Caliper Assessment Results - The Complete Guide

The Caliper Assessment test (Talogy) is a common pre-hiring tool that evaluates your personality traits and cognitive skills. The test results are summarized in a Caliper profile, which is used to estimate your potential to succeed in a specific position and if you are a good match for the job.

The results of the Caliper Assessment Test will be sent as a competency report directly to your hiring manager. You will not have access to your score and will only know whether you passed on to the next stage of the hiring process.

On this page, you will find all you need to understand your Caliper Assessment Test results, with an explanation of its unique scoring system, Caliper traits, Caliper competencies, and Caliper Job Model.

Learn more about the Caliper Assessment test and how to ace it with our preparations:

David, Caliper Assessment Expert at JobTestPrep
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Caliper Scoring

The Caliper scoring system is based on 21 traits and 1 cognitive ability (abstract reasoning). An assessment of these traits predicts workplace behaviors, and together, those behaviors reflect your workplace competencies.

Every Caliper Assessment test is tailor-made according to a specific job model determined by your hiring manager. For every position, there are 5-9 key competencies required to succeed.

Caliper Traits

The Caliper Assessment test (AKA Talogy test assessment) measures 21 personality traits that reflect your natural tendencies and characteristics. The combination of these traits shapes your competencies and actions at the workplace.

The traits are scored as a percentile representing your degree of motivation compared to Caliper’s norm group – people who currently work in that job.

The 21 traits measured in the Caliper Assessment test are –

  • Accommodation
  • Aggressiveness
  • Assertiveness
  • Cautiousness
  • Ego-Drive
  • Ego-Strength
  • Empathy
  • Energy
  • External Structure
  • Flexibility
  • Gregariousness
  • Idea Orientation
  • Level-Headedness
  • Openness
  • Risk-Taking
  • Self-Structure
  • Skepticism
  • Sociability
  • Stress Tolerance
  • Thoroughness
  • Urgency

Learn more about the definitions of each trait on the official Caliper Personality test PDF 

Caliper Competencies

The Caliper Assessment test defines work-related competencies that, when bundled together, predict how you will perform in different areas of your particular job.

The competencies are scored based on your traits' scores.

There are 56 Caliper competencies that are divided into 7 sections –

  • Leading Competencies
    Leadership maturity, leadership communication, leading change, managing innovation, managing quality, team building, coaching and developing, delegation, fact-based management, strategic talent management, directing,
  • Active Communication
    Influence and persuasion, conflict management, negotiation, active listening, communicating, instructing.
  • Interpersonal Dynamics
    interpersonal sensitivity, helpfulness, service focus, relationship building, collaboration and teamwork, organizational savvy, and global mindset.
  • Decision Making
    Deliberative decision-making, decisiveness, strategic thinking, organizational citizenship, information seeking.
  • Problem-Solving
    Creativity and innovation, analytic thinking, learning agility, scientific acumen
  • Managing Process
    Quality focus, compliance, response orientation, safety and focus, process management, time management, planning, priority setting, organizing and documenting information, and applying standard practices.
  • Self-Management
    Xomposure and resiliency, generating and expressing enthusiasm, strength and conviction, achievement motivation and perseverance, self-awareness, adaptability, initiating action, accountability, and professionalism, continuous learning, extended task focus, comfort with ambiguity.

With the Caliper Assessment Test Prep Pack, you can understand how employers view your answers and learn how to make your traits and competencies shine throughout the actual test.


Caliper Assessment Results FAQs

The caliper assessment is not timed, and you can pause and resume when taking the test. According to candidates and the official Caliper analytics assessment website, it takes about 60 minutes to complete the Caliper exam, though it could take more depending on your subjective speed. You can cross time management concerns off the list!

A score of 60 and above is a good result on the Caliper assessment test, and it indicates that you are a good match for the job and that you are likely to succeed in it. The closer your answers are to the Caliper job model, the higher your Caliper assessment test will be scored.

You cannot get a direct pass or fail score on the caliper assessment since it assesses your behavioral traits. However, saying "there are no right or wrong answers" on this test is also inaccurate, since the behavioral tendencies that form your Caliper profile indicate whether you are right for the job. 

You will not be able to see your Caliper Assessment results, as the score report is sent straight to your employer. Since the employer is Caliper’s client, it’s up to the company to decide if they want to share the results with you or provide detailed feedback. Click here for more elaboration on Caliper results.

The Caliper assessment is a pre-employment stage used as part of the recruitment process for a wide range of job titles (sales, customer success, management roles, executives, and more). Here are some of the companies that use the caliper profile assessment (updated to 2025):

  • Wellstar
  • Amazon
  • USI Insurance Services
  • NowPow
  • Russell Reynolds
  • True Homes
  • SoftServe
  • Ann Sacks Tile & Stone

The Caliper test is considered a surprisingly difficult personality test by many candidates. It requires solving complex cognitive questions and answering vague behavioral questions, to find a promising candidate for the job and get hired.  

