Free Revelian Practice Tests & Prep Guide 2025

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As of 2020, Revelian has become a Criteria Corp company. The most common cognitive assessment by Criteria is the CCAT test.

What Is Revelian

Revelian is an Australian-based assessment provider. They offer test in 3 major categories, including cognitive ability tests, personality tests, and Gamified tests. 

Each of these test families are unique and involve entirely different information.  

The only exception to this rule are the 3 reasoning tests: Numerical, Verbal and Abstract. These tests are all used in conjunction with the other Revelian tests to give a clear assessment of your cognitive abilities.  

Revelian’s most popular assessment used by employers is the Revelian Cognitive Ability Test (see below) and is comprised of each of the 3 facets mentioned above in a randomized order. Most employers choose this test as part of their application process since it provides them with a well-rounded evaluation of your skill level. 

To ensure your ability to ace your Revelian test, it is best to know which test or tests you will be taking. We have provided information regarding each of these tests below to assist you in pinpointing the tests you really need.  

We recommend using the 5 free tests provided by our experts to become acquainted with the test formats, question styles, and concepts alongside full answer explanations and tips.  

Once you have taken advantage of these free resources, we recommend that you check out each our specialized Revelian-style PrepPacks.

Free Revelian Online Tests

Try each of the free tests below to receive your predicted score and a summary of your weakest areas: 

Revelian Cognitive Ability Test

Test Time 5 min
Questions 10
Pass Score 8

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Revelian Numerical Reasoning

Test Time 2:30 min
Questions 5
Pass Score 8

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Revelian Verbal Reasoning Test

Test Time 1:30 min
Questions 5
Pass Score 8

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Revelian Abstract Reasoning Test

Test Time 1:40 min
Questions 5
Pass Score 8

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Revelian Reasoning Tests

Reasoning tests (also known as cognitive ability tests) are what most job applicants can expect to encounter during the recruitment process. Assessments of this kind provided by Revelian are popular by employers to gain a well-rounded profile of your strengths and weakness. It should come as no surprise then that many applicants find these tests difficult.  

There are 4 Revelian reasoning tests, each with their own time limit and number of questions. These tests include: 

1) Cognitive Ability Test 

2) Numerical Reasoning 

3) Verbal Reasoning 

4) Abstract Reasoning 


As you progress through each test, the difficulty level will gradually increase. This means that you should take special care to get the earlier questions right since all questions are likely weighted the same. 

Keep in mind:  

  • There is no penalty for a wrong answer so, the best plan of action is to make an educated guess whenever you can without delay. You should strive to answer as many questions as possible; this includes quickly guessing the remaining questions when your time is about to run out.  
  • Most people cannot complete all questions in the given time-frame so, don't be hard on yourself. Instead, use this knowledge and practice as often as possibleby improving your guessing strategy, you can easily outscore the competition. 

Revelian Cognitive Test Walkthrough

To get you better acquainted with Revelian test material our experts have compiled some sample questions and answers solving in the form of a walkthroughThis is intended to shed as much light on the upcoming challenge of this particular cognitive test as possible. 

You get to try, hands-on, 2 questions for each test type: starting out easy and followed up by an even harderquestion. 

Now grab a pen and paper and drill down into each of the 4 tabs below to begin. 

 Ready? Let’s Get Started! 


Revelian Cognitive Ability Test

51 questions

20 min

No penalty for wrong answers

In the RCAT section of the test, you will be given 20 minutes to complete 51 verbal, numerical and abstract reasoning questions. This test measures your critical thinking and reasoning abilities by relaying your ability to acquire, organise, retain and apply information. The subject matter is made-up of common questions that overlap various professions. If you're about to do this test you should definitely check out our free guide for revelian cognitive ability test, that covers basic to advanced aspects of the test as well as sample questions with an illuminating walk-through by our experts.

 Revelian Numerical Reasoning Test

 25 questions

 12 min

 No penalty for wrong answers

The goal of this test is to measure how well you can analyse and solve numerical problems. This test is mainly used for numerical-based professions. The test consists of 25 questions within a 12-minute window.

Many Revelian questions are set in number series format. Typically the tests are presented in numerical lines or a matrix (a 3 by 3 table).

Oftentimes, people find that the latter is the preferred format because they are able to calculate numbers in 2 separate ways: 1) vertically and 2) horizontally. Thus, you can easily check your work, resulting in fewer errors.

Let's start practising a few numerical sample questions:


Question 1: Easy

Billy has been driving for 4 hours. If Billy has driven 140 km, what has Billy’s average driving speed been? ________ km/h

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✔️ The correct answer is 35 km/h.

Average Speed = Distance / Time.

So, Average Speed = 140km / 4h = 35 km/h.

Therefore, the correct answer is 35 km/h.

