Civil Service Environmental Conservation Officer Test

Need to take the Environmental Conservation Officer exam? Let JobTestPrep help you prepare for this civil service test with our PrepPack™, which features practice tests, answer explanations, and more. Practice for the Environmental Conservation Officer exam today and ensure your success. 

Environmental Conservation Officer Exam Practice

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  • 19 reading comprehension practice tests
  • 15 written communication practice tests
  • Four memory practice tests
  • Two logical reasoning tests
  • Study guide
  • Score report, answer explanations & solving tips
  • Secured payment


What Is the Environmental Conservation Officer Exam?

You must pass the Environmental Conservation Officer (ECO) exam to become a sworn police officer in the enforcement of the Environmental Conservation Law, which aims to protect the State's natural resources and environment. An ECO investigates complaints in order to detect and document both state and federal Environmental Conservation Law felonies, misdemeanors, and violations.

What Do Those Who Score High Receive?

By scoring high on the Environmental Conservation Officer exam, you increase your chances of being accepted into the academy. Once an officer, you will receive many benefits, including paid holidays and vacation leave, good health insurance, and a pension plan. On top of these benefits, the starting salary you receive is high. Each state has its own starting salary, the average being $50,000 a year.

What Are the Challenges to Passing?

Becoming a Environmental Conservation Officer is not easy. The test is held every one to three years, with an academy class of 15–20 ECOs. The higher you score, the more you increase your chances of becoming one of the 15–20 people in the academy class.

Why You Need to Prepare for the Environmental Conservation Officer Exam

You can, and should, prepare for the ECO exam before taking it. Our PrepPack™ includes timed tests and study guides to help you get ready. Our practice tests include answer explanations. By practicing, you increase your chances of achieving a high score on the test. A high score not only ensures that you pass the exam, but it also gives you a better chance of gaining employment.

What Do You Get with Your Environmental Conservation Officer Preparation Pack?

Our PrepPack™ provides you with practice resources for the different sections on the exam. We offer 40 different practice tests. These practice tests include memory, reading comprehension, written communication, and logical reasoning. Finally, our pack includes a study guide that elaborates on the different methods for answering memory questions.

More about the Environmental Conservation Officer Exam

Each state provides a different Environmental Conservation Officer exam. The exam is usually the same as the police exam, with an added section geared for the profession. The written test generally has an overall time allowance of five hours. Below is a list of common sections found on the ECO test.

  • Memory for Facts and Information – These questions test your ability to remember information, such as pictures, numbers, or words. You are given a memory booklet to read and study for five minutes, after which the selection is removed and you are asked questions.
  • Preparing Written Material in a Police Setting – This section tests your ability to prepare the types of reports that officers write. You are presented with a page of notes followed by several questions. Each question consists of restatements of the information given in the notes. From each set of restatements, you must choose the version that presents the information most clearly and accurately.
  • Reading, Understanding, and Interpreting Written Information – These questions test your ability to read, understand, and interpret the kinds of written information that is required to read during training and on the job.
  • Applying Written Information in Police Situations – This section tests your ability to apply written rules in given situations similar to those typically experienced by police officers.
  • Natural Resources and Environment – These questions test for basic practical knowledge of fish, wildlife, and other natural resources; outdoor recreation; and forestry and environmental awareness. This section is not included in our pack.

The Environmental Conservation Officer Hiring Process

Before applying, make sure that you meet all the minimum requirements. If you do not meet the requirements, you will not be invited to take the test. Check with your state on what those requirements may be. The hiring process involves multiple steps, which include, but are not limited to, a background investigation, a written test, drug testing, a physical/medical evaluation, a psychological evaluation, and fingerprinting.

The Benefits of Being Ready

JobTestPrep has developed a Environmental Conservation Officer PrepPack™ to increase your chances of obtaining the position you want. The Environmental Conservation Officer exam pack is accessible 24/7. Although the pack doesn't include exercises for the Natural Resources and Environment section, it provides excellent practice for the other sections that appear on the Environmental Conservation Officer exam.