Raven's Progressive Matrices Test 2025: Questions, Strategies & Online Practice

The Raven's Progressive Matrices Test is a renowned nonverbal IQ assessment tool designed to evaluate abstract reasoning skills critical for solving novel problems effectively. Presented in the form of shape matrices with one missing element, this test progressively challenges candidates to complete the pattern.

Used by numerous leading organizations, the Raven's Progressive Matrices Test is instrumental in assessing candidates for executive roles (CEO, VP, Director), financial analysts, pilots, and technical positions that demand efficient problem-solving abilities.

Explore this page to gain familiarity with Raven's Progressive Matrices questions and discover effective solving strategies through our comprehensive online Raven practice tests.

To maximize your score we offer access to a specialized Raven Progressive Matrices Test Preparation simulating the popular Raven's advanced progressive matrices (APM) and standard progressive matrices (SPM), with online practice tests, strategies and tips to improve results and cut down solving time.

Raven's Matrices Test

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What is the Raven Progressive Matrices Test?

The Raven Test, also known as Raven's Progressive Matrices Test, is a nonverbal exam designed to examine fluid intelligence and abstract reasoning abilities- the ability to solve novel problems non-dependent on existing knowledge.

It is considered the most researched general mental ability test (GMT), from which many abstract reasoning tests (including the Matrigma Test) were developed. 

An example of a typical Raven's problem
raven answers

All Raven's matrices test questions require completing a missing shape according to a displayed pattern, with questions becoming increasingly more difficult as you progress.

Yet, several versions of the Raven Test differ in length and difficulty level:

Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices Test (APM)

23 questions to answer in 40 minutes (or a shortened version of 12 questions in 15 minutes), used for clinical purposes and as a pre-employment assessment for senior, analytical, and technical positions. Try Questions>>

Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices Test (SPM)-

43 questions to answer in 47 minutes, used for clinical purposes and assessment of entry-level job candidates. Try Questions>>

Raven's Coloured Progressive Matrices Test (CPM)

Used for clinical evaluation of children aged 5-11, elderly, and mentally disabled. 

All Raven test versions are licensed by Pearson, but used by many types of organizations. Let's take a closer look at Raven's Advanced progressive matrices and Standard Progressive Matrices questions, used to assess potential employees:  

Master the Raven's Progressive Matrices Test: Comprehensive Practice Guide
Enhance your abstract reasoning skills with our in-depth tutorial on the Raven's Progressive Matrices Test.

Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices Test Questions

The Raven APM test consists of 23 questions to be answered in 40 minutes. On each question, your task is to identify the displayed pattern in a 3X3 matrix and select the correct tile to complete it.

These are the type of matrices questions you can expect:

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raven test

The correct answer is 

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The third image in the first two rows is the result of adding a diagonal line pattern to the top half of the first image in the first two rows. Thus, the third image of the bottom row must be the result of adding a diagonal line pattern to the top half of the first image in the bottom row.


💡Quick Solving TipThis type of matrices question is an example of the Progression rule- the object changes, or rather progresses with every step throughout the row or the column (the direction may vary).


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The correct answer is 

raven answer

The second image in each row is the result of moving the three shapes in the first image in each row closer together, and the third image in the first two rows is the result of placing the shapes from the first image in each row inside each other. Thus, the third image in the bottom row must have the shapes from the first image in the bottom row inside each other.


💡Quick Solving TipIn motion rule questions, the objects move (change their position) with each step. Usually, the motion is of one or more of the objects inside a frame. To identify the movement of the inner object, it is useful to compare the outer object or frames across either the rows or columns.



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The correct answer is  

raven answer

The first image in each row has a small black square on the left side of the bigger square, the second image in each row has the same small black square now in the middle of the bigger square, and the third image in the first two rows has the small black square on the right side of the bigger square. Thus, the third image in the bottom row must have the small black square on the right side of the bigger square.


💡Quick Solving TipIn rotation rule questions, the figures in the matrix rotate in a determined pattern across either rows or columns.



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The correct answer is 

raven answer

The second image in each row looks like a second horizontal line has been added to the first image in each row, and the third image in the first two rows looks like a third horizontal line has been added to the second image in each row. Thus, the third image in the bottom row must look like a third horizontal line has been added to the second image in the bottom row.


💡Quick Solving TipIn construction rule questions, two objects from the same row or column are combined to form the third object. In simple matrices, this combination might look just like a simple addition equation.


