Free NYC Bridge Exam Practice Questions and Guide [2025]

The NYC Bridge Exam is a necessary step to assess your qualifications for a variety of Civil Service positions in NYC. To ensure a place in your desired job you must ace the test before being considered for the position. 

Our NYC Bridge Exam preparation pack covers all aspects of the test and the most complete practice material including:

  • Comprehensive study guide with expert tips and explanations that will help you develop an answering strategy. 
  • 15+ practice tests to enhance all of the relevant cognitive abilities you need to ace the test. With sample questions and answers tailored to get you familiar with the test format and difficulty. 


NYC Bridge Exam

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Verbal Reasoning

  • 4 Reading Comprehension tests
  • 4 Grammar practice tests
  • Study Guide

Numerical Reasoning and Logic

  • 5 Word Problems practice tests
  • 3 Number Series tests
  • Scheduling timed test

Situational Judgment

  • Administrative SJT practice

NYC Bridge Exam Practice Questions


Reading Comprehension

These questions will test your Verbal Reasoning and ability to understand and draw conclusions from written text. 

Read the following text to then answer the question below. 

Industry has voiced considerable support for a new gas emissions policy, even though it is likely to cost consumers more. However, that support may wane if the permits are auctioned rather than given away for free, which economists agree leads to a less optimal outcome. A giveaway of emissions permits would transfer income from energy consumers—among whom lower-income households would bear disproportionately large burdens—to shareholders of energy companies, who are disproportionately higher-income households. However, if permits are auctioned, the revenue can be used to offset other taxes or provide other public services.

Who would benefit from giving away emissions permits?





The correct answer is D.

The passage states that "giveaway of emissions permits would transfer income from energy consumers … to shareholders of energy companies"; so it would be energy companies – and their shareholders - who would benefit. Answer (A) is incorrect as economists are only mentioned in the passage in connection with discussing options, not as a group that will lose or benefit from such a step. (B) is incorrect as the passage mentions that these may be of benefit only if permits are auctioned and not given away. (C) is incorrect as energy consumers, according to the passage, will lose and not benefit if permits are given away.

💡When answering Written Comprehension questions, try reading the questions before reading the passage. It can be helpful to first look at the questions to see what information you should concentrate on.


Which of The Following Sentences Is Grammatically Incorrect?





The correct answer is A.

Look at the quantity, whales are plural so the appropriate verb would be have, while a singular whale would use the verb has.

Was our PrepPack helpful? We want to make sure our practice tests fully prepared you, or if you are looking for a different test. Please contact us, and we will do our best to ensure you get the most accurate preparation for your upcoming assessment.

You can find more Written Comprehension questions on the NYS Correction Officer Exam, NYC Sanitation Exam, and the DCAS Plumber Exam


Word Problems

Although the NYC Bridge Exam won't include questions about complicated math equations, your math abilities will be tested with Word Problems that require basic math understanding and number facility. 

Answer the question below

One hundred and twenty pounds of apples are packed in eight identical boxes. How many of these boxes are needed in order to pack 150 pounds of apples?





The correct answer is A. 

In order to solve this problem, start by finding how many pounds of apples are packed into a single box. Divide the weight of the apples packed in eight boxes by the number of boxes:
120 / 8 = 15 pounds. Next, to find the number of boxes that 150 pounds of apples are packed into, divide the weight of the apples (150) by the weight that is packed in a single box:
150 / 15 = 10 boxes.

Number Series

What is the next number in the series?

2 4 8 10 20 ____






The logical rule behind this series is an alternating arithmetic function – multiplication followed by addition. 2 is added to the first number to get the second number. Then the second number is multiplied by 2 to get the third number, and so on: +2, x2, +2, X2. Therefore 2 should be added to the last number in the series, 20: 20+2=22.

The answer is 22.

💡A basic calculator is permitted during the test (no scientific calculators).

