Get Accurate EEI SASS Online Practice Tests

SASS is a battery of three tests administered by EEI and developed to streamline the selection process of clerical and administrative support positions. The three different tests are: the Basic Competency Assessment Battery (BCAB), The Basic Keyboard Skills Battery (BKSB), and The Advanced Competency Assessment Batteries (ACAB)

  • The Basic Competency Assessment Battery (BCAB) - comprises a classifying test, a spelling and grammar test, a basic math test and a filing and sorting test. 
  • The Basic Keyboard Skills Battery (BKSB) - is made up of a data entry test and a production typing test.
  • The Advanced Competency Assessment Batteries (ACAB) - has four different subtests: a simulation work example, a data entry test, word processing, and a spreadsheet examination. 

There are 10 subject areas in total, and they are divided into these 3 tests. We provide an in-depth look at these topics just below as you continue reading, along with several sample questions with answers and explanations. These questions are taken from PrepPack, our premium preparation course. Our practice is available 24/7 on our online testing platform, and it's the most accurate and realistic test.

Our PrepPack™ provides practice tests, study guides, and step-by-step explanations for each question, ensuring that you improve your skills, gain confidence, and pass the test with great success rather than risking going in unprepared.


JobTestPrep has offered accurate practice simulations and prep guides for 100's of pre-hire tests since 1992. If you have any additional questions about your assessment, feel free to send us an email, we usually reply within 24 hours.

SASS Test Practice

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  • Clerical Aptitude

3 Classifying Practice Tests

3 Filing/Sorting Practice Tests

  • English Comprehension

2 Spelling Practice Tests

2 Written Communication Practice Tests

2 Study Guides

  • Trades Math

7 Numerical Reasoning Practice Tests

7 Math Word Problems Practice Tests

4 Tables & Graphs Practice Tests

Percentages Practice Test

  • Data Entry

5 Numerical Data Entry Practice Tests

5  Alphanumeric Data Entry Practice Tests

12 ID Data Entry Practice Practice Tests

Production Typing Typing Test

  • Full Simulation Work Practice Test


Yedidya, Mechanical Testing Expert at JobTestPrep
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What Is the EEI SASS Test?

The SASS test is a new way of selecting people for clerical and administrative jobs. It was made in response to changes in technology and job requirements.

It was created with the help of over 20 utility companies and thousands of supervisors and administrative personnel. The test has three batteries and a simulation to predict job success. 

Test Batteries on the SASS Test

Let's dive into every type of question you are going to face on the test, covering ten different types of questions divided into three batteries (click these links to navigate the page) 

  • BCAB (Basic Competency Assessment Battery)
  • BKSB (Basic Keyboard Skills Battery)
  • ACAB (Advanced Competency Assessment Batteries)

BCAB - Basic Competency Assessment Battery


The BCAB consists of four tests/sections:

  • #1 - Classifying Test (4 lists/12 minutes)
    This test measures one’s ability to scan and classify lists of names, addresses, numbers, and codes according to given rules, which may vary in complexity. A category rule is presented, and then the test-taker is asked to classify a series of items based on the given rule.

    This section consists of four lists of 25 items each that need to be classified. The test-taker is allotted a total of 12 minutes to classify all the items on each list (approximately two to two and a half minutes per list). The test score is comprised of the number of items classified correctly, and points are not deducted for incorrect answers. Including a brief practice session, the total test time is approximately 25 minutes.

Classifying question for example:

Each employee at a government office is given an ID code. The ID code is determined by the employee's name, date of birth, and department (in that order). In order to ensure that two people are not given the same ID code, 2 random numbers are added to the end of each ID code.

The rules for the ID code are as follows:
4 letters- first 2 letters of last name followed by first 2 letters of first name
4 digits- mm/dd For example, February 3rd will be coded as 0203.
1 letter- the first letter of the department

Note: The codes are recorded in the same order as they appear above.

Janice Marks works in the Customer Service department. Her birthday is May 2. What is her ID code?





