UN Administrative Support Assessment Test Preparation

The United Nations ASAT is commonly known as the UN Clerical Test. Until mid-2014, the Administrative Support Assessment Test established the minimum hiring requirements for UN General Service positions.

Aim of UN ASAT

The overall purpose of the ASAT is to assess the basic skills and abilities of all applicants as to the necessary aptitudes to effectively perform the tasks of UN General Service jobs. This is an entry-level test that was formerly administered at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City.

Exams such as the Administrative Support Assessment Test have been proven to accurately predict job performance. The test itself was utilized by various UN duty stations around the world, but was not universally accepted by all global branches of the United Nations.

Main Topics of the ASAT

Three core competencies formulate the primary topics covered in the ASAT:

  • Professionalism
  • Teamwork
  • Planning & Organization

These competencies mirror the traits and skills needed to succeed in UN General Service jobs. In evaluating the core competencies, the ASAT is focused on attention to detail, accuracy, ability to establish priorities, analytic aptitude, level of written communication and the ability to get along well with colleagues and the public.

Globally-Accepted United Nations General Service Test

In order to establish a General Service selection exam that is administered by every UN duty station around the globe, the United Nations did a soul-searching review of the aptitudes that reflect successful performance of GS tasks. The result of these efforts is the establishment of the Global General Service Test (GGST).

The ASAT was discontinued in duty stations that initiated the administration of the GGST. The complete global switch to GGST was in 2014.

In the GGST we see a clearer fit with the actual daily tasks of General Service personnel. However, the core competencies reflected in the ASAT are similarly contained within the Global General Service Test. Expanding on the three primary competencies evaluated in the ASAT, the GGST is focused on ethics & values, organizational ability, initiative, interpersonal skills, self-management, conflict management, propensity to continuously learn and decision-making.

These aptitudes and attitudes are assessed in the three exam sections of the GGST:

  • Verbal Reasoning Section – Written communication
  • Numerical Reasoning Section – Numerical data, basic math
  • Situational Judgment Section – Workplace behavior

Prepare for the ASAT with JobTestPrep

If you are a UN General Service applicant at any position level, you can expect to take the Global General Service Test. Your exam results will determine whether you proceed to an interview or your application process terminates. You can thoroughly prepare for the GGST by working on the practice tests and study guide developed at JobTestPrep.