CASPer Test Prep: The Complete Guide for Your CASPer Exam [2024]

The CASPer test, originally developed as an admission test for medical studies and residency programs, is now an integral part of the recruitment process for various healthcare professions, including nursing, dentistry, and veterinary schools. Administered by over 70 medical schools worldwide, the CASPer test is an online, open-response situational judgment assessment (SJT) designed to assess applicants' personal and professional attributes during the pre-screening stage of the application process.

By presenting scenarios that require tough decision-making, CASPer evaluates the behavioral tendencies and ethical reasoning of candidates pursuing people-centered professions.

Thus, the CASPer test plays an increasingly critical role in shaping the future of healthcare by ensuring that only the most qualified and empathetic individuals advance in their respective fields.

What Is the CASPer Test?

The CASPer test (Computer-Based Assessment for Sampling Personal Characteristics) is a widely used assessment that helps medical schools and other healthcare programs select well-rounded individuals who excel both academically and in their personal qualities. Provided by Acuity Insights, the CASPer test evaluates soft skills such as communication, empathy, professionalism, and problem-solving.

The CASPer test is a situational judgment test (SJT) in which you will be presented with various scenarios in video and text formats. You will need to respond with video-recorded and typed answers.

The test is divided into two parts:

  1. Video responses
    You will be presented with 2 text-based scenarios and view 4 scenarios presented in video format.
    For each scenario, you will need to record a video answering 2 open-ended questions, one after the other.
    You’ll have 1 minute to record your response to each question.
  2. Typed responses
    You will be presented with 3 text-based scenarios and 5 video-based scenarios.
    For each scenario, you will need to type responses to 3 open-ended questions, all of which will appear on the same screen.
    You’ll have 5 minutes to complete all 3 responses.

Though there is no time limit, the CASPer test usually takes between 90 and 110 minutes to complete, with a 10-minute break between the two sections.

CASPer Test Practice Questions

Though there is no time limit, the CASPer test usually takes between 90 and 110 minutes to complete, with a 10-minute break between the two sections.

CASPer Test Practice Question – Scenario #1

Elderly Man in the Grocery Store

You are a customer at a grocery store. While shopping, you notice an elderly man discreetly taking some fruit and placing it in his pocket without paying. He appears to be well-dressed and in good physical condition. No one else in the store seems to have noticed this.


  1. What actions do you take in response to this situation?
  2. What are the ethical, legal, and social implications of your decision?
  3. Would your response differ if you learned that this was a one-time occurrence for the man?

CASPer Test Practice Question – Scenario #2

Cultivating Patience

Patience is a crucial quality in professional and personal interactions, especially in healthcare.


  1. Describe a situation where you found it challenging to remain patient. How did you handle it?
  2. What techniques do you use to maintain patience during stressful situations?
  3. In what ways does practicing patience contribute to your growth as an individual and a professional?

CASPer Test Practice Question – Scenario #3

Prioritizing Critical Equipment in Healthcare

Growing evidence shows that using specialized wireless monitoring devices in hospitals can significantly enhance patient care by allowing real-time data tracking and reducing response times to emergencies. However, due to high demand and limited supply, these devices are often out of stock, creating delays in both hospital orders and general consumer availability. Some argue that healthcare facilities should prioritize receiving these devices before making them available to the general public, given their potential impact on patient outcomes.


  1. Should healthcare facilities receive priority access to new medical technologies before making them available to the general public?
  2. Should manufacturers be required to lower prices for critical healthcare technologies to ensure broader access in times of high demand?
  3. What potential risks do wireless monitoring devices pose to hospital patient privacy and data security?

How to Answer CASPer Test Questions

When answering CASPer test questions, it's essential to purposefully incorporate as many of the 10 key CASPer competencies as possible:

  • Collaboration: Demonstrate how you would work with others and seek input, highlighting the importance of teamwork when applicable.
  • Communication: Express your reasoning clearly and maintain transparency in your methods.
  • Empathy: Illustrate your capacity to recognize and consider the feelings and perspectives of others, especially in emotionally sensitive situations.
  • Equity: Explain how you would ensure fairness and treat everyone equally, even when their needs conflict.
  • Ethics: Confront the ethical challenges presented in the scenario and articulate a principled position.
  • Motivation: Convey your commitment to achieving the best possible outcome by stressing the issue's importance.
  • Problem-solving: Describe the actionable steps to address or navigate the situation, highlighting your initiative and creativity.
  • Professionalism: Illustrate how you would maintain your composure and professionalism under pressure while adjusting to obstacles.
  • Resilience: Emphasize your capacity to recover from setbacks and modify your approach as needed, sharing strategies you use to manage stress and uncertainty, enabling you to provide clear and rational responses.
  • Self-awareness: Consider your personal values, biases, and emotional responses, and explain how you would regulate your emotions and remain objective in challenging situations.

