Numerical Reasoning Test: Free Guide and Practice Questions 2025

Welcome! Are you ready to test your numerical skills? Numerical Reasoning tests are no joke, with tight time limits that put your mental arithmetic to the ultimate test. 

But that's not all, you must also have a sharp eye for detail, able to correctly interpret tables and graphs to find the solution to each problem.

The JobTestPrep Numerical Ability Test Prep includes the following:

  • 12 Table and Graphs practice tests that will increase your ability to understand numerical information presented in tables and/or graphs. 
  • 9 Number Series tests that will make you better at identifying the logical rules behind each series and determining which number(s) complete the series.
  • 5 Algebra and Algebraic Equations practice tests that will perfect your skills in dealing with variables questions, abstract concepts, and creative problem-solving. 
  • 10 Word Problems practice tests will help expose you to questions on Ratios, Percentages, Equations, Probability, Combinatorics, Work Rate, Travel, and Geometry.
  • 8 Basic Math practice tests will increase your solution skills and ability to work with fractions, decimals, and formulas.
  • 10 Numerical Reasoning Test PDF Guides on Fractions, Four Operations, Decimals, Percentages, Equations, Probability, Statistics, Financial Terms, Formulas, and much more.

Click the Get Started Now button and begin practicing.

JobTesPrep Numerical preparation is usually purchased by professionals such as Graduates, Managers, Directors, Vice Presidents, and those seeking financial or technical positions.


Numerical Reasoning Tests

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Each practice test contains detailed answers and explanations

  • 30 Numerical Reasoning tests in various subjects (Basic math, averages, ratios, finance, Algebra, and more)
  • 15 Word Problems practice tests
  • 15 Table and Graphs practice tests
  • 9 Number Series practice tests
  • Study guide and video Tutorials on various mathematical topics

Here you’ll find free Numerical Reasoning test practice questions and info regarding the format and of companies and test providers that use the exam. Let’s begin.

What Is a Numerical Reasoning Test?

Numerical reasoning tests assess candidates' numerical aptitude and ability to interpret data. In numerical multiple-choice tests, charts, tables, and graphs are common and require candidates to identify key facts and figures.

In contrast to standardized math tests, which measure how well a candidate can learn and apply mathematical methods according to a set curriculum, numerical reasoning tests assess how well the candidate can apply mathematical concepts in real-life situations.

The main focus of numerical ability tests is statistical information, which includes general arithmetic, percentages, fractions, and averages. 

What Is the Difficulty Level of Numerical Reasoning Tests?

Numerical reasoning tests can be challenging due to time limits and multiple stages of calculation. Interpreting tables and graphs is also important to finding the right numbers.

Check out the following sample questions and see if you can answer them.

Free Numerical Reasoning Test Practice

The following free Numerical Reasoning test questions will give a glimpse of what you can expect on the real numerical reasoning exam.

Tables&Graphs Sample Question 1

1. How many years would it take to break even on the typical cost of replacing an old fridge?






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Replacing an old fridge typically costs $450. The typical saving per year is: $75. In order to calculate the number of years it will take to cover the cost of the new fridge, we need to divide the typical cost by the typical saving: 450/75=6 years.


When dealing with tables and graphs questions look for independent or cumulative amounts in a table\graph and consider how much the amounts have changed. You will often be asked which changed the least or most.


Word Problem (Work Rate) Sample Question 2

2. Ann, Matt and Zack are working for a cleaning company. Together, they can clean a house in 2 hours. If Ann does the job alone she can finish it in 5 hours. If Matt does the job alone he can finish it in 6 hours. How long will it take Ann and Zack together to finish the job?






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The correct answer is 3 hours.
Step 1
In order to solve this problem we will first find out Zack's work rate (indicated as Z).
We know the total work rate of all three people together: 1/2 (1 house in 2 hours), Ann's work rate is 1/5 (1 house in 5 hours), and so on. Each person contributes his share to that total rate, meaning:
Ann + Matt + Zack = total
1/5 + 1/6 + 1/Z = 1/2
=> 1/Z = 1/2 – 1/5 – 1/6 /*30 (the Lowest common denominator)
=> 30/Z = 15 – 6 – 5 = 4 /*Z
=> 30 = 4Z
=> Z = 7.5
Thus, Zack's work rate: 1/7.5
Step 2
The total time it will take Ann and Zack to clean a house:
1/t = 1/5 + 1/7.5 /*15
15/t = 3 + 2 = 5 /*(t/5)
=> t = 3 hours.

