Civil Service Office Assistant I Exam Preparation

Prepared for your civil service Office Assistant I exam with JobTestPrep. We offer a collection of questions and practice tests found nowhere else on the web. Go to your exam feeling confident, score high, and set yourself apart from other applicants.

Office Assistant I Exam Practice

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  • Seven Spelling, punctuation, & grammar tests
  • Seven Comparing & Checking tests
  • Three Alphabetizing tests
  • Six Record Keeping tests
  • Five Office Practices tests
  • 13 Basic Math tests
  • 14 Reading Comprehension tests
  • Five different study guides
  • Realistic typing test simulations for a variety of texts
  • Score reports, detailed explanations & solving tips
  • Immediate access, practice 24/7
  • Secured payment
  • Exclusive to JobTestPrep

About the Civil Service Office Assistant I Exam

Being an office assistant requires a lot of responsibility and a wide range of skill sets. This exam measures one's aptitude in the following areas:

  • Vocabulary, Spelling, Punctuation, & Grammar - This tests your knowledge of English grammar, vocabulary, and ability to spell words correctly.
  • Alphabetizing & Numerical Ordering - These questions assess your ability to file documents in correct alphabetical order.
  • Comparing & Checking - These questions test your attention to detail and ability to notice differences between different sets of information.
  • Basic Math - For these questions, you must perform basic arithmetic functions quickly and accurately.
  • Reading Comprehension - In this section, you will be presented with a passage followed by questions that must be answered based on the information presented.
  • Following Directions - To solve these questions, you will need to properly understand general rules and apply them correctly to given situations.
  • Office Practices - These questions assess your ability to handle situations you may encounter on your work, as well as your knowledge of efficient and effective methods used to accomplish office tasks, and your ability to make procedural decisions and recommendations which contribute to a well-managed office.

Practicing for the Office Assistant Test

Given the wide variety of question types found on this test, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the test content so you know exactly what to expect. This preparation package provides you with enough practice to fully understand the logic and content required to succeed, and master the necessary skills in no time. Start preparing with JobTestPrep today.