Mechanical Apprenticeship Preparation Pack

In today's world of increasingly advanced technology, a mechanic's importance, as well as demand, continues to rise. If you wish to become a mechanic yourself, an apprenticeship may be the fastest way to achieve that goal. In order to become a Mechanic Apprentice, you will have to pass a Mechanic Apprenticeship Test. JobTestPrep has developed aptitude tests and study guides to help you pass the test and launch your career.

Mechanic Apprenticeship Exam Practice

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  • More than 850 questions to practice with
  • 19 Reading Comprehension and English Grammar tests
  • 24 Numerical Reasoning tests assessing basic arithmetic, algebra, geometry, word problems, and conversions
  • 11 mechanical tests which focus on mechanical reasoning and electrical concepts
  • 5 Study Guides focusing on different mathematical aspects

Mechanics work to repair and maintain various types of machines that require an in-depth understanding of both mechanical and electronic concepts. The rising complexity of modern day machinery calls for an equal comprehension from the mechanic, while also expanding the variety of industrial fields as well as the demand for professional mechanics.

This field of apprenticeship can be fascinating for candidates interested in working with machinery and solving complex problems. If you wish to join a mechanic apprenticeship, you may have to first pass a pre-apprenticeship test.

Mechanic Apprenticeship Test

Preparing for the Mechanic Apprenticeship Test is highly recommended and the surest way to guarantee passing it successfully. While the format may vary from company to company, you can expect to be tested on three main subjects:

  • Mechanical Reasoning– This section will assess your understanding of basic mechanical concepts and relations as well as your understanding of tools. It will also assess your ability to interpret graphs and diagrams.
  • Reading Comprehension– The English portion of the test contains questions measuring your reading comprehension skills as well as your vocabulary and knowledge of English grammar.
  • Mathematical Reasoning– This section will test your understanding of numeracy, basic mechanical operations using decimals and whole numbers, basic and intermediate algebra, geometry, conversions, and word problems.

The purpose of this test is to measure a candidate's potential to successfully complete an apprenticeship; the test does not include college level material. The Mechanic Apprenticeship Practice Pack will help you acquire and develop the skills necessary to the pass the exam. It will also help you familiarize yourself with the different concepts and ease your anxiety on the day of the test.

Mechanic Apprenticeship Test Preparation

Passing the Mechanic Apprenticeship Test is an important step necessary for launching your career as an apprentice. JobTestPrep's Mechanic Apprenticeship Practice Pack includes plenty of practice and aptitude tests, score analysis, and thorough study guides. These resources will help you practice until you are fully prepared and sure to pass your upcoming exam.


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