In your answer, purposely incorporate as many of the CASPer competencies as possible.

Begin by acknowledging that you won't rush to conclusions; instead, take your time to carefully consider all the different options and perspectives involved, even if the question seems to push you in a particular direction.
By thoughtfully integrating these competencies into your responses, you'll demonstrate a well-rounded approach that aligns with the qualities CASPer aims to assess.

JobTestPrep is currently developing a CASPer test prep pack!

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CASPer Test Scores

Each of the 14 scenarios in the CASPer test is scored by a different independent rater, ensuring that a unique individual assesses each section.

Raters are instructed to overlook spelling and grammar errors, focusing exclusively on the substance of your responses. If you have a slower typing speed and don't complete your answers within the 5-minute limit, raters will still attempt to follow your line of thinking, and any bullet points or incomplete sentences will be considered in your score.

Raters do not have access to any personal details about you and are unaware of your performance on other sections of the test. They compare your responses to those of other test-takers for the same scenario, using a Likert scale that ranges from 1 (poor) to 9 (excellent).

Although the scoring system was updated for the 2022-2023 cycle, and the exact method has not been disclosed, the primary aim remains to evaluate how effectively applicants demonstrate social intelligence, professionalism, and critical reasoning.

The CASPer scores are standardized (Z-scores) to determine your percentile and quartile rankings. Although you won't receive your precise score, you will be given a quartile rank that shows how you performed relative to your peers.

The schools you applied to receive both your CASPer score and your percentile rank.

Here is the breakdown of quartiles:

  • 25% of applicants fall into the first quartile (0-24 percentile)
  • 25% of applicants fall into the second quartile (25-49 percentile)
  • 25% of applicants fall into the third quartile (50-74 percentile)
  • 25% of applicants fall into the fourth quartile (75-100 percentile)

To achieve the best possible score, it's essential to clearly articulate the reasoning behind your position on each issue. Raters are more focused on understanding your rationale than your specific stance.

CASPer Test Dates

Each school schedules its own specific dates for administering the CASPer test.

To find out the exact timing and location of your CASPer test, you will need to provide the relevant details on the Acuity Insights website.

By entering your information, you can access the precise schedule and venue for your test. This will ensure you have all the necessary details to prepare and attend the test as your chosen programs require.

How to Prepare for the CASPer Test?

Familiarize Yourself With the Test Format

Understanding the structure of the CASPer test is essential to effectively prepare for it. The test lasts between 90 and 110 minutes and consists of 14 scenarios divided into two main sections: video responses and typed responses. By familiarizing yourself with this format, you will know exactly what to expect and how to manage your time during the test.

Practice as Much as Possible

Applicants who take practice tests generally perform better on the actual CASPer test. To prepare, complete as many 14-scenario practice tests that mimic the real experience and format. This will help you get used to the time constraints and improve your ability to quickly formulate your responses.

Verify Your Account and Test Details

It's essential to double-check all your account information and test details to ensure a smooth test-taking experience. This includes confirming the test date, time, and time zone to prevent any last-minute issues.

Check Your Computer System Requirements

Since the CASPer test is administered online, ensuring your computer setup meets the requirements is crucial. You will need a laptop or desktop computer running Windows or macOS, as smartphones and tablets are not supported and may face technical issues. Hybrid/2-in-1 devices and other operating systems like Linux or ChromeOS may also encounter problems. Ensure you use the latest version of Chrome or Firefox, as other browsers like Safari are not supported. Additionally, ensure you have a working webcam and microphone for the entire test duration and that your internet connection has download speeds of at least 1.5 Mbps and upload speeds of at least 2 Mbps.

CASPer Test Tips

CASPer test tip 1
Handle Your Time Well
Take the time to read each question carefully and spend a few moments planning your response. Make sure to use the full amount of time allotted for each question. If you finish early, review your answer to see if there are additional details or clarifications you can provide to better explain your reasoning.
CASPer test tip 2
Focus on Content
Answer each question with as much detail as possible, particularly about your motivations and reasoning. Clearly explain what you would do and why you would choose that course of action. Concentrate on the substance of your responses rather than minor spelling or grammar errors, as raters are instructed to focus on content rather than linguistic precision.
CASPer test tip 3
Formatting Your Responses
Feel free to use bullet points for your typed responses if it helps organize your thoughts, and don't stress about writing in entire paragraphs. If you don't complete an idea, don't worry; raters understand the time constraints and will prioritize grasping your overall message.
CASPer test tip 4
Manage Time Pressure
Keep in mind that all test-takers are under the same time constraints. If you start to feel overwhelmed, take a deep breath and refocus so you can give your best effort in the next scenario.
CASPer test tip 5
Nail Your Video Responses
To record effective video responses, be yourself and minimize distractions. Speak clearly, use natural gestures, and practice with tools like Camera (PC) or Photo Booth (Mac) to get comfortable. Ensure your webcam and microphone are properly set up, and choose a well-lit, private space for recording. Wear simple, comfortable clothing, as raters focus on your answers rather than your attire.
CASPer test tip 6