To tackle a word problem question, thoroughly read the entire question and ask yourself, 'What is being requested?' Restate the problem using your own wording to ensure comprehension. Identify the crucial words and figures in the problem that you will need to use.


Sample Question 3

2/5 + 1/4






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The correct answer is (E) - 13/20

To solve this exercise, first find the smallest common denominator, making the bottom numbers (the denominators) of both fractions, the same. The smallest common denominator is the smallest number that divides by both fractions' denominators. In this case the smallest number that divides by both 5 and 4, is 20.

To turn 2/5 into a fraction whose denominator is 20, multiply both the numerator (2) and the denominator (5), by 4:
(2*4)/(5*4) = 8/20 ;

To turn 1/4 into a fraction whose denominator is 20, multiply both the numerator (1) and the denominator (4), by 5:
(1*5)/(4*5) = 5/20 ;

Now, sum up the fractions:
2/5 + 1/4 = 8/20 + 5/20 = (8+5)/20 = 13/20


In this type of question locate the minimum common denominator in order to solve the exercise. The minimum common denominator refers to the smallest number that can be divided by both denominators of the fractions.



Numerical Reasoning Results

1 2 3

Go to the following page to practice more Numerical Reasoning example questions.

Can You Improve Numerical Reasoning?

The answer is yes. JobTestPrep Employes a team of cognitive specialists who use their know-how to create the most accurate and complete recruitment preparation around.

Each numerical reasoning example test is thoroughly researched and frequently updated to ensure that you get the most accurate and comprehensive test practice available.

How Do You Pass the Numerical Reasoning Test?

Even individuals with a strong understanding of basic arithmetic and extensive experience with data can struggle with numerical reasoning tests like the SHL Numerical Test, SHL Calculation TestPI Cognitive Assessment,  Talent Q, or Korn Ferry.

Exam anxiety, time constraints, and intentionally misleading information can all negatively affect one's performance.

Nevertheless, it is possible to significantly enhance the probability of achieving a higher-than-average score on numerical reasoning tests with dedication and a few strategies.

In addition to engaging in a substantial amount of practice tests, it is important to keep track of the time it takes to complete each one. It is recommended to analyze the results of each test and prioritize areas of difficulty afterward.

Additionally, it is recommended to thoroughly review the answer explanations, whether correct or incorrect, since this will provide deeper insight into relevant processes.

Furthermore, it may be beneficial to determine the test provider used by the prospective employer, since the publisher may offer practice tests that are more realistic.

As a final note, it is advisable to refresh your mental arithmetic skills since they play a crucial role in numerical reasoning assessments. By consistently practicing these skills, one will be able to analyze complex data more quickly.

Numerical Reasoning Test Information
Watch this video for Numerical Reasoning sample questions and tips!

Providers of Numerical Reasoning Online Tests

SHL Numerical Reasoning Test

SHL's Numerical Reasoning Test assesses your ability to calculate, analyze, and interpret numerical data.

The SHL Numerical Reasoning Test is available in three versions, each with different question types, levels of difficulty, and time limits. Knowing which version you will take is crucial to being prepared.

Go to the following page to get more information about the SHL Numerical Exam. The practice pack includes numerical reasoning tests with solutions that will help you ace the exam.

Additionally, the SHL General Ability Test features a numerical section.

Talent Q Korn Ferry Numerical Test

Talent Q Korn Ferry Numerical Test assesses candidates' ability to solve numerical problems using basic mathematical principles.

The Talent Q numerical test lasts 15 minutes, with 12 questions to answer. Each of the 12 questions has a time limit of around 75 seconds, and they are divided into four sections.

Press to see more details about the Talent Q exam.

AON Numerical Reasoning Test

There are 37 tasks to complete during the 12-minute test, as well as 18 tasks to complete in six minutes during the shorter version.

In order to pass the test, you must have extensive numerical knowledge and be able to perform complicated arithmetic quickly.

