Take The Guesswork Out Of The Sales Personality Test

Looking to work in sales? A certain set of personality based skills are commonly used in sales type positions and many companies will submit you to a personality test in order to see if you have what it takes. JobTestPrep has all the information you need to pass the test and increase your confidence in your ability to pass it. Start preparing today and standout from the competition.

  • Total Questions: 233
    Topics Covered: Sales job personality test
    Includes: Study guide, score reports, and answer explanations
Sales Personality Test Practice

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  • Full-length, 233-question long, professional personality test
  • Analysis of 30 traits seen on popular employment personality tests
  • Adaptive reports to your specific position
  • The complete "How to pass a personality test" guide
  • Secured payment
  • Immediate online access, practice 24/7
  • Exclusive to JobTestPrep

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Employers may use a personality test when hiring a salesperson as a sales personality test can help an employer decide which candidate is the best fit for the position. There are many kinds of personality tests. However, most personality tests contain questions of three varieties:

  • True/false questions – decide whether a statement regarding yourself is true or false
  • Scaled questions – choose your level of agreement (usually from 1–5) with a given statement
  • Multiple-choice questions – choose the right answer from a set of different choices

Strategies to Excel on a Sales Personality Test

Tip #1 - Think Like a Sales Employee

The most difficult aspect of personality tests is how you answer questions. Since everyone has traits that portray different aspects of his or her life, it is possible to answer the same questions in different ways. You should answer questions based on how you think you would react in the various roles you assume in your life. Thus, it is important to only think like a salesperson when taking a sales personality test. This way, your answers will be optimized for your best performance on the test.

Tip #2 - Don't Worry If It's Timed

Some sales personality tests are timed. Even if you get nervous, there is no need to worry. Personality tests are designed to give you more than enough time to finish.

Tip #3 – Read Questions Carefully

Personality tests are scored by measuring the consistency of responses to similar questions with slightly different or reverse wording. Read carefully and provide similar responses to questions that assess the same trait. Look for words like "never," "often," or "sometimes," and consider their context when deciding to what extent you agree or disagree with a statement.

Taking practice tests is absolutely the best way to supply consistent, honest answers and improve your score.

Get more helpful tips on taking a personality test

Personality Tests for Sales

Many types of personality tests are used when hiring a salesperson. Below is a list of different personality tests that are used for sales.

16 Personality Factor (16pf) – This personality test focuses on how a candidate might react to specific work situations.

MBTI Sixteen Personality - Structured of various personality types combination. 

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator – This is the most widely used personality test on the market, and it is often used by employers when hiring for sales positions. It can also help employers understand their employees and inspire them to succeed.

Caliper Profile Assessment Test – This test measures cognitive capabilities as well as personality traits, to predict strengths, limitations, motivations, and potential. 

DiSC – This assessment measures personality and behavior style, which helps employers see if a candidate would be successful as a salesperson.

StrenghsFinder – This test can help managers identify a person's strengths in a sales position.

Desirable Sales Personality Traits

There are a variety of characteristics that are indicators of a successful salesperson. Below are just some of the desired traits an effective salesperson should possess.

  • Modesty – The stereotype of successful salespeople being pushy is false. Most successful salespeople score medium to high in modesty.
  • Conscientiousness – Top salespeople score high in conscientiousness. They are described as responsible and reliable.
  • Achievement Orientation – Scoring high in this trait shows that achieving goals is something the test taker is focused on.
  • Curiosity –Curiosity can be described as a person’s hunger for knowledge and information. A high score in this trait will demonstrate as much.
  • Lack of Gregariousness – Scoring lower in this trait demonstrates a good salesperson as it shows that you are not overly friendly. Being overly friendly can make a salesperson too close to his or her customers and may result in difficulty establishing dominance.
  • Lack of Discouragement – Scoring low in this trait shows competitiveness.
  • Lack of Self-Consciousness – A high level in Self-Consciousness shows bashfulness and inhibition. As a potential salesperson, you want to score low in this trait.

Interpreting the Score Report

On a salesperson personality test, most traits are measured by scales. Each scale has a predetermined "ideal" range based on the characteristics that are predicted to lead to success in the job. The ideal range is often marked in green, the neutral range in yellow, and the non-ideal range in red. Below is a sample of salesperson characteristics, their definition as they relate to the salesperson’s personality, and how they are depicted in scales.

sales personality test guide

Prepare for a Sales Personality Test with JobTestPrep

JobTestPrep offers a sales personality practice test to help you prepare for the exam. Our PrepPack™ includes answer explanations and study guides. One of our study guides is a professions guide with which you can compare your test results to the desired traits of a salesperson. Start preparing today to achieve the score you need to get the job.