Create the Ideal Testing Environment
The CASPer test demands your full attention, so choose a distraction-free space for your test. Ensure that your environment is quiet, with minimal background noise that could interfere with your responses. If you cannot be alone, ask those around you to keep their voices down, avoid playing or listening to music, and keep pets away if possible.

JobTestPrep is in the process of creating a CASPer test preparation pack!
For further information – contact us!


The CASPer test, initially designed for medical school and residency admissions, is now a key part of the recruitment process for various healthcare fields, including nursing, dentistry, and veterinary programs. Administered by over 70 medical schools globally, CASPer is an online situational judgment test (SJT) that assesses applicants' personal and professional attributes through a series of scenarios requiring thoughtful decision-making. This test evaluates qualities such as empathy, communication, and ethical reasoning, helping programs select candidates who excel not only academically but also in their interpersonal skills and professional demeanor.

The CASPer test, short for Computer-Based Assessment for Sampling Personal Characteristics, is a crucial evaluation tool used by medical, nursing, dental, and veterinary programs to assess applicants' personal and professional attributes. This online situational judgment test (SJT) measures qualities such as communication, empathy, professionalism, and problem-solving. Candidates respond to a series of scenarios through both video and typed answers, allowing the test to gauge their decision-making skills and ethical reasoning. Initially designed for medical admissions, CASPer now plays a crucial role in selecting well-rounded individuals for various healthcare professions, ensuring that only the most empathetic and capable candidates advance.

The CASPer test can be challenging, as it assesses personal and professional qualities through situational judgment scenarios that require thoughtful decision-making and ethical reasoning. While it is not a traditional academic test, its difficulty lies in the need to demonstrate strong soft skills such as empathy, communication, and problem-solving. The test consists of video and typed responses, and candidates must manage their time effectively while presenting well-rounded answers. Success in CASPer often depends on practice, familiarity with the test format, and the ability to handle time pressure and articulate nuanced responses.

The CASPer test includes scenarios that assess your situational judgment and decision-making skills. You will encounter a mix of video and text-based scenarios requiring responses in both video and typed formats. In the video section, you'll be presented with text-based and video scenarios and asked to record your responses to open-ended questions. In the typed response section, you'll address text and video scenarios by typing answers to open-ended questions. The questions evaluate your soft skills, including communication, empathy, professionalism, and problem-solving, by presenting real-life situations that require thoughtful consideration and ethical reasoning. Each scenario challenges you to articulate your approach, decision-making process, and underlying rationale, reflecting the qualities essential for people-centered professions.

During the CASPer test, you are allowed to use a computer or laptop with a functioning webcam and microphone to record video responses and type answers.

You can use bullet points in your typed responses if they help you organize your thoughts.

A good CASPer test score reflects how well you demonstrate the personal and professional attributes of the test values, such as empathy, communication, and problem-solving skills. The test is scored on a Likert scale from 1 (poor) to 9 (excellent) by independent raters, with each scenario evaluated by a different rater. Your responses are compared to those of other test-takers, and you receive a quartile rank rather than a precise score. Quartile ranks are divided as follows: the first quartile (0-24 percentile), second quartile (25-49 percentile), third quartile (50-74 percentile), and fourth quartile (75-100 percentile). Achieving a high quartile rank means you effectively articulated your reasoning and demonstrated strong social intelligence and professionalism compared to your peers.

To excel and get a good score on the CASPer test, start by understanding its format and practicing with similar questions to familiarize yourself with the timing and structure. Verify your test details and ensure your computer meets all technical requirements.

During the test, manage your time by carefully reading questions and using the full allotted time. Focus on the substance of your answers, addressing key competencies like empathy and professionalism. For video responses, choose a quiet, well-lit space, minimize distractions, and practice speaking clearly. Ensure your testing environment is free from interruptions so you can perform at your best.

While you can't technically "fail" the CASPer test in the traditional sense, your performance is evaluated against other applicants to determine your suitability for the program you're applying to.
Your responses are scored based on their content and how well they demonstrate these key competencies. If your answers do not align with the qualities the program values or if you perform poorly compared to other applicants, it could impact your overall assessment. Therefore, while there's no "pass or fail" grade, performing well on the test is crucial for making a strong impression.