Civil Service Account Clerk Exam - Online Practice

Applying for a position as a civil service Account Clerk? JobTestPrep offers a customized preparation pakcage which includes account clerk timed practice tests, score reports, and study guides. In addition, the package is also suitable for the civil service Account Clerk ll test, including all the related practice exams. Start preparing and practicing today. 

Account Clerk Exam Practice

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  • Accounting tests
  • Comparing and Checking tests
  • Filing and Alphabetizing tests
  • Office Record Keeping
  • Coding tests
  • Detecting Errors tests
  • Working with Letters & Numbers tests
  • Written Communication tests
  • Verbal Reasoning tests
  • 25 more numerical practice tests - Tables & Graphs, Word-Math Problems, Working with a Calculator, Basic Arithmetic
  • 5 different study guides
  • Fully detailed explanations teaching the simplest & quickest methods
  • Secured payment 
  • Exclusive to JobTestPrep


The account clerk exam consists of the following topics:

  • Clerical Operations - Various questions that assess your ability to work at a good pace, while maintaining punctuality and attention to detail. Topics included: clerical operations with letters and numbers, alphabetizing/filing, comparing & checking, detecting errors, and coding.
  • Understanding and Interpreting Tabular Material - These questions test your ability to understand and analyze data presented in tabular form.
  • Office Record Keeping - These questions require you to read and interpret information in graphs, tables, and other formats to keep records.
  • Arithmetic - Perform basic arithmetic functions quickly and accurately.
  • Mathematical Reasoning - Math word problems in which you will need to figure out and implement the correct method to solve a math problem presented in the form of a story.
  • Written Expression - Questions that require you to properly structure sentences and paragraphs in order to clearly express yourself in writing.
  • Reading Comprehension - These questions assess how well you understand written material. In this section you will be presented with a passage followed by questions that must be answered based on the information presented.

Practice with JobTestPrep

Preparation is the key to success. JobTestPrep's Account Clerk preparation package will prepare you for the account clerk civil service test with practice tests and study guides.

You can take your time using our step-by-step guide or take a timed test in order to simulate the actual exam. Furthermore, we even provided a few extra practice tests in order to make sure you are truly prepared.