Free Wiesen Test of Mechanical Aptitude Practice [2025]

The questions on this free Wiesen Assessment Practice Test are a true representation of the questions you'll face on the actual Wiesen test of mechanical aptitude test.

These free Wiesen sample questions, answers, and explanations were specifically chosen from our full Wiesen Assessment Practice Test to help improve your score and ace your pre-employment process.

Free Wiesen Test of Mechanical Aptitude Questions

Below you'll find example questions on the following topics:

  • Mechanics: Force and Moment Concepts, Force and Moment Equilibrium, Velocity - Inertia and Equilibrium, Velocity - Rotation, Fluids - Flow and Volume, and Thermodynamics.
  • Electricity: Concepts and Components, and Electric Circuits - Basic Concepts.

Let's get started.

Mechanics - Force and Moment Concepts

Free Sample Question 1

In which way is it easier to carry the large hammer? If it makes no difference then please select answer option 3.

Please select one correct answer option.

Wiesen Focre And Moment Question 1





In this question the hammer functions as a lever in which the fulcrum is between the load and the effort. The fulcrum is the figure's shoulder balancing the hammer; the load is the mass of the hammer's head; and the effort is the force applied by the figure's hand that is required to balance the weight. 

We can see that the position of the fulcrum changes between the two figures. Since the weight of the load is constant, the shorter the distance between the load and the fulcrum the smaller the torque and subsequently so is the force required to balance it.

Mechanics - Force and Moment Equilibrium

Free Sample Question 2

If the small weight balances the bigger weight and the two small weights in both figures are equal in weight, which of the bigger weights is heavier?

If the bigger weights weigh the same please select answer option '3'.

Please select a single answer from the three options listed.

Wiesen Force And Moment Equilibrium Question 2





The heavier the bigger weight is, the further away the smaller weight should be from the axis in order to balance it. The small weight in Figure 2 is relatively close to the axis and still manages to balance the bigger weight which means that the big weight in Figure 2 is lighter. Therefore the heavier weight is in Figure 1.

Mechanics - Force and Moment Equilibrium

Free Sample Question 3

If you hang this piece of metal on a nail, how will it look on the wall?

Force And Moment Equilibrium Question 3





In this question, the lever is a class 2 lever in which the load is between the fulcrum and the effort. The fulcrum is the fixed pivot at the left side of the lever, the load is the mass weighing 10 kg, and the effort is the force required to balance the weight of the mass, which is measured by the dynamometer. Here, it is the position of the load that changes between the two figures. Since the work, or more precisely torque, is constant, the shorter the distance between the load and the fulcrum, the lighter the load, the smaller the force required to lift it, and the lower the reading of the dynamometer.

Therefore, dynamometer A will show a lower reading is the correct answer.

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The difficult part of force and moment equilibrium is understanding how to apply the principles of physics to analyze and solve problems related to forces and moments in a given system. Practice more with our premium course..

Mechanics - Velocity - Inertia and Equilibrium

Free Sample Question 4

Which of the two horses will move up and down as well as forward? (if you expect there won't be a difference then select answer option 3)

Wiesen Velocity Question 4




The front axis of horse number 2 is not straight (as opposed to horse no. 1) and has a bend in it and therefore when the horse moves forward it will move up and down.


Mechanics - Velocity - Inertia and Equilibrium #2

Free Sample Question 5

A baseball and a steel ball are dropped from the same height, exactly at the same time. 
Neglecting air resistance, which ball would hit the floor first?

Wiesen Velocity Question 5





Earth’s gravity pulls all objects with the same force, and as long as we neglect any external factors such as friction, wind, etc., the acceleration of all objects will be identical, regardless of their respective mass. Therefore, these two balls will hit the floor at the same time.

Mechanics - Velocity - Rotation

Free Sample Question 6

In which direction will the fan spin if hit by the wind coming from its front ("into the screen")? If it is likely to spin in any direction then please select answer option 3.

Wiesen Velocity Rotation Question 6





When the wind hits the fan, torque will be created and each blade will drive the blade lying underneath in congruence. The movement will be created in the direction the blades are leaning to and will therefore spin clockwise.


