P&G Virtual Job Preview Guide [2025]

If you are applying to Procter and Gamble and have to take the Virtual Job Preview let JobTestPrep assist you in your preparation.

In companies such as P&G there are many candidates applying for one particular position.

This is why aptitude tests are used. They are designed to separate quality candidates from undesirable ones.

All of this is done automatically by a computer system and to get even half a foot in the door, you need to perform at a high level.

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P&G Virtual Job Preview

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Gil, Procter and Gambel Expert at JobTestPrep
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What is the Virtual Job Preview Test?

The P&G Virtual Job Preview Test is a six-section 60-minute test that is meant to evaluate your previous experience.

The questionnaire includes questions about work style preferences, sales experience, cognitive ability, and problem-solving skills.

The goal of the test is to help Procter and Gamble learn more about your experience and skills in sales.

This information will be gathered and compared to specific criteria that P&G has set and is seeking in its future employees.

Below you will find a description of the different sections of the test.

P&G Virtual Job Preview Test Break Down


The first section will include an introduction. The goal of this section is to give you more information about the company and the type of sales positions currently offered.

Part 1: Situations with Customers and Colleagues

Questions: 9
Time: Approximately 12 minutes.

In this part of the test you’ll play the role of a sales team member and your mission would be to describe how you would respond in a variety of situations.

To make the experience more real and immersive, emails would be used to illustrate the situations and will cover topics such as customer questions and requests, challenges in specific projects, as well as competing deadlines.

Each question will have four possible answers, and your job would be to pick the "least" and "most" plausible responses.

The goal of this section is to assess your ability to pick the correct course of action in situations that may arise when dealing with customers or other employees.

This section contains classic situational judgment test questions, and the best way to prepare yourself for these types of questions is by practicing these kinds of tests.

Part 2: Stats and Sales Analysis

Questions: 8
Time: about 12 minutes.

In this section, you’ll play the part of a team member in the sales division that is responsible for the personal care category of a large regional supermarket.

You’ll receive reports with stats about sales trends, competitor performance, and potential opportunities that could improve the sales results of the store.

The goal of this section is to evaluate your proficiency with numbers, so you should prepare by practicing numerical reasoning tests.

Part 3: Calendar Management

Questions: 2
Time: about 12 minutes to complete.

In this section, you will encounter a situation that sales representatives routinely face.

Your task will be to organize your calendar based on your estimation of the urgency of the task and the time it will take to complete it; dragging each task to the most appropriate time and day.

The goal of this section is to determine how good you are at managing time, prioritizing daily and weekly tasks, and your ability to get things done.

Part 4: Personality Analysis

Questions: 25
Time: about 3 minutes.

This section examines your expectations, values, and motivation.

Each question will contain two statements. Choose the statement that best describes the type of work environment and responsibilities you prefer.

For example,

I prefer a job where:

  1. I can focus on my daily job priorities.
  2. Setting a strategy is one of my responsibilities.

There is no correct way to answer these types of questions; it's all context-related. When answering, consider what type of position you’re applying to, consider the company values and culture as well as your own personal preferences.

Part 5: History and Background

Questions: 23
Time: 3 minutes

This part examines your history, background, and experience, you will encounter multiple-choice questions that will require you to share information about your work experience and skills.

For example:

In your opinion, how capable are you at managing the financial side of sales (e.g. preparing budgets, forecasting, cutting costs, and increasing profits)?

  1. The very best.
  2. Excellent.
  3. Good.
  4. Fairly good.
  5. Needing some development.
  6. Not applicable.

You’ll find more information on the position you’re applying to by going over the job description page which usually contains details about the job, the responsibilities, and the qualities of the ideal candidate.

Part 6: Communication with Colleagues

Questions: 23
Time: 3 minutes.

This section examines your way of communicating with your work environment. You will be presented with a number of statements and asked to rate them to determine which statement best describes you.

The possible answers would be descriptive of how other people view you.

For example:
People view me as very spontaneous vs People view me as very cautious.

Administration Tips

  1. You have only one chance to answer. In the majority of the questions, once you submitted your response, you won’t be able to go back and re-edit your answer.
  2. Bring a calculator and a scratch paper. Those will be very helpful during the exam.
  3. The test is done online and takes about an hour to complete although there is no defined time limit.
  4. Outside help: P&G requires that you won't use outside help and answer the questions on your own.
  5. You can choose to opt-out of the test and complete it at a later date (by keeping the link that was sent to you by the company).
  6. Prepare thoroughly - the P&G assessment test questions are unique and tricky, see what they are like with our Free Practice Test. For more information, check out our PEAK Assessment.

For further preparation, check out our P&G Hiring Process.


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