The DCAS Traffic Device Exam also includes Number Facility questions. You can find more math questions on our Free Numerical Reasoning Test.



Many questions will assess your Inductive and Deductive Reasoning abilities when solving problems or coming to conclusions. You will be presented with a schedule and will have to pick the best option to avoid conflict. 

Answer the question by looking at the schedule chart below.

The following week, Shawn and Mandy are required to go on another full day’s field trip. In orange marked time blocks that cannot be cancelled. Which day in the following week would require the minimum amount of cancellation for both Shawn and Mandy?







The correct answer is D. Friday.

Since the field trip requires a clear full day on schedule for both Shawn and Mandy, any day with a non-cancelable time block cannot be the correct answer (Monday, Thursday, and Sunday). Therefore, the only two options from the answers are Tuesday and Sunday. Calculate the sum of cancellations required on each day:

  • Tuesday – afternoon and evening (Shawn) + afternoon (Mandy) = 3 cancellations.
  • Friday – afternoon (Shawn) and afternoon (Mandy) = 2 cancellations.

 💡The biggest challenge in these types of questions is that they seem easy but there is a trick to them. Make sure to double check the data in the chart and the grammar of the question before answering. 

Practicing Inductive and Deductive Reasoning is also essential to ace the NYPD Test, NYC School Safety Exam, and the NYC Deputy Sheriff Exam

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What is the NYC Bridge Exam?

The New York City Bridge Exam is an exam administered by the New York City Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) for various civil service positions. It is designed to be a more efficient and convenient way for applicants to apply for multiple titles at once. If you pass the NYC Bridge Exam you can be considered for the positions of Secretary, Maintenance Worker, Computer Service Technician, Clerical Associate, or Bookkeeper. 

💡On the day of the test, you will choose the position(s) that you want to be considered for. Although the test is the same for all positions, the number of questions as well as the requirements will vary since the jobs demand different skill levels. The exam includes between 50-90 questions.

The NYC Bridge Exam is divided in two separate tests:

  • Qualifying Education and Experience Test – A test to validate your skills and knowledge in the position you applied to. Check all of the requirements in the NYC DCAS Notice of Examination
  • Multiple-Choice Test – This exam will assess your abilities related to job performance with scenario-based questions in topics such as Deductive Reasoning, Inductive Reasoning, Information Ordering, Memorization, Problem Sensitivity, Written Comprehension, and Written Expression.

Check next available test dates and locations on the NYC DCAS Application website

Go to our Civil Service Exam page to see other open positions or learn more about NYC Civil Service jobs. 

How to Practice for the NYC Bridge Exam?

Although many of the questions in the exam might seem simple, the difficulty lies in choosing the right answer. It can get tricky since many answers might seem correct, but you will have to pick the most correct among all the answers offered, according to the context provided. To ace the test you have to practice different reasoning skills to learn how to pick out the correct answer. 

Our NYC Bridge Exam PrepPack was developed by experts, tailored to the question types and difficulty you will face on the actual exam. For only $39 you can access:

  • Reading Comprehension and Grammar practice tests - Practice your verbal reasoning skills to understand and interpret written material.
  • Numerical practice tests - Familiarize yourself with Word Problems and basic math operations.
  • Logic exercises - Learn how to read and interpret schedules. 

NYC Bridge Exam Results

The exam is scored by a computer that grades the test based on the number of correct answers. There is no penalty for incorrect answers. The passing score for the test is 70% although each position may require a higher percentage.

The NYC Bridge Exam is a competitive exam. There are a limited number of positions available for each title, and only the top-ranked candidates will be considered for appointment. After successfully completing the exam, your name will me added to an eligible list that can ramain active for four years. 


The NYC Bridge Exam is an exam administered by the DCAS for various civil service positions. The exam has between 50-90 multiple-choice questions.

Civil Service exams are specially challenging because of the number of competition with other candidates. Although there is a passing score, your results will be compared with previews workers and current candidates for the position.