Question 2: Hard

What is the missing number that should take the place of the question mark?


10  |  19  |  33  |  52  |  ?  |  105

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✔️ The correct answer is 76.

10 + 9 = 19 →

19 + 14 = 33 →

33 + 19 = 52


The number being added increases by 5 (+9, +14, +19) each time.

If 19 was added to 33 to get 52, then 19 + 5 = 24 was added to 52 to get ? → 76

[ 52 + 24 = 76 ]

To confirm that this is the pattern, continue with the other number → 76 24 + 5 = 29. 76 + 29 = 105.

Bingo! the correct answer is 76.

 Revelian Verbal Reasoning

 35 questions

 10 min

 No penalty for wrong answers

Revelian’s Verbal Reasoning Tests measures you in 3 main facets:

  1. Your capacity to understand concepts and take in written information.  
  2. Your ability to process and analyse what you’ve learned.
  3. How well you can reach viable conclusions and offer solutions to problems you were presented with.

All technical jobs offer daily challenges requiring you to process complex data. The more complex the data the more your verbal abilities come into play in determining your performance and output.

This is why you will surely encounter this type of test or questions of this sort when applying for tech, finance, consulting etc.

When you eventually sit this test, you’ll be presented with 35 randomly generated questions (that make their order unique only to you) and given 10 minutes to complete the test.

Let's do some verbal question examples:


Question 1: Easy

4 of the following are alike in some way. Please choose the other 2:







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✔️ The correct answers are (A) and (C).

Essay, novel, article and autobiography are writing genres.

Journalist and Dictate are words which relate to writing but are not writing genres.

Question 2: Hard

Which 2 of the following statements PROVE that Frank’s train will arrive in Montreal at exactly 12:00 PM?






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✔️ The correct answers are (C) and (E).

This question takes into consideration one factor – time.

The statement that Frank will arrive in Montreal at exactly 12:00 PM is supported by the claims that the trip to Montreal always takes exactly 6 hours to complete (C).

And that Frank always arrives 15 minutes before his train’s departure to Montreal at 6:00 AM (E).

A 6-hour trip, leaving at 6:00 AM to Montreal means that Frank will arrive at 12:00 PM.

The other statements, (A), (B), and (D) are largely irrelevant and meant to distract the reader.

Statement (A) only speaks of the speed the train travels at, and the number of stops. One cannot prove when the train will arrive in Montreal with this statement.

Statement (B) can potentially be done mathematically, since the train leaves at 6:00 AM, arrives in Kingston at 9:00, and is 2 hours away from Montreal, meaning it will arrive at 11:00 AM, not 12:00 PM.

Statement (D) only mentions when Frank leaves his home and travels to the train station and does not work in conjunction with any other statement.

Revelian Abstract Reasoning

32 questions

10 min

No penalty for wrong answers

The RART specialises in finding how well you work with theoretical problems. For example, you will be asked to detect relationships between shapes, scrutinise patterns and assess diagrams.

It will be your job to go through as many of the 32 problems as you can in the timed 10 minutes.

Let's jump into practicing some abstract sample questions:


Question 1: Easy

Which 2 of the items below do not belong with the others?


revelian abstract reasoning example question
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✔️ The correct answer is (B) and (E).

All the items except item (B) and (E) have identical counterparts:

(A) and (F) are identical.

(C) and (D) are identical.

Items (B) and (E) are the only ones that do not have identical counterparts.

Question 2: Hard

Which 2 of the items below do not belong with the others?
abstract reasoning revalian
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✔️ The correct answer is (B) and (C).

Items (A), (D), (E), and (F) all contain shapes who have a total of 12 sides, when you count the sides of all of the shapes in a given item.

For example, item (E) contains a single shape with 12 sides.

Same thing goes for item (A), which contains 3 shapes – one with 4 sides, one with 3 sides, and one with 5 sides.

When you add the number of sides in all of the shapes, you will find there is a total of 12 sides in the item.

(3 + 4 + 5 = 12)

The same is true of items (D) and (F).

Items (B) and (C), however, have a different number of sides:

Item (B) contains a total of 13 sides (10 + 3 = 13).

Item (C) contains a total of 19 sides (4 + 7 + 8 = 19).

Revelian Personality Tests

This test specializes in finding how well you work with theoretical problems. For example, you will be asked to detect relationships between shapes, scrutinize patterns and assess diagrams. It is your job to go through as many of the 32 problems as you can in the allotted 10 minutes. 

Revelian personality tests also include 4 main tests that assess your character, behavior and attitudes. They tend to be longer than the tests in the previous category, with some tests reaching upwards of 170 different questions. These are not difficult but may be a major obstacle if you lack the desired traits and behavioral inclinations the company is looking for. 

They assess specific capabilities such as your ability to understand other people’s emotionsyour decisions in different work-related situations, and how well you think outside the box. 




