Carpenter Pre-Apprenticeship Test Preparation

Getting ready to take the pre-apprenticeship test for carpenters? Be prepared for various math assessments, in addition to some science and reading comprehension tests. JobTestPrep provides an array of study tools and resources that are essential to optimizing your carpenter apprentice exam results. Start preparing today and apply with confidence. 

Carpenter Apprentice Exam Practice

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When applying to become a carpenter you will encounter a pre-apprenticeship exam. Each carpenter test is different, however, there are universal primary subjects that are covered in the pre-training testing phase. Expect to encounter arithmetic computation and reasoning, applicable mathematics and science, mechanical comprehension, spatial reasoning and reading comprehension.

Carpenters enjoy a creative, interesting and lucrative field. If this is the industry that captivates your interest, it is well worth your time and effort to prepare for the apprentice test. Your future in the carpenter trade depends on your test scores.

U.S. Pre-Apprentice Carpenter Test

When applying to be a carpenter you will most likely encounter a pre-apprentice carpenter exam. Each exam is different than one another.

Format – The apprenticeship exam is formatted as multiple-choice. Keep in mind that some exams may have short answers; and other carpenter tests may vary the format from section to section. However, multiple-choice is the usual type of question found in the vast majority of carpenter apprenticeship tests.

Content – While the content of the Carpenter Pre-Apprenticeship Aptitude Test is generally similar to other pre-apprenticeship tests such as the EIAT Test or the IBEW Aptitude Test, the precise composition of the test may vary depending on the local. Below is a list of sections that are typically found on a carpenter test.

  • Reading Comprehension - Passages are presented, each followed by questions that require a conclusion, summary, analysis or recall of information, all based solely on the info contained in the passage.
  • Mechanical Comprehension – The task is to answer each question by deciphering illustrations of geometric shapes, weights, equipment and gears.
  • Pattern Analysis (Spatial Reasoning) – The carpenter test presents two distinct types of questions: 1) Visualization, involving a given box to be identified in its unfolded state; and 2) Sequencing, requiring the applicant to determine the order of a series of letters and/or numbers and then to utilize that order in selecting the alternative that completes the set.
  • Arithmetic Computation - The computations involve addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of fractions, whole numbers, decimals and percentages.
  • Arithmetic Reasoning – In addition to the elements of arithmetic computation, the numeric reasoning portion contains facets such as estimation, averages and word problems.
  • Mathematics – Continuing to present basic math concepts, the apprentice exam concerns topics such as rounding numbers; conversions within the imperial system; volume; angles & lines; parallel lines; circle area, circumference, diameter and radius; and perimeter, area and sides of other geometric shapes.
  • More Math – This test portion gets a bit deeper into  mathematics, containing aspects like the addition of angles, conversion of fractions/decimals, inches/feet/yards, metric/imperial; graphing quadrants; ruler readings; drawing conclusions in answer to word problems, maps, charts and graphs, exponents, square roots, cubes, and equations.

Canada Carpenter Pre-Apprenticeship Test

This is a multiple-choice exam to be completed within a timeframe of three hours. The pass threshold is 70%. There are three main sections:

  • Math – The math section is comprised of 50 questions. Formulas and metric/imperial conversions are supplied within the exam. If this is the test you will take, you can expect a wide range of calculations and concepts, some of which are: basic equations, word problems, fractions, decimals, circles and other geometric shapes, averages, cubes and percentages.
  • English & Reading Comprehension – There are 22 questions in this passage-based section.
  • Science - Containing a total of 28 questions, the science section involves high school science topics such as the effects of heating and cooling, pressure gauge, states of matter, air pressure, volume, energy, circuits, electricity, diagrams, levers, mass, fulcrum, friction, compounds and molecules.

Prepare for the Carpenter Apprentice Exam

JobTestPrep provides you with test format to prepare you for the carpenter exam. By preparing with carpenter practice tests, with Q & A analysis, you will become more comfortable with your speed and accuracy. JobTestPrep has developed an affordable and thorough apprentice exam preparation program focused on placing you into a carpenter apprenticeship.