LEAB Test: Free Law Enforcement Aptitude Practice Questions

The LEAB test (law enforcement aptitude battery) is a challenging assessment created by EB Jacobs. It is widely used to select candidates who wish to become police officers in over 50 municipalities, counties, and states, such as Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey, and NYC.

The test assesses both your cognitive and English expression and comprehension skills. In most states, the test includes a strict time limit which requires you to not only answer questions correctly but also do it within the given time constraint.

JobTestPrep provides an accurate preparation for the LEAB Ability Test

  • LEAB Ability Practice Tests cover every topic that you will find in your state’s notice of examination page. Through our practice, you’ll be able to enhance your Written Comprehension, Written Expression, Problem Sensitivity, Deductive Reasoning, Inductive Reasoning, and Information Ordering skills. With repeated preparation and accurate practice questions, your chances of passing the LEAB Ability test will significantly increase. 
  • Study Guides - In addition to the practice questions, our comprehensive LEAB study guides provide in-depth explanations and valuable solving techniques. These resources are designed to enhance your understanding of the underlying theory, as well as refine and expedite your problem-solving skills.

If you are looking for a different test, or are not sure which test is relevant for your position, please  contact us at c.serv@jobtestprep.com and we will do our best to ensure you get the most accurate preparation for your upcoming assessment.

EB Jacobs LEAB Test Practice

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Each practice test question contains detailed answers and explanations

Ability Section

2 Problem Sensitivity practice tests
4 Deductive Reasoning practice tests
4 Inductive Reasoning practice tests
4 Information Ordering practice tests
15 Written Comprehension practice tests
11 Written Expression practice tests
5 Map Reading Practice Tests
6 detailed study guides

Here you’ll find free LEAB test practice questions and info on each section, the work style questionnaire, and the life experience survey. Let’s begin.

What Is LEAB?

The Law Enforcement Aptitude Battery (LEAB) created by EB Jacobs is a police candidate assessment that consists of the following three sections: The Ability Test, The Work Styles Questionnaire, and the Life Experience Survey.

The EB Jacobs LEAB Ability test includes the following topics:

  • Written Expression - You will be challenged on your Grammar, and Clarity with Syntax, Punctuation, Correct Sentence Structure, Restatements, Information Presentation, and Paragraph Organization practice questions.
  • Written Comprehension - You'll be asked to read and process, and understand large amounts of text within a limited time frame.
  • Problem Sensitivity - You'll be asked to identify problems that relate to a variety of police-related scenarios.
  • Deductive Reasoning - You'll be measured on your ability to take a general rule and apply it to specific cases.
  • Inductive Reasoning - You'll be assessed on your ability to identify hidden patterns or rules in the given information, and then implement the rule in a different situation.
  • Information Ordering - You'll be asked to decide on the correct course of action during typical law enforcement scenarios.

Is the LEAB Ability Test Hard?

Yes, the test is challenging because it requires you to be skilled in a diverse range of topics. You will encounter Verbal, Numerical, and Logical questions that will challenge your cognitive abilities, knowledge, and reasoning. Quick thinking is also an issue because you'll need to answer these questions within a strict time limit.


For example, if you take your LEAB Ability Test in the state of Pennsylvania you’ll be required to answer questions on the following topics

The test will include 48 questions and you will have 1 hour and 40 minutes to complete it, that’s about 2 minutes per question.

Test yourself against some free LEAB ability questions to see how well you’ll do.

Free LEAB Practice Test Questions

In this free LEAB practice exam, you’ll find example questions covering both verbal and math topics.

Press the green button below each LEAB practice test section and a second question will appear.

You can also try to solve the questions within the time limit by pressing the timer icon⏲️

Good luck.


Deductive and Inductive Practice

Deductive Reasoning

Deductive Reasoning Sample Question

According to the definition given, which of the following is the best example of a misdemeanor battery?


The misdemeanor crime of battery is committed when a person applies unauthorized or unlawful force upon someone else, resulting in contact that is either harmful or offensive to the victim.

The felony of aggravated battery is committed when one commits a crime of battery with the use of a deadly weapon, commits battery resulting in serious bodily harm, or commits battery against a child, woman, or police officer.





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The correct answer is D.

A woman who shoves a man down stairs causing him minor bruising is applying unlawful force that results in harmful contact to the man.

Answer A: In order for a crime to be considered battery, the use of force must be unauthorized or unlawful. If a man is resisting arrest, a police officer is authorized to hit him with her club.

Answer B: In order for a crime to be considered battery, the use of force must be unauthorized or unlawful. Two men who punch each other in a boxing tournament are doing so with mutual consent. Therefore any harm done is considered authorized and cannot be the battery.

Answer C: “The felony of aggravated battery is committed when one […] commits a crime of battery resulting in serious bodily harm.” Accordingly, someone who paralyzed another person in a bar fight would be guilty of the felony of aggravated battery, and not the misdemeanor crime of battery.

