Psychometric Assessment Centre Preparation All-Inclusive

If you have a psychometric test, interview, or assessment centre coming up, get this all-inclusive pack that will give you the practice tests you need. You will find numerical, verbal, abstract, personality, and situational judgement tests covering a variety of different levels. As well as this, you will gain access to assessment centre preparation tests and guides and our interview preparation hub. Gain access today for a complete preparation.

  • Total Tests: 113
  • Total Questions: 1,800+
  • Topics Covered: All-inclusive preparation
  • Includes: 30 guides

Psychometric All-Inclusive Preparation

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  • Numerical reasoning tests- 11 General / entry-level + 10 Graduate / senior MGMT
  • Verbal reasoning tests- 10  General / entry-level + 12 Graduate / senior MGMT
  • 20 Inductive reasoning
  • 14 Deductive reasoning
  • 13 case study exercises and guides
  • 3 group and role play exercises and guides
  • 6 in-tray exercises and guides
  • 1 personality test
  • Interview Preparation
  • 8 SJT’s
  • 30 study guides and video tutorials


In this PrepPack™ there are over 100 tests as well as 30 guides to really give you a complete preparation for any test you will be sitting. There are two different levels of tests in this pack with both the general staff and entry level as well as managerial positions. This is a pack that can grow with you. Start out with the entry level tests and as you move on through your career you will find the managerial level tests helpful in your career path. 

Overall, there are 18 different numerical tests, 19 verbal reasoning tests, 20 inductive/abstract reasoning tests, 8 SJT's, and a personality test that is also broken down into 50 different single-trait tests to give you a fully rounded preparation.

Moreover, there are tests and drills to help you prepare for a case study, group exercise and role plays, in-basket, and interviews. 

Take a look at our psychometric test practice: