U.S. Marshals Assessment Exam Preparation

Action-packed and exciting are two key adjectives that describe the workload of the Deputy U.S. Marshal (DUSM). If this is your employment magnet, you will quickly find two screening assessments. JobTestPrep is here to walk you through the format, structure and sample questions that drive a successful DUSM exam experience.

US Marshal Exam Practice

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Shir, Civil Service Assessments Expert at JobTestPrep
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There are three primary U.S. Marshal job titles:

  • Deputy U.S. Marshal (DUSM) – The job includes a wide range of responsibilities such as protecting witnesses, judges and courtrooms; investigating and arresting federal fugitives; and performing directed operations.
  • Detention Enforcement Officer (DEO) – This position involves the management of prisoners, ground transportation of prisoners and body searches.
  • Aviation Enforcement Officer (AEO) – If this is your application goal, you will be responsible for the management of prisoners as they are transported by plane.

The United States Marshals Service (USMS) was the first federal law enforcement agency established within the federal justice arm of America. U.S. Marshals take part in almost every federal law enforcement procedure. More than 50% of all federal fugitives are apprehended by U.S. Marshals.

As a member of the USMS, you can expect to be responsible for the security of the American Judicial System. When taking DUSM assessment tests, keep in mind that your answers must reflect great situational judgment and a courageous character.

Your assessment test results will determine whether you move forward to a structured interview and continue on your way to acceptance into the training program, or not.

The next open application period for DUSM through the USMS Recent Graduate Pathways Program is scheduled to take place in the summer of 2016. You can apply for GL-0082-07 entry-level U.S. Marshal positions through the USAJOBS website. Starting salary for this job level is approximately $45,370; expect the pay-rate to vary in accordance with location.

USMS Assessment Tests

When considering how to become a Deputy U.S. Marshal, you will find that two primary cognitive exams are important keys to your future: Decision-Making/Situational Judgment Assessment and Writing Assessment. These two aptitudes are essential for the effective performance of DUSM tasks.

Both assessments are administered in the same proctored session. Since USMS positions are extremely competitive, expect a high bar for the standard required to proceed with the hiring process.

Decision-Making/Situational Judgment Assessment

Some of the skills measured in the Decision-Making exam include teamwork, logistics, interpersonal skills, problem-solving, integrity, and self-discipline. In the Decision-Making exam, you will be given scenarios that involve job-related situations requiring solid reasoning. Through every response, you are providing a picture of your personal traits and judgment skills. Be sure to carefully and thoroughly read all instructions, passages, questions, and alternatives before marking your answers.

Following every scenario will be two questions, each including three or four alternative actions. The first question requires the selection of the one action that you would most likely take in response to the situation presented. The second question requests that you select the one action that you would least likely take. The list of alternative actions is exactly the same for each of the two questions.

Writing Assessment

This multiple-choice exam is focused on punctuation, grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and paragraph organization. The task for each item is to select the alternative that contains a well-constructed sentence.

If you do well on both assessments, the next phase of the selection procedure is a structured interview. Expect a person-to-person interview that lasts approximately two hours. Be sure to site specific examples when detailing your work and life experiences that impact and predict the job performance of a U.S. Marshal.

USMS Selection Exam Preparation Tools

Knowing in advance what to expect on your pre-employment tests, will go a long way toward USMS exam success. Study tools essential for your advance window into the assessments include:

  1. Completion of practice tests until you feel comfortable with the format and types of questions that you will face on the actual DUSM assessments
  2. Question & Answer analysis that provides an insight into the focus behind test items and expected responses
  3. USMS test study guide covering an overview of both assessments
  4. Helpful exam strategies