Inductive Reasoning

Inductive Reasoning Sample Question

According to the text, the woman most likely moved the bag of leaves into her neighbor's yard to:


Officer Nadia arrived at the scene of a fire, and received the following account of events from a witness:

A woman who lives on the corner began burning leaves in her backyard at 5:15 PM. She went inside at 5:30, leaving the fire unattended. At around 5:45 the fire spread to a wood stack in her neighbor’s yard. Noticing the fire, the neighbor came out and poured water on the fire to try to extinguish it. This, however, only caused the fire to get larger and spread to his home. Noticing the damage she had caused, the woman quickly moved her bag of leaves into her neighbor’s yard.





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The correct answer is C.

Given the fact that the fire had started from burning leaves, the woman likely moved the bag from her yard into her neighbor’s yard in an attempt to make it appear as if the neighbor was responsible for the fire.


A - The fire started from the bag of leaves in her yard and then spread into her neighbor’s yard. Moving the bag of leaves out of her yard will not be effective in keeping the fire out of her yard.

B - Moving a bag of leaves would not help limit or minimize the amount of damage.

D – A bag of leaves is irrelevant to the issue of compensation for fire damage to a home.

Information Ordering and Problem Sensitivity

Information Ordering

Information Ordering Sample Question


Officer Allen was involved in a physical altercation with an elderly citizen this afternoon. Officer Allen’s account of the incident consists of the six statements below, which are out of order:

  1. He got up from the sofa and started to throw things at me until I told him I'm from the emergency services and he stopped.
  2. After I calmed him down I apologized and promised him he will be compensated for the damage.
  3. After he explained why he called, I started to break into the apartment using a crowbar. Inside, the old man was sitting on a sofa.
  4. He told me about his 92-year-old neighbor who lives alone and has not been responding to calls for a few days.
  5. I arrived at a residential building to respond to an emergency call made by one of the residents.
  6. I met him in the hallway on the 5th floor.

What is the logical order of the above statements?





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The right Answer is C.

Below you can see the right order of the sequence. Pay attention to the highlighted text, it helps us to understand the context between sentences. Every step contains a few words that give the sentence its meaning and main idea.

When you try to answer this kind of question, try to locate keywords that provide contextual information about the main idea of each numbered sentence. This will help you determine how the various steps are related to one another.

5) I arrived at a residential building to respond to an emergency call made by one of the residents.

6) I met him in the hallway of the 5th floor.

4) He told me about his 92-years old neighbor who lives alone and has not been responding to calls for a few days.

3) After he explained why he called, I started to break into the apartment using a crowbar. Inside, the old man was sitting on a sofa.

1) He got up from the sofa and started to throw things at me until I told him I'm from the emergency services and he stopped.

2) After I calmed him down I apologized and promised him he will be compensated for the damage.

We already found the right order so all that is required is to choose the order from the answers.

If possible, start with this type of question as it is simpler to answer due to the use of elimination. Answering the other questions later will be much faster as we benefit when the right order is in front of us to use.

Problem Sensitivity

Problem Sensitivity Sample Question

Read the rule carefully and answer the question




A person may take raccoons only in accordance with the following regulations:

  • Hunters must be on foot.
  • Artificial lights may be used to locate, attempt to locate, or shoot a raccoon only if the raccoon has been treed or put at bay by dogs.
  • Handguns used must be .17 or .22 caliber rimfire (including .22 magnum).

Note: a person may pursue and tree raccoons with dogs during the closed season and without a license.

Tom and his daughter ran after a raccoon until it climbed a tree. While shining a flashlight on it. Tom used a .17 caliber centerfire handgun to take it.


How did Tom and his daughter violate the RULE?





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The answer is choice C.

According to the RULE, “Handguns used must be .17 or .22 caliber rimfire (including .22 magnum).” – Tom used a centerfire handgun to take the raccoon, and therefore violated the RULE.

Answer choice A is incorrect. Since the raccoon climbed up a tree the use of artificial lights is permitted.

Answer choice B is incorrect. Shooting raccoons is permitted as long as it is done with an accepted type of gun.

Answer choice D is incorrect. We are told that Tom and his daughter ran after the raccoon; they, therefore, were on foot in compliance with the RULE.


Reading Comprehension and Written Communication

Reading Comprehension

Reading Comprehension Sample Question


Employees working within organizations have a legislative obligation to monitor the content of e-mails sent to external bodies and to eliminate potentially sensitive internal information regardless of the perceived importance of that information.

To guarantee that employees fulfill their legislative obligation and to prevent the possible leak of the exclusive information, employers have prepared mandatory contracts stipulating this responsibility, to be signed by all employees, and additionally, inserted a copyright section to every external e-mail that emphasizes the confidentiality of the information provided. Employees’ carelessness in handling information circulated via email may result in serious punitive action.