More questions and solving strategies are available in our Raven's Progressive Matrices Test Preparation Pack. To improve your performance, every practice test is followed by detailed explanations that help grasp the underlying rule.

Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices Questions

The RSPM test consists of easier questions than the Advanced version and is often used to evaluate entry-level job candidates. During this test, you have to answer 43 questions in 47 minutes, with questions getting harder as you progress.


Questions at the beginning of this test may have a slightly different format than the advanced matrices:   


The missing piece should have black vertical lines that bend outwards and white horizontal lines that bend inwards.


Therefore, the correct answer is: 

To get the full experience of the Raven Standard Progressive Matrices Test we offer a tailored simulation identical to the RSPM timing and questions format, along with 159 matrices practice questions to improve your result. 

💡Quick Solving Tip: Since SPM aim to assess clear thinking and logical problem-solving abilities, independent of language proficiency, focus on identifying patterns and relationships between the elements in each matrix. Look for trends in shape, size, orientation, and shading.

Raven's Progressive Matrices Scoring

Raven's test-scoring methodology is more complex than the typical calculation of the number of correct answers scores.

Each item has a level of difficulty and discrimination that is factored into the scoring. For example, suppose you answered properly the more difficult and discriminating questions in the test. In that case, you will obtain higher marks than a candidate who properly answered the easier and less discriminating ones.

To calculate your SPM/ APM score, you'll first be given a theta score, which is the basic prediction of your capability. The theta scores range from -4.000 to +4.000. Scores at the bottom of the scale (-4.000) suggest someone with extremely low ability, while scores at the top (+4.000) suggest someone with extremely high ability.


raven scores

In the second step, your theta score is transformed to percentiles for easier comprehension and comparison. Getting a percentile score of 62%, for example, means your score is equal to or higher than 62% of the people (in your comparison group) who took the test. 

More About Raven's Coloured Progressive Matrices (CPM)

Raven’s Colored Progressive Matrices was designed for people with general lower ability because of age - very old or young test-takers, or because of mental disabilities.

This version is similar to the SPM, only shapes appear mainly on a colored background to make them visually stimulating. It contains the two first sets from the Standard Matrices with an additional set of 12 items inserted in between the two.

Learn more about CPM questions

Can you prepare for Raven's Progressive Matrices?

You can absolutely prepare yourself for the Raven’s SPM and APM, and we highly recommend practicing before taking it. Many of the Raven questions appear to be difficult at first look, but there are standard rules that repeat throughout the test that you can learn to identify quickly.

Recognizing common rules can tremendously assist you in achieving a high Raven APM score. To help you with that, our expert team developed a comprehensive Raven Preparation Pack. Here is what it includes:

  • A Raven Matrices study guide that will teach you all the important rules to easily identify the matrix pattern. The detailed guide will help you apply solving techniques essential for succeeding on the test.
  • Dozens of practice questions. Each question is accompanied by step-by-step explanations to help you strengthen your solving strategy.
  • Timed Simulations resembling the online Raven tests (SPM+APM) as closely as possible. It will help you get used to the demanding time constraints while improving your speed. That way, you’ll come to the test calm and ready to succeed.

What Is the Raven's Progressive Matrices Test Used For?

Raven's progressive matrices test is used for both clinical purposes and as a pre-employment screening tool since it allows  evaluating test takers' ability to analyze new information and solve problems regardless of prior knowledge. Even though the test appears to be unrelated to your actual job, it is an important stage in the hiring process.

Candidates applying for the following positions will likely be given the Raven Advanced Progressive Matrices Test:

  • Management, senior, and executive positions (VP, Director, CEO, etc.)
  • Technical roles (such as maintenance mechanic)
  • Airline Pilot 
  • Financial Analyst

Since the APM also indicates employees' potential, it is often used to select applicants for graduate positions as well. For other entry-level positions, the Raven Standard Progressive Matrices Test might be used. 

If you are applying for a pilot position or any senior position that requires good leadership skills, you are likely to receive the Raven Test along with the Hogan Assessment- a series of mainly behavioral questionnaires. 


Which Employers Use the Raven Progressive Matrices Test?

Some of the main companies and organizations that use the Raven Progressive Matrices Test are Walmart, Amazon, Vestas, Anglo-American, and recruitment agencies for government roles.