Mechanics - Fluids - Flow and Volume

Free Sample Question 7

The following two tanks are filled with water and have exit tubes of identical cross sections A, situated at the bottom of their right-hand side panels.

On average, through which opening will the flow of water be greater?

Wiesen Flow And Volume Question 7





Tanks A and B are identical in size.

We do not know the angle at which tank A is tilted and consequently we cannot know the water level within the tank.
The flux is influenced by the velocity of the water, which in turn is influenced by the initial water level in the tank.
Since we have no means of comparing the velocity of the water exiting tanks A and B, we cannot know the value of the flux; i.e. the volume of water exiting through the openings.

Please note, the length of the exit tube is irrelevant in this question; it is meant to distract you. 

Since friction is negligible, the water covering a larger distance (in the tube) prior to exiting the tank are not expected to exit at a lower velocity.

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Mechanics - Fluids - Flow and Volume

Free Sample Question 8

Water flows along a pipe that changes in size, as shown in the diagram below. On which side is the velocity of the water higher?
The arrows indicate the direction of the water flow

Flow And Volume Question 8





In order to solve this question you need to be familiar with two physical formulas:

(1) The continuity equation

(2) The volumetric rate of flow eqaution

According to the continuity equation:

Intial rate of flow = final rate of flow

In this case, the inital rate of flow refers to when the water entered the pipe, and the final rate of flow refers to when the water exited the pipe.

According to the volumetric flow rate formula:

The volumetric rate of flow = velocity X area

We know that the amount of water didn't change along the pipe, however the area did. At each point, the pipe's cross-section is the area through which the water flows. In order to maintain the equation, if the area is smaller then the velocity must be greater. Since the cross-section of B is smaller than of A, the velocity in side B must be proportionately greater than the velocity in side A.



Free Sample Question 9

Which container will keep ice cream cold longer?

If it cannot be decided, choose option 3.

Wiesen Thermodynamics Question 9





The factor determining the rate of heat loss (or in this case, heat gain) is the surface area to volume ratio. The smaller it is, the slower the heat gain rate.

Generally speaking, smaller objects have larger surface area to volume ratio, and therefore the larger cylinder will keep the ice cream cold for longer. However, that rule of thumb applies only when the shapes are of the same proportions. It will not apply, for instance, for a short, wide cylinder and a high, narrow one. In that case, we would need to calculate.

Let's calculate to see how it's done:

We will look at the surface area to volume ratio of a cylinder.

wisen thermodianmics 10

As we can see, the bigger the height and the radius of the cylinder, the smaller is its surface area to volume ratio, and therefore it loses less heat.
Cylinder 1 has height and radius larger than cylinder 2, and will therefore keep the ice cream colder for longer.

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Electricity - Concepts and Components

Free Sample Question 10

Which of the following is not a good insulator?








Besides mineral water, all the above serve as rather good insulators:
Air can conduct electricity to a certain level (lightning does cross the skies), yet if it were a good conductor, we would get electrified all day long, and no battery would be able to preserve its electric charge.
Plastic and Glass are known common insulators.

Pure water is water containing no dissolved substance. The ions in electrolytes conduct electricity, and not the water molecules themselves. Pure water contains no dissolved substance, hence no ions; therefore, it doesn't have the means to conduct electricity. Mineral water on the other hand, has an abundance of ions, and serves as a great conductor.

Electricity - Concepts and Components

Free Sample Question 11

Which of the following is a measurement unit for the electric charge?







The correct answer is Coulomb (C).

Electricity - Electric Circuits - Basic Concepts

Free Sample Question 12

In which of the following options will the light bulb light up?

Wiesen Electric Circuits Question 12







In order for the light bulb to light up an electrical current must flow through the circuit, i.e. a closed circuit.

In option A, both wires are connected to the same side of the light bulb, rendering the circuit unclosed; thus, no current flows through the light bulb.

In option B, both wires are connected to the same side of the battery which means no electrical potential difference (electric tension) can occur and therefore no electrical current flows in the circuit.

In option C, the filament is torn which means the circuit is not closed; thus, no current flows through the light bulb.
In option D, all of the necessary requirements for a current to flow through the light bulb exist and therefore it will light up.

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