Prepare Online for the Texas State Trooper Exam

When aiming to become a Texas state trooper, you will be required to take an assessment test which evaluates your cognitive abilities. JobTestPrep's online Texas State Trooper test preparation gives you the chance to take a simulated practice exam to familiarize you with the format and content of the real test. Get the tools you need to reach your ultimate goal by preparing now

Texas State Trooper Exam Practice

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  • 18 Reading comprehension tests
  • 12 English tests, covering grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling
  • 8 Basic math drills, covering addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
  • 6 Math word problems in various subjects
  • 11 Extra numerical drills, covering percentages, fractions, and decimals
  • 7 Study guides and video tutorials in both numerical and verbal subjects
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State troopers are law enforcement professionals who ensure that drivers are following state vehicular laws and regulations. State troopers serve in the Texas Highway Patrol, which is an agency of the Texas Department of Public Safety. These officers may direct traffic, issue citations, arrest criminals, assist injured motorists involved in accidents, and help local law enforcement agencies.

To be a state trooper in Texas you must be a US citizen, be at least 20 years of age, and have completed at least 60 college hours or 24 months of military or police experience. 

The Texas State Trooper Exam

The Texas State Trooper exam includes basic reading comprehension, mathematical, and grammar & writing skills sections. The test questions are equivalent to a 12th grade level of education and the score given is either a pass or fail.

Start Preparing Today for your Texas State Trooper Exam

Prepare with JobTestPrep and gain the knowledge and skills needed to pass the Texas State Trooper entrance exam. We provide you with tailor-made practice tests and sample questions, so you can feel thoroughly prepared for your upcoming Texas State Trooper exam.


JobTestPrep looks forward to being your guide for passing the Texas State Trooper Test.