Firefighter Written Exam Portal

To be recruited as a firefighter, you will typically have to take a physical fitness exam as well as a written assessment of your cognitive ability and personality.

Fire departments across the USA and Canada use various versions of this written exam, which are made by different test suppliers. Despite their difference, they are very similar to each other, typically containing numerical, verbal, and mechanical reasoning, as well as memory and spatial orientation.

How Can I Find Out Which Test I Am Taking?

You can find out which test you are slated to take by calling or sending an email to your recruiter or checking their website. Once you know your test, you can start practicing by following the relevant link below.

Couldn't find which test you are taking?

Use our general-purpose Firefighter Written Exam Course, which includes question types from all firefighter tests.

Firefighter Written Assessments

Gallery View (Go to Table View)

Are You Applying for More Than One Department?

If you will be needing multiple prep courses, rather than paying full-price for each, use our Premium Membership.

Going Premium will allow you to add up to three separate prep courses to your JobTestPrep account for a fixed price.

Table View

Supplier Test Name Usage Area*
CPS HR Consulting Cooperative Personnel Service Test (CPS) U.S. fire departments nationwide
Ergometrics FireTEAM U.S. fire departments nationwide
City of New York FDNY Test New York City
Fire and Police Selection, Inc. Firefighter Aptitude and Character Test (FACT) - OFAI Stage One Ontario, Canada
Fire and Police Selection, Inc. National Fire Select Test (NFST) U.S. fire departments nationwide
Gledhill/Shaw Enterprise Ltd Occupational Skills (OS) Test, Gledhill Shaw OS Test Canada
EB Jacobs Fire Service Aptitude Battery (FSAB) U.S. fire departments nationwide
California Firefighter Joint Apprenticeship Committee (Cal-JAC) Firefighter Candidate Testing Center (FCTC) California
City of LA and Psychological Services, Inc. (PSI) Firefighter Candidate Assessment (FCA) Los Angeles, CA
CWH Management Solutions CWH Next Generation Firefighter/EMT (NGFF) U.S. fire departments nationwide
IPMA-HR IPMA-HR Entry-Level Firefighter Exam U.S. fire departments nationwide
Industrial/Organizational Solutions (IOS) Firefighter Selection Tool (FST) U.S. fire departments nationwide
Morris & McDaniel Morris & McDaniel Entry Level Firefighter Exam U.S. fire departments nationwide
City of Chicago and IOS CFD Firefighter Exam Chicago, IL

*Prominent usage areas using this test. This table cannot cover every fire department.

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