School Secretary Practice Tests

Get prepared for your civil service School Secretary exam with JobTestPrep. We offer an exclusive collection of questions and practice tests found nowhere else on the web. Go into your exam feeling confident, score high, and set yourself apart from other applicants.

  • Total Tests: 36
  • Topics Covered: Grammar, record keeping, office practices & more
  • Includes: Practice tests, score reports & answer explanations
School Secretary Exam Practice

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  • 36 practice tests
  • 5 Supervision tests
  • 3 Working with Letters & Numbers tests
  • 6 Office practices tests
  • 5 Office Record Keeping tests
  • 2 Spelling tests
  • 15 Grammar, Usage, Punctuation tests
  • Realistic typing test simulations for a variety of texts
  • Score Reports, detailed explanations & solving tips
  • Immediate access, practice 24/7
  • Secured payment
  • Exclusive to JobTestPrep


About the School Secretary Practice Tests

The School Secretary Test contains questions on:

  • Supervision - questions in which you must choose the most effective response to a given situation.
  • Keyboarding Practices - assesses your skills in preferred practices such as letter format, capitalization, plurals, word division, word and figure style for numbers, and common proofreading marks, in addition to proofreading exercises.
  • Secretarial and Typing Practices - tests your knowledge of common office procedures and practices.
  • Spelling - Tests your ability to spell words correctly.
  • Grammar/Usage/Punctuation - tests your knowledge of English grammar, vocabulary, and ability to spell words correctly.
  • Office Record Keeping - requires you to read and interpret information in graphs, tables, and other formats to keep records.
  • Office Practices - assess your ability to handle situations you may encounter on your work, as well as knowledge of efficient and effective methods used to accomplish office tasks, and of making procedural decisions and recommendations which contribute to a well-managed office.

Prepare for the School Secretary Exam

This preparation package contains practice tests to help you prepare for the spelling, keyboarding practices, office record keeping, office practices, grammar, supervision, punctuation, capitalization, and English usage questions. However, this package does not contain preparation for the secretarial and typing practices items. These practice tests will help you brush up on your skills and simulate testing conditions. Start preparing today.