The Scales numerical tests have several unique factors and pitfalls, so even if you choose the correct answer you may still lose points. Additionally, the test is available in three versions: consumer, finance, and industrial.

Press to see more information on the AON Numerical Reasoning exam.

Cappfinity Numerical Reasoning Test

There are 12 numerical questions in the Capp numerical reasoning test, including charts, tables, and graphs. You may need to type an answer to some questions, while others have multiple-choice options.

Press to see more useful Cappfinity Numerical Reasoning practice tips.

Companies that Use Numerical Reasoning Tests


As part of their recruiting process, many companies administer Numerical Reasoning tests. Here are a few examples.

Goldman Sachs Numerical Reasoning

Goldman Sachs' numerical test has 20 questions and lasts 20 minutes. You will be provided with paper and a pen for this assessment, but you cannot use a calculator.

Unlike other aptitude tests, the numerical test is written by Goldman Sachs, not SHL. There will be questions about percentages, fractions, and decimals. 

For more information about the Goldman Sachs Numerical test, go here.

UBS Numerical Reasoning Test

As part of the UBS numerical reasoning test, you will be asked to solve 12 mathematical problems based on business scenarios. The purpose of this section is to assess your ability to extract and interpret statistical information presented in tables.

As with normal tests, the test has no overall time limit, but each question is timed separately. There is a 90-second time limit on the first question for each table and a 75-second time limit on the subsequent questions.

Press to see more information about the UBS Numerical Test.

Credit Suisse Numerical Reasoning Test

You will be tested on your ability to extract and evaluate data presented in tables and diagrams with the Credit Suisse numerical reasoning test.

The test will consist of six sheets of data, which you can refer to at any time.

In this exercise, you will review 18 statements, each of which relates to one of the sheets, and determine whether they are true, false, or you cannot say.

Press to see more information about the Credit Suisse Numerical Reasoning Test.

EY Numerical Reasoning Test

Through the use of tables and graphs, this EY Numerical test examines your math abilities.

Based on the numerical data provided, you will need to use basic math functions to answer the questions. There will be multiple-choice questions. 

Your grade will be based on how accurately you answer questions and how quickly you respond.

Press to see more information about the Ernst and Young Numerical Test

Morgan Stanley Numerical Reasoning Test

Morgan Stanley's numerical reasoning test measures your ability to interpret numerical data presented in tables and charts. 

During this test, you will receive six different documents with data on which you will need to answer 18 questions. You will have only six minutes to complete the test.
You can find more information about the Morgan Stanley Internship exam in the following link.

KPMG Numerical Reasoning Test

Data interpretation questions are a part of the KPMG numerical reasoning test. 

In the KPMG graduate scheme application process, this numerical reasoning test is used to select candidates based on their mathematical ability.

You can find more information about the KPMG Numerical Section on the following page.

Saville Numerical Test

You will be challenged with a variety of complex questions on the Saville Numerical Analysis Test. If you take this test rusty and without accurate preparation, you could easily miss out on that job you want. 

Go to the following page to get more details about the Saville Numerical exam.

Numerical Reasoning Format

In terms of duration, complexity, and format, numerical reasoning tests are not standardized. 

Each publisher of numerical reasoning tests has their own slight variation of the assessment, so the specific nature of the test will depend on the test provider used by the employer. 

Due to the test's design, questions posed in the test will also vary based on the occupation. 

Additionally, the difficulty rating of the assessment will typically increase with higher positions, from graduate to professional to managerial level. 

Although each test has its own characteristics, there are common elements that allow for appropriate preparation by the individual.


Typical Structure

In general, numerical reasoning tests are short, timed multiple-choice assessments. The duration can range from 10 to 45 minutes, and the number of questions will depend on that. 

In terms of solving speed, one question per minute is reasonable, but some of the more challenging tests require more speed.

Normally, the questions themselves wouldn't be too hard to answer if you have the right skills. The time limit only adds to the complexity of these tests, which are not designed to be straightforward.

It is common for test publishers to use distractors - answer options that are intentionally similar to the correct answer. Furthermore, you may be given irrelevant data that is meant to distract you from the question posed. 

In addition, you may need to go through several processes to arrive at the right conclusion.

