you desire.