The Caliper test should take 60-75 minutes to complete.  The Caliper profile test score usually takes about 1-2 days to arrive, so you should expect to get the results from your recruiter within a few days of taking the exam.

The Caliper assessment results indicate an individual's strengths and weaknesses when performing a particular role. Employers use these indicators in the hiring process to make better hiring decisions, develop current employees' potential, and create effective team building.

The Caliper Test cannot be scored if there are any blank spaces on the answer sheet, so you must answer every question. While you can skip around to different questions within each section, you cannot move on to the following section without completing all caliper assessment answers in that section. 

The Caliper personality test defines work-related competencies that, when bundled together, predict how you will perform in different areas of your particular job.

Keep in mind that you will not receive the results of your Caliper Assessment, and you will only be notified if you have moved on to the next step of the hiring process. Therefore, if you did not move on, it is because your personality is not a good match for this specific position, and you might experience various struggles if you pursue this kind of career.

Learn more about the different personality types in our Predictive Index Personality Types guide.

Caliper Job Model

Caliper has recognized commonalities between various positions with similar principles and tasks. For each job type, there are 5-9 key competencies that are necessary for success, and together they form the Caliper Job Model.

There are 5 job model categories –

  • Management –all managerial, leadership, and supervising positions
  • Sales – account developers, technical sales, consultative sales, producers, etc.
  • Service – administration, bank tellers, customer service representatives, etc.
  • Technical – analyst, IT support specialist, technician, operator, etc.
  • Other – educator, nurse, HR generalist, etc.

If your score matches the job model of the position you applied for, you are considered a good fit for the role.

Caliper Job-Fit Score

After you complete your Caliper Assessment, your results will be calculated according to your job model and will be compared with the score of Caliper’s norm group – people who are currently working in that job.

The Caliper score ranges between 1-99; each point indicates your ability level compared to the Caliper job model –

  • 1-39 – your characteristics, traits, and motivations are not aligned with the job’s requirements. This indicates that you would need lengthy and extensive training to carry out your duties and that you are unlikely to enjoy this job.
  • 40-59 – your characteristics, traits, and motivations are aligned moderately with the job’s requirements. This indicates that some aspects of the job might come easier and naturally to you, while other aspects can be challenging and make it difficult for you to perform the required duties.
  • 60-99 – your characteristics, traits, and motivations are aligned with the job’s requirements. This indicates that you are likely to thrive and enjoy this job.

Keep in mind that you will not receive the results of your Caliper Assessment, and you will only be notified if you have moved on to the next step of the hiring process. Therefore, if you did not move on, it is because your personality is not a good match for this specific position, and you might experience various struggles if you pursue this kind of career.

Learn all about the Caliper Assessment test and master your personality traits:

Caliper Competency Report

Once you complete your assessment, your hiring manager will receive your competency report. The report comprises 5 sections –

Job fit, competency overview, and key findings

  • Job fit – Your potential to succeed in the job, expressed as a percentage.
  • Competency overview – detailing your competencies by severity – critical, important, and supporting.
  • Key findings – an outline of your behavioral characteristics that are most likely to affect your success on the job, both strengths and weaknesses.

Interview Questions and Manager Recommendation

  • Interview questions – suggested interview questions designed to evoke thought and will require you, as the candidate, to call upon your employment experience and career prospects.
  • Manager recommendation – tips for your manager on improving your work-related behaviors according to your Caliper profile.

Competency Drill-Down

A percentile display of your competencies according to the job model, alongside a description of the behaviors that may serve as a strength in the position and those that can pose a challenge in your work.

Work Style Preferences

A description of behavioral style, motivations, and tendencies relating to various aspects of the job, such as communication, interactions, problem-solving, prioritizing, etc.

Trait Graph

A graph of all 21 personality traits and the percentile of how you scored on each trait relative to the Caliper norm group.
Caliper Assessment Results

Learn more about the Caliper competency report on the official Caliper website.

Caliper Test Structure

The test has an overall of 98 questions. It has no time limit and takes about an hour to complete.

The test is divided into four sections–

  • Three Personality Segments:
    • 2 sections of 'Most and Least' questions
    • 1 section of 'Strongly Agree-Disagree' questions
  • One Cognitive Segment: figural analogies and number series questions

To improve your Caliper Assessment result and get a high score, you need to know how to emphasize your strong characteristics and personality traits.

In our Caliper test preparation pack, you will get Caliper Assessment practice tests focused on particular personality traits, with personality test questions that include full answers and explanations of the traits required for your role and the type of questions that assess them.