The correct answer is C.
First two letters of her last name:           MA          Marks
First two letters of her first name:        JA         Janice
Date of birth (mm/dd):         0502         May 2
First letter of department:        C         Customer Service

We are also told that two random numbers are added to the end of each code. Therefore, Janice's ID will be MAJA0502C##, or as we can see from the answer choices, MAJA0502C44.

We can also solve this question without writing out the entire code. As soon as we recognize that her name should be coded as MAJA, we can eliminate answers A and D.

Now, let's examine the remaining answer choices, B and C. In answer B the letter 'C' (presumably representing Customer Service) follows the first 4 letters which represent her name, and in answer C the letter 'C' appears after the initial four digits (representing date of birth). Since the first letter of the department are supposed to follow the first 4 digits for date of birth, answer B can be eliminated. We are now left with answer C, which is the correct answer.


  • #2 - Spelling/Grammar Test (50 errors/8 minutes)
    This test assesses one's basic spelling and grammar competencies in English. Test takers are required to review several paragraphs of text and identify and correct spelling and grammatical errors.

    There are 50 places where one must select which of two, three, or four alternative words are correct. The test taker is allotted twelve minutes to read and correct the text. The test score is determined by calculating the percentage of the 50 errors the test taker accurately corrected; points are not deducted for wrong answers. Including a practice session, the total test time is approximately 23 minutes.

Grammar question for example:

Select the sentence that represents the best example of English grammar.

A - The children were lucky the car had good breaks and as able to avoid hitting them.

B - Its the responsibility of the police office to ensure that the streets are safe to drive on.

C - The management team needs to use the board room for the budget meating.

D - In order to enhance your vocabulary, crossword puzzles will challenge you and keep you engaged.






Answer D is the best sentence because the pronoun use was consistent.

A. Looking at the use of the word, you can break something into pieces, but a brake is part of a car used to slow or stop by means of applying the brake (a device used to stop a car).

B. It is used when something has a possession. In this case, it should be a contraction for it and is written with an apostrophe as It's 
C. Although pronounced the same way, meat-ing is not a word. The meeting is the appropriate word for the sentence.


  • #3 - Basic Mathematics Test (20 questions/18 minutes)
    This test assesses one’s basic math abilities. The test taker is presented with five problems, consisting of three to four multiple-choice questions each. Each problem presents information that is to be used to solve each of the given questions in the respective problem.

    These questions will require the test taker to perform various calculations, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, as well as utilize calculating percentages. The test taker has 18 minutes to complete the test, and the score is determined by calculating the percentage of correct answers; points are not deducted for incorrect answers. Including a practice session, the total test time is approximately 25 minutes.

  • #4 - Filing/Sorting Test (6 questions/6 minutes)
    This test measures one’s ability to file/sort items according to given rules, which vary in levels of complexity.

    Each question presents the test taker with filing or sorting rules
    regarding filing or sorting and requires the test taker to file or sort a set of items according to the given rules. The test consists of six problems, all to be completed in six minutes. The score is determined by calculating the percentage of correct answers; points are not deducted for incorrect answers. Including a practice session, the total test time is approximately 10 minutes.

Math Problems - Sample Questions

Question #1

Research conducted on a sample of 2500 flu patients has found that 28% felt better after up to 2 days following the initial medication, 22% felt better after up to 4 days, and the rest did not feel any improvement.

How many did not benefit from the treatment? 







It is evident when reading the question carefully that 50% of flu patients felt an improvement when taking the medication (28 + 22 = 50). This means that half of the patients did not feel any improvement. Note that the question refers to the number of patients that did not feel any improvement rather than the percentage - 50% of 2500 = 1250.

The answer is 1250

Question #2

Convert 175/75 to a decimal







It is a good idea to simplify fractions such as 175/75 before converting them to decimal form.

Divide both the numerator and the denominator by 25

175/75 = 7/3 = 2 1/3 ≈ 2.333


BKSB - Basic Keyboard Skills Battery

The Basic Keyboard Skills Battery is one of three test batteries on the SASS test.

