Prepare for Your Kenexa Prove It Data Entry Test

Were you invited to take a Kenexa Prove It data entry test? JobTestPrep can help you prepare for your assessment test with information about the test, tips and advice. We also provide a practice platform that simulates the same style and difficulty that you will encounter on the actual exam.

Kenexa Prove It Data Entry Test

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  • A platform simulating the same style and difficulty level of the actual exam
  • Five full-length Prove It Data Entry alphanumeric practice tests
  • Five full-length Prove It Data Entry 10-key practice tests
  • 50 slides to practice your data entry skills
  • Compatible with Chrome, FireFox, and Edge
  • Score reports 

General Information About Data Entry Tests

Data entry is an important skill used in many jobs today. For positions that require data entry, it is crucial for employers to evaluate the applicant's accuracy and speed before they are hired, as it may have major efficiency implications in the long run.

The Kenexa Prove It data entry test is one of the most popular Kenexa Prove It tests. It is part of the assessment process for clerical positions in the technical, industrial, and medical fields.

To prepare for the Kenexa Prove It data entry test, JobTestPrep offers you a Prove It style practice pack to help you achieve your required score.

Kenexa Prove It Data Entry - Test Types

Kenexa Prove It offers two types of data entry tests:

Kenexa Prove It Data Entry Alpha Numeric Test

This test requires you to type data into a simulation of a database. It tests both letters and numbers typed. The goal of this test is to measure your data entry speed and accuracy. It includes five records (each record on different page), with eight fields apiece, which you are requested to fill by typing the letters or numbers presented at the side of the screen. The "Tab" key or the "Enter" key will navigate you between fields. Before the real test begins, you will be presented with a half-filled record to help you understand what you need to do during the test.

Kenexa Prove It Data Entry 10-Key Test

This test requires you to type numbers into a simulation of a spreadsheet. It only tests how well you can type numbers. The goal of this test is to measure your speed and accuracy when entering numeric data. The test includes five records (each record on a different row within the same page). There are eight fields on each record, which you are requested to fill by typing the numbers that present below. The "+" key or the "Enter" key will navigate you between fields. Each field contains between 4-6 numbers in an inconsistent order.

You will receive an email with a link to start an online Prove It data entry Alpha Numeric onscreen test, an online Prove It data entry 10-key onscreen test, or both. In most cases, you will also be asked to take the Prove It typing test, which measures similar abilities (see more information about the Kenexa Prove It typing test). You may also be asked to take other Kenexa Prove It skills tests, such as the Prove It Microsoft Office tests and the Prove It accounting test. Of those, the most common are the Microsoft Office tests, which usually include Excel and Word assessments.

Kenexa Prove It Data Entry Test Results

The results are calculated according to five parameters: elapsed time, field accuracy percentage, keystrokes per hour (KPH), keystroke accuracy and adjusted KPH.

The KPH parameter in the data entry test is similar to the words per minute (WPM) parameter in the typing test. The average number of keystrokes per word is five and the expected amount of minutes an employee would be entering data in a typical workday hour is 50. Hence, the calculation to convert from WPM to KPH is based on the formula: kph=wpm*5*50.

The minimum required KPH scores for the data entry alphanumeric test and for the data entry 10-key test are different. Different jobs also require different minimums of KPH. In general, however, the minimum required score for the alphanumeric test is 8,000 KPH and the minimum required score for the 10-key test is 10,000 KPH (both with more than 95% accuracy).

Many positions involve the entry of data into a series of database fields. The Kenexa Prove It data entry test is an important part of the assessment process for clerk positions requiring data entry. Such positions involve typing, transcribing, using a word processor and entering stream data into existing programs. This test might also be part of the assessment process for other jobs, such as administrative and executive assistants, legal secretaries, customer support staff, computer coders, and stenographers.

How to Improve Your Data Entry Speed?

  • Maintain a comfortable posture: your shoulders should be relaxed, your feet flat on the floor, and your back straight. Good posture enables you to save energy and feel relaxed during the test.
  • When you prepare for the 10-key test, use only the little keypad on the right-hand side of your keyboard. It contains all the keys you need for the test in a minimal space, which will help you improve your kph score.
  • It is recommended to practice for the alphanumeric test and the 10-key test separately because you will use different parts of the keyboard for each of them.
  • It is recommended to practice on a platform that simulates the real test interface.
  • Pay attention to capital letters and punctuation. Be sure to press the right key when you should move to the next field or record: the "Tab" key or the "Enter" key on the alphanumeric test and the "+" key or the "Enter" key on the 10-key test.

Prepare for Your Prove It Data Entry Test

JobTestPrep has created a customized Prove It–style data entry test practice package to help you prepare for the exam. Our platform simulates the same style and difficulty level you'll encounter on the actual test. It includes two types of data entry tests: the alphanumeric test and the 10-key test. This allows you to practice each test type or both. This enables you to assess your current ability and to decide how much effort and practice you want to invest. Prepare with JobTestPrep to ensure you make it to the top of the candidates list.