Prepare for U.S. Immigration and Customs Exams

Want to become an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) special agent or criminal investigator? Need to take a test to win the job of your dreams? JobTestPrep has all the resources you need to successfully prepare for and pass your exams—from important information about the testing process to ICE practice exams, sample test questions, and detailed answers and explanations.

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About U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), which is responsible for enforcing U.S. immigration and customs laws, is the largest investigative agency in the Department of Homeland Security. ICE employs over 20,000 workers, and, and plans to hire between 10,000–15,000 new agents going forward. 

ICE has more than 400 offices in the U.S. and around the world.

Two of the major sectors within the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement are Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) and Homeland Security Investigations (HSI).

ERO enforces the nation’s immigration laws in a fair and effective manner. It identifies and apprehends removable aliens, detaining those individuals when necessary and removing them from the United States. Learn more about the ERO Immigration Enforcement Agent Test.

The HSI is responsible for investigating a wide range of domestic and international activities arising from the illegal movement of people and goods into, within, and out of the United States. Learn more about the HSI Special Agent Test.

Benefits of Working for ICE

Working for ICE can fulfil your desire to serve in a position that is both exciting and rewarding. As an ICE employee, you receive a trove of benefits, including health, life, and long-term care insurance; paid training; a flexible work schedule; transportation subsidies; and tuition reimbursement. In addition, you receive personal leave days for vacation, illness, and family care; ten paid holidays per year; a Thrift Savings Plan (similar to a 401K); and a retirement plan.

Preparing for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Exams

ICE employs over 20,000 individuals in the U.S. and around the world. Preparing for ICE's entrance exam will increase your chances of becoming one of those people. Let JobTestPrep help you. Our PrepPack™ includes timed practice tests, study guides, and answer explanations, all of which were designed to ensure your success.

ICE Requirements

Before you can become a member of ICE, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Be a U.S. citizen
  • Be under 37 when you join the team (unless you're a veteran or have had a previous law enforcement job)
  • Possess a valid driver's license
  • Have a clean record of convictions, job terminations, and/or arrests
  • Possess a bachelor's degree or higher

ICE Hiring Process and Assessment Tests

If you met the aforementioned requirements, you may start the hiring process, which consists of the following:

  • Taking entrance exams (that assess your critical thinking skills)
  • Completing and passing a physical and medical exam
  • Passing a drug test
  • Passing a background test

It's important to note that any previous arrests, drug use, and financial issues may be flagged. 

If you pass the aforementioned steps, the next are:

  • A 16-week basic training program (which includes a five-week Spanish language course)
  • Written tests – You can only score below a 70% on one of the exams, and if you do, you only have one chance to pass a makeup exam.
  • An interview
  • A polygraph (lie detector test) – It is said that 60% of candidates fail here because they do not disclose prior drug use or criminal history.
  • A background investigation

Only if you pass every aspect of the hiring process will you be offered a job. 

After You've Been Hired

Once you are hired, you will still encounter additional training. ICE agents are required to:

  • Complete 58 days of integrated law courses
  • Complete physical training
  • Complete firearms training
  • Complete driving instruction courses
  • If still not fluent in Spanish, complete a 40-day language training program