The BKSB consists of two tests/sections:

  • #1 - Data Entry Test (three forms/23 minutes, including instruction & practice)
    This test measures how quickly and accurately a candidate can input data from a paper form into a fixed-formatted screen on the computer. The test-taker is given a form with information that s/he must then enter into the fixed-field formatted screen. The test taker receives three information forms and must enter the information in two or four minutes per form, depending on the form.

Overview of the Data Entry Practice

Data entry practice explanation: as you can see in this screenshot, there are two main parts. To the right, you can find the instructions, and to the left is the actual field you need to fill in.


sass data entry practice test



  • #2 - Production Typing Test (one text/seven minutes) This test measures the candidate's ability, speed, and accuracy with regard to typing. The test taker is provided with a text in a paper format, which they need to type in seven minutes. Including a practice session, the total test time is approximately 15 minutes.


ACAB - Advanced Competency Assessment Batteries

 The Advanced Competency Assessment Batteries consist of four batteries:

  • #1 - Simulation Work Sample (one simulation/30 minutes)
    This computerized test assesses a candidate's ability to multitask, organize and prioritize tasks. The test simulates the role of an administrative assistant serving six employees in a made-up company.

    The test is like a game where you pretend to be an assistant for six people at a pretend company. You have to do things like type in data, look up information, and solve problems. You get four tasks to do and can do them in any order. While you work, you'll get emails and phone calls that might interrupt you, and the order of what's important might change. 
    The simulation is similar to an in-basket practice test.

  • #2 - Data Entry/Database Work Sample (three parts/six samples/28 minutes)
    This test assesses one's competence in data entry and database operations and consists of three parts, each one requiring the candidate to enter data into fixed-field formatted screens. The results of Parts I and II reflect the candidate's speed and accuracy, while the score in Part III only reflects the candidate's accuracy. The simulation is 28 minutes long; with a practice session, the total test time is approximately 65 minutes.
    • Part I: The test taker is required to enter a Purchase Order from a handwritten request that is not formatted as it is on the computer. It is important that the candidate find and accurately enter the relevant information in the correct fields on the computer. This part includes two samples, each with a four-minute time limit.
    • Part II: The test taker is required to enter a Purchase Order from a handwritten request, like in Part I, only this time the order is incomplete, and the test-taker is provided with instructions on how to find the missing information. This part has two samples, each with a six-minute time limit.
    • Part III: The test taker is required to review a Purchase Order to ensure completeness and accuracy. S/he must examine the included paperwork and make the appropriate changes as necessary. This part has two samples, each with a four-minute time limit.

  • #3 - Word Processing (two tests/50 minutes): 
    This battery tests word processing skills and is comprised of two tests, Revised Copy Typing and Text Editing. Each one begins with instructions and a practice session in order to allow test takers to become familiar with the procedures of the test.
    • Revised Copy Typing:
      This test measures competence in document creation via a word processing system. Candidates must proofread, correct, and enter text which they receive in a paper format. The text includes errors with handwritten corrections as well as specific notations for editing and formatting changes, all of which the test taker must incorporate into the document. There is a five-minute time limit to type all of the information on the form. Speed and accuracy are of the utmost importance.
    • Text Editing:
      This test measures competency in the use of word processing functions in order to edit texts. Test takers are asked to perform functions such as center, bold, italicize, underline, change the font type and size of text, search and replace text, copy, cut, paste, etc. Candidates are given five items to complete in 90 seconds. Speed and accuracy are imperative.

  • #4 - Spreadsheet (three questions/24 minutes): 
    This battery is comprised of three parts and assesses one's ability to work with spreadsheets. Though the test does not utilize a specific spreadsheet program, it does use procedures that are common among major spreadsheet applications.
    • Part I: The test taker is required to enter information that is handwritten on paper into a spreadsheet and is instructed on how to format the fields. This part has two samples, each with a five-minute time limit.
    • Part II: The test taker is required to show competency in the creation, copying, and modification of spreadsheet formulas. S/he must enter and change formulas, as well as format cells, based on the given instructions from their paperwork. This part has two samples, each with a three-minute time limit.
    • Part III: The test-taker is required to review a spreadsheet to ensure that it is complete and accurate. S