AstraZeneca careers are extremely lucrative, and therefore extremely difficult to get into.
The first and most difficult stage of the hiring process is the Pymetrics games.
Note: We have a new preparation pack dedicated to the AstraZeneca Graduate Program.
Practice and Get the Job - Simulations for All 12 Pymetrics Games
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Right after submitting your online application, you will get an automated mail invitation to take the Pymetrics test. This assessment includes a series of 12 mini-games, each one lasts around 1-3 minutes, and altogether it takes 20-30 minutes to complete.
These neuroscience games are designed to analyze your personality, cognitive, behavioral, and problem-solving skills. They do so by tracking every step you take while playing the games and measuring over 90 traits to compile a personality profile.
The games seem innocent at first glance. I mean, how hard can it be to press the spacebar very quickly (which is an actual game you have to play)?
The truth is that the games are designed to look very easy in order to make sure you will be at ease while playing them. It is supposed to bring out the “real” you, no filters.
But in reality, they are super complicated, even just pressing a key on your keyboard is clever once you understand it.
Let’s take a closer look at a game to understand.
In the Pymetrics Digits game, you are asked to memorize as many digits as you can. The digits will flash quickly on your screen, and once finished you will have to recall and type them in the correct order.
In each round, the number of digits will increase by one, which will make it harder and harder to memorize as you progress.
This simple game is measuring your short-term memory ability and compares it to other candidates. The better you perform, the better your chance to outscore your competition and pass the test.
Practice is important to build a memorizing strategy. For example, you can practice memorizing by reading out loud the numbers as they flash on your screen. Your memory performs better when you are active and not passive.
A solving strategy for this game, and for every other game on the list, is important and can be achieved only by practicing.
Our preparation is the only one available that lets you play the games exactly as they are in the real AstraZeneca test. At the end of each practice, you will get a full report, with explanations and tips, and you will be able to practice again and again.
By now you understand that it’s not that easy to ace the test and that every step you take is monitored and analyzed.
It’s close to impossible to pass the test without proper preparation, which must include interactive simulations and explanations.
Let’s see how it works with another game from the list.
In this game you will be shown a series of red and green circles, switching quickly between one another. Whenever you see a red circle, you have to press the spacebar, and when you see a green circle, you have to do nothing.
This is a game measuring your focus and attention, and without practicing these skills over and over again your score will not be very high.
Our practice pack offers you just that. After practicing you will get a personalized report with your performance:
You will be able to practice again, or get extra tips and explanations, such as this one:
After a few trials of seeing red circles and pressing on the spacebar, when a green circle suddenly appears, it is harder to inhibit your response. So to avoid this false alarm mistake, when there is a sequence of red circles, remember that a green one would appear soon, and you should be extra careful and avoid pressing.
Improve your performance and desired skills with JobTestPrep’s AstraZeneca Pymetrics practice, the only available accurate interactive practice.
Once you are done with the Pymetrics assessment, your report is compared to AstraZeneca’s benchmark.
If you score high enough, you will be passed to the next stages of the hiring process. You might get additional tests, or you will go straight to the interviews.
Get tips for the AstraZeneca interviews, as they are published on the official site.
Some candidates are asked to take the SHL General Ability Test alongside the Pymetrics games. If this is the case for you, your score at both tests will be taken into account and will be compared to that of your competition.
In total, you will get about 30 questions to answer and have 36 minutes to do so.
The SHL Verify G+ test is actually a combination of 3 tests:
This part of the assessment focuses on your ability to extract, calculate, and come to conclusions based on numerical data. For example, you will be presented with a graph or a table filled with data, and your job is to analyze it and answer the question that follows.
SHL Inductive questions revolve around finding the logical rules represented in shapes’ color, position, etc. For example, you will get a series of shapes and will have to determine which one is the next in line.
The SHL Deductive questions examine your ability to draw logical conclusions out of given information. This will usually be measured by scheduling tasks or ranking items based on constraints.
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