Numerical Reasoning Test Formulas

Regardless of the type of Numerical Reasoning Test you are scheduled for, you will need some basic math skills to succeed. Formulas can simplify more complex calculations, such as averages, percentages, and ratios.

Problems involving rates (work/speed/distance/time) and financial aspects are included in algebraic questions. 

To clarify what I mean here is an example:

Algebraic Equations Sample Question

Choose the correct answer





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Numerical Scores

You will be compared to a benchmark score when taking a numerical reasoning test.

You'll see your raw score, which is just how many questions you answered correctly. Benchmark scores can be calculated using data from other applicants trying to get the same job, or in the case of employees who are at the same level as you.

The good news is that numerical reasoning tests do not penalize incorrect answers. For every correct answer, you get one point.

Numerical Reasoning Test Tips

1. Preparation is Key
- Make sure you are fully prepared for the assessment. Ensure that you arrive early at the assessment center if the test will be administered there. Familiarize yourself with the location and ensure that you arrive early to minimize the risk of panic. Ensure that your online test is conducted in a stable internet environment without interruptions.

2. Get to Know the Practice Questions
- Almost all numerical reasoning tests begin with a set of practice questions. To understand the style, content, and structure of these questions, it is important to examine them thoroughly. By doing so, you will gain a better understanding of the format and develop the right mindset for the test.

In a numerical reasoning test, one of the most common errors is misinterpreting the questions. To avoid making preventable mistakes when working against the clock, you must fully comprehend each question.

3. Use the Information Provided
- Each question will contain all the necessary information to determine the correct answer. Make sure you only use the information presented and avoid making assumptions.

In order to succeed on the test, you will need to manage your time effectively. Since the test is timed, you must avoid dwelling on difficult questions. When faced with a difficult question, it is best to move on and come back to it later. 

The longer you struggle with a complex question, the more confused you may become. Identify the options that are incorrect and eliminate them if you are unsure of the answer. A well-thought-out guess may just win you points instead of an unanswered question.

4. Beware of False Leads
- In many numerical reasoning tests, the multiple-choice answers contain irrelevant answers or distractors. Make sure your answers are accurate and focus on only the information provided.

5. Check the Information You're Using
- Some questions require you to use different units of measurement, multiple currencies, or different number representations. To arrive at your conclusions, ensure that you are using the correct information.

6. Keep a Steady Pace
- Timing is important in these tests, but don't let it distract you. As a general guideline, aim for answering one question every minute. However, some tests may allow more or less time. Practice is key to success, so make sure you include pacing as part of your test preparation.

7. Concentration Is Key
- Numerical aptitude tests require complete concentration, so eliminate all distractions. Maintain a relaxed and focused attitude, even if it seems easier said than done. You will be able to achieve better results if you keep a cool head.


What Are the Reasons Employers Use Numerical Tests?

Employers want to hire the best candidate for the job. In order to do so, they use a variety of tools and tests, including numerical reasoning tests. In some cases, these tests are based on specific job responsibilities, like determining profit margins or counting materials.

By assessing your skills, employers can get a good idea of how you'll perform on the job. Furthermore, since these tests are timed, employers can see how well you handle pressure and make quick decisions.

Is It Possible to Use a Calculator During Numerical Reasoning Tests?

In most cases, using a calculator is permissible, and you should use one you are familiar with.

In some instances, however, a calculator may not be feasible. In some numerical assessment tests, calculators are not allowed, while others provide one as a standard issue.

Each test may have its own regulations and guidelines, so it is important to verify this information before the day of the test.

What Is the Basic Maths for Numerical Reasoning?

The numerical aptitude test evaluates an individual's ability to perform basic mathematical operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Furthermore, they evaluate a person's ability to comprehend more advanced mathematical concepts, such as averages, percentages, and ratios. 

These complex calculations can be simplified by using specific formulas.

How Do I Know if I Have Strong Numerical Skills?

Numeracy skills are all about knowing your numbers, counting, solving math problems, measuring, guessing the right amount, organizing, finding patterns, adding and subtracting, and more. 

In order to determine your skill level, you should solve practice questions that include test-like questions and simulate the test environment and time limit.



If you are looking for a different test, or are not sure which test is relevant for your position, please  contact us, and we will do our best to ensure you get the most accurate preparation for your upcoming assessment.