Revelian Personality Test

170 questions

No time limit

No right and wrong answers

The 16PF essentially predicts your behaviour, communication and level of performance in concrete areas considered critical to your job performance, such as:

  • how you relate to others
  • how well you work under pressure
  • how structured you are
  • your level of flexibility
  • how easily you are influenced
  • and your collaboration level

The 16PF assesses you on all these by creating scenarios to predict how you will react in the given situation, generally centered in your designated work environment.

While there is no time limit, the 170-question test typically takes about 30 minutes to complete.

if you're here you might as well take your free practice personality test, or take a look at our full product.

Revelian Personality Test

27 questions

No right and wrong answers

No time limit

Typically used as the final assessment, this 24-question test traditionally takes 10 minutes to complete. The RBP determines your behavioural style in a work atmosphere.

Many of the questions are formatted by answering least likely to most likely. There is no passing/failing score, the purpose is to simply inform the employer how you react given particular situations.

Upon completion of the test, your employer will then be left with a list list denoting your strengths and weaknesses in these 4 areas:

  1. Compliance – approach to rules
  2. Dominance – approach to problems and challenges
  3. Influencing – approach to social situations
  4. Steadiness – approach to pace of the environment

Revelian Personality Test

84 questions


No right and wrong answers

This test contains 84 questions with a 15 minutes time limit. It is purposely timed short so you cannot answer every single question.

This personality test is aimed to help predict your job satisfaction and productivity (so your future employer could decrease employee turnover).

It is based on 8 areas:

  1. Quantitative – working with numbers
  2. Investigative – reasoning and research
  3. Clerical – administrative tasks
  4. Manual – working with your hands
  5. Interpersonal – interaction with other people
  6. Creative – showing your innovation
  7. Selling – promotional areas
  8. Mobile – work performed outdoors

The questions on this test do not assess your actual ability in the above areas, rather your willingness and desire to work in them.

Revelian Personality Test

77 questions

No time limit

No right and wrong answers

On this test you'll have  77 questions which usually take around 15 minutes to complete. The test assess your attitude towards safety control, risk aversion, stress management, violence and drug aversion.

On the test, you are presented with a series of statements relating to the above subjects. You must decide whether you agree or disagree with these statements. This test provides employers with a deeper understanding of your ability to work safely both personally and with regard to future colleagues.

Revelian Gamified Tests

Revelian Gamified tests will probably be the most fun for you, but their purpose is just as crucial all the same. 

They assess specific capabilities, from your ability to understand other people’s emotions or your decisions in different work-related situations to how well you think outside the box. 


There are up to six different games in Cognify, measuring core cognitive abilities: problem-solving, numerical reasoning, and verbal reasoningThe employer will choose the games that are most relevant to your hiring position. 

To learn more about the Cognify games go to our designated Cognitfy test guide. 


Emotify is a collection of 3 games, which assesses one’s level of emotional intelligence (EI). The games on this test require recognizing and choosing appropriate emotional responses, showing prospective employers how well you can pick up non-verbal signals and moderate emotions. 

To learn more about this test go to our designated Emotify test guide. 


Revelian FAQs

The following companies are known to use Revelian in their application process.  

It's important to note that each company may use different combinations of Revelian assessments or different assessments altogether during the recruitment process. 

In order for you to be able to prepare efficiently, you should contact your recruiter to try and find out the exact test you're going to take, then construct a preparation plan focused on that.  





BMW (Australia) 


PPB Advisory 

Australian Government 

RSM Bird 



New South Wales Government 

Toga Hospitality 

Medina Hotels 




Pegasus Employment 


Energy Australia 



Peabody Energy 




Moose toys 






Revelian’s difficulty level depends on you. Some people find verbal reasoning easier than numerical and vice versa. What often stumps most people is the short timeframe given to each section of the test. 

We recommend carefully reading all the instructions beforehand and remain focused and calm during the test. 

You can take the test once every 12 months. 

Unfortunately, no. You will only be asked to take the test after your application has been screened and selected to continue in the recruitment process. 

This is highly likely. Revelian provides employers the option of comparing your test results to a normative group under a variety of criteria including the specific job, industry, entry-level or their particular companies’ incoming employees. 

You can’t. The only way to participate in Revilian-based games is by receiving an invitation from an employer that uses Revelian as a test provider. 

The best way to prepare is to think up various challenging situations and re-visit how you reacted. Feel free topractice using our generic personality test prep pack as well.

While you can look on Revelian’s main website to play similar games, there is nothing you can do to learn beforehand. 

Revelian’s games measure abilities and traits, not specific knowledge that you can learn beforehand. 

Before beginning your test, look on Revelian’s main website and make sure you are using the supported browser to avoid running into any technical difficulties.