What is the legislative obligation of an employee working in an organization?





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The correct answer is B.

‘Legislative obligation’ is used in the passage to express the requirement to monitor e-mail content in order to prevent sensitive information from leaking outside of the organization:

‘employees working within organizations have a legislative obligation to monitor the content of e-mails… and to eliminate potentially sensitive internal information’.

Signing a contract (distracter A) and accepting punitive measures (distracter D) are consequences of enforcing this legislative obligation on employees.

Distracter C does not represent the essence of the meaning of ‘legislative obligation’ in the text, as it does not specify the type of e-mails which are to be monitored; rather it refers to certain content (sensitive information).


Written Communication

Written Communication Sample Question

In this sentence, there may be a problem with English grammar. If a problem does exist, select the letter that indicates the most effective change. If no problem exists, select choice D.


The new restaurant specializes in preparing rear meat.





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Answer B is correct because rear is the back of something while rare refers to the temperature at which meats are prepared.

Answer A is incorrect because specializes (plural) refers to many types of rare meat (plural), while specialize would only be one type of meat (singular).

Answer C is the wrong word for this context, meat is something that is eaten while meet refers to two people coming together.

LEAB Ability Test

This section of the law enforcement aptitude battery aims to measure your cognitive abilities through multiple-choice questions spanning six distinct topics. Many questions aim to measure the clarity and accuracy of your written communication, and most if not all will revolve around law enforcement-related scenarios.

The six sections of this law enforcement aptitude test are:

Written Expression Questions

Measure your ability to write and convey information in a clear and concise manner. The main reason the LEAB test measures this ability is to see that as a future police officer, you are able to document incidents and communicate with your colleagues effectively.

Written Comprehension Questions

In these questions, you will be presented with Long or medium-length texts that describe law enforcement-related scenarios. It aims to measure your ability to extract relevant information and work accordingly, as you would need to do while reading a report or following guidelines as a future police officer.

Problem Sensitivity Questions

Problem sensitivity questions measure your ability to properly identify problems. This relates to a variety of police-related scenarios, such as noticing something suspicious in a description given by a witness, an issue with equipment, or a deviation from procedures.

Deductive Reasoning Questions

Deductive Reasoning questions measure your ability to take a general rule and apply it to specific cases. For instance, you may be asked to determine whether a specific law applies in a scenario you are presented with or to say if a case should be classified as one violation of the law as opposed to another.

Inductive Reasoning Questions

This section of the LEAB test measures your ability to identify hidden patterns or rules in the given information, and then implement the rule in a different situation. This is the skill that allows law enforcement to put together a cohesive picture from the fragmented pieces of information that are found at a crime scene or an accident.

Information Ordering Questions

These questions aim to measure the candidate’s ability to decide on the correct course of action during typical law enforcement scenarios, according to the procedure. For instance, a police officer will regularly need to decide how to handle the scene of a car accident according to best practices and procedures.

LEAB Work Styles Questionnaire

While the abilities test is the largest part of the LEAB exam, the work styles questionnaire (Also known as the Police Psychological exam) is no less important and gives your employer an understanding of important mental attributes.

This section of the test is a short type of personality test in which you will need to answer short statements relating to your behavior or attitude toward different situations, both professional and personal. 

It is a common misconception that there is no need to prepare for personality tests, and understanding the logic behind these tests and how to answer them in a way that best presents your strengths can highly improve your chances of passing.

Remember that not answering a question in the work styles questionnaire could result in your disqualification from the selection process, so be sure to answer everything!

Here is an example of a Work Styles Questionnaire question from the preparation

work style questionnaire q1

Interested in practicing LEAB Work Styles Questionnaire questions? Add the Police Psychological exam to your purchase and ace your police hiring process with flying colors.

LEAB Life Experience Survey

This section is intended to gather information about your typical behavior and attitudes at work and also in your personal life. For example, you might be asked how often you are late for work on average during the year. You will be presented with multiple-choice questions, from which you will need to select the choice which matches you the closest.

We recommend allocating 20 minutes to answering this section of the test, and like the work styles questionnaire, it is vital to answer all the questions because otherwise you could be disqualified from the police hiring process.

LEAB Test Format and Time Management

The law enforcement aptitude battery is timed as a whole, and there is no time limit for individual sections. This is why you need to manage your time accurately and set yourself a general timeframe in advance. 

You have 2.5 - 3 hours to complete the whole LEAB test, we recommend spending two-thirds of the time on the LEAB ability test and the rest on other sections.

If you are looking for a different test, or are not sure which test is relevant for your position, please  contact us at c.serv@jobtestprep.com and we will do our best to ensure you get the most accurate preparation for your upcoming assessment.