PSI Firefighter Selection Test Preparation

If your employment goal is within the field of firefighting, you will be happy to learn that PSI has created a simpler and shorter pre-employment test. Practice and repetition are the recommended avenues to exam success. You have the affordable opportunity to fully prepare for the PSI Firefighter Test through JobTestPrep.

  • Total Questions: +850
  • Topics Covered: work orientation, reading comprehension, language skills
  • Includes: Immediate online access, practice 24/7

PSI Firefighter Selection Test Practice

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  • Over 850 practice Questions & Answers
  • 3 FDNY–style practice tests
  • ALL common types of questions seen on the real test
  • Work orientation preparation
  • Reading comprehension and language skills drills
  • Report interpretation drills
  • Mechanical comprehension drills
  • Original study guides
  • A complete breakdown of the ideal Firefighter profile
  • Comprehensive explanations and solving tips for all questions
  • Secured payment
  • All inclusive and up-to-date


PSI(AKA Talogy) offers two kinds of Firefighter Tests. The Firefighter Multimedia Assessment (FMA) and the Firefighter Selection Test (FST). Both tests measures basic skills that are required for firefighters. Both the FDNY and the LAFD use PSI Exams.

Firefighter Multimedia Assessment

The Firefighter Multimedia Assessment is a video-based training lesson for entry-level firefighters. The videos are about a piece of equipment that is not real, but was created specifically for this assessment.  The FMA test is approximately 120 – 160 minutes.

The FMA measures the following cognitive abilities:

  • Reasoning – The ability to combine separate pieces of information and to form conclusions on the basis of that information.
  • Listening Comprehension – The ability to listen to a spoken passage and answer literal and inferential questions about it.
  • Reading Comprehension – The ability to read written words and understand the meaning and ideas associated with them.
  • Learning Ability – Acquiring and applying new information obtained in training.
  • Basic Arithmetic – The ability to perform arithmetic computations (e.g., add, subtract, multiply, divide) to solve work problems.

Learn more about the FDNY Exam and the LAFD Exam.

Firefighter Selection Test

The Firefighter Selection Test measures core attributes required to be a top-performing firefighter. The FST is designed to assess the reading comprehension and mechanical comprehension.

The FST measures the following abilities:

  • Mechanical Comprehension – The ability to understand and work with basic mechanical concepts.
  • Reading Comprehension – The ability to read, interpret, and apply various kinds of information firefighters might encounter on the job.
  • Report Interpretations – The ability to interpret and work with charts, tables, diagrams, and instructions.

Work Orientation

Some of the PSI Firefighter Tests are combined with a Work Orientation portion. The Work Oreintation measures workplace behaviors and attitudes, much like a personality test. The alternatives include five-point rating scales, from strongly disagree to strongly agree; never to once a week or more; or very Unlikely to very likely. Expect 87 questions with a timeframe of approximately 17 minutes. The traits highlighted in this portion of the test include: Conscientiousness, handling work pressures, interpersonal relations involving co-workers as well as the community, safety orientation, drug/alcohol avoidance, trustworthiness.

Prepare for PSI Firefighter Tests

You can thoroughly prepare for the Fire Selection Test Preparation with JobTestPrep. Practice with PSI Firefighter test sample questions and Q & A analysis, review of PSI firefighter exam study guide and FST strategies. Our FST Prep Pack will contribute to increased accuracy, speed and testing confidence.