Senior Clerk Civil Service Typist Exam- Online Practice

The Senior Civil Service Clerk Typist Exam is a written test you’ll be required to take when applying for Senior Clerk Typist and similar positions. It mainly assesses English, written communication, and administrative skills using questions in varied formats.

The Senior Typist Exam Practice offered on this page is designed to cover all types of questions you’ll be required to solve, with additional practice for secondary skills needed to pass this test. It Includes:

  • English & Written Comprehension Practice- Over 12 Practice tests that sharpen all language skills required to succeed on the test: Vocabulary, Spelling, identifying grammatical errors, and more.
  • Record Keeping Skills Practice- Over 14 practice tests for questions that involve completing graphs and tables, as well as identifying data inconsistencies. Including additional basic math skills practice tests.
  • Office Practices Questions- Complete situational judgment tests with answers to learn the appropriate responses for different work situations. 

Start practicing right away with the full Preparation or keep reading for more info and sample questions.

Senior Typist Exam Practice

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English & Written Comprehension Practice

  • Vocabulary and Spelling tests
  • Grammar, Usage, Punctuation tests
  • Keyboarding tests

Record Keeping Skills Practice

  • Graphs and tables filling in tests
  • Detail checking tests
  • Basic math skills tests & guides

Office Practices

  • Situational Judgment Questions
Shir, Civil Service Assessments Expert at JobTestPrep
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What is the Clerk Typist Test?

The Exam is a written test used to assess English, written communication, office record keeping and administrative skills required for Clerk Typist positions. The Overall time limit for the test is 3.5 hours.

After applying, you can expect to receive an examination announcement specifying the exact subject areas that will be included in your test. Here we will go over all the possible question types you might be asked to solve on your test.

Useful resources:

Senior Clerk Typist Exam Questions

As mentioned, the Senior Clerk Typist Exam may contain several types of questions:

English & Written Comprehension- Spelling Questions

These questions test your ability to spell words correctly.

For example:

How many words are spelled incorrectly in line C of the following paragraph?

A  This new policy on sexual harassmment will ensure that everyone, regardless of
B  race, gender, educattion or other factors will feel safe in the workplace. To
C  ensure that everyone abides by this policy, a 3-day trainning will comence next
D  Monday: in room 215 at 8am until 4pm. Please be on time and perpared to work
E  in your departmant groups. Furtther details will folow.





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There are two spelling mistakes in line C:

The word "training" is spelled with two Ns. The last letter of a verb is usually doubled when adding -ing to the verb only when the following conditions are met:

  1. The verb ends in a consonant-verb-consonant format.
  2. The last syllable of the verb is stressed.

Neither condition is met by the verb "train."

The second spelling mistake is in the word "commence," which should be spelled with two Ms.

English & Written Comprehension- Grammar, Usage, Punctuation

These questions test your knowledge of English grammar, vocabulary, and correct punctuation.

For example:

Which of the following sentences is grammatically incorrect?





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The grammatically incorrect sentence is "The meeting is scheduled to take place at Mrs Tiffany Martin's office next week.", since there needs to be a period "." after Mrs. to denote Missus, in American English.

Keyboarding Practices Questions

Assesses your skills in preferred practices such as letter format, capitalization, plurals, word division, word and figure style for numbers, and common proofreading marks. These questions may include proofreading given paragraphs or answering questions related to the specified subjects.

Office Record Keeping

Questions in this section require reading and interpreting information in graphs, tables, and other formats to keep records. This includes questions that test your attention to detail, your ability to file documents in correct alphabetical order, and your ability to complete a table using totals, subtotals, averages, and percentages.

For Example:

Observe the follownig chart:

Chart for Sample Question

*oP = of Pond.
**Only those who have logged in at least once 3 months prior to a specified date.

What is the value of (II)?





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The answer is 10.63%

The value (II) is the population change in the East of Pond neighborhood from December 21st, 2013 to February 21, 2014. We can find this value using the equation FEB ’14 ÷ DEC ’13 = (100 + CHANGE)%. The LHS of the equation is 5,496 ÷ 4,968 = 1.1063 = 110.63%. And so, CHANGE = +10.63%.

In our full Senior Typist Preparation pack you’ll find plenty of tests with similar questions, as well as study guides and tests that sharpen basic mathematical skills (percentages, ratios, etc.) required to solve such questions.  

Office Practices

These questions assess your ability to handle situations you may encounter on your work, as well as knowledge of efficient and effective methods used to accomplish office tasks, and of making procedural decisions and recommendations which contribute to a well-managed office.

JobTestPrep’s Senior Typist Exam Prep

To succeed on this test, it is important to practice questions as similar as possible to the actual test. Our team of experts has built an extensive preparation based on the Official Civil Service Study Guide for the Senior Typist Exam. 

The Senior Clerk Typist preparation contains practice materials and study guides designed to sharpen all the skills needed to accurately solve any question on the actual test. Practicing will help you ensure you get as many correct questions as possible within the allotted time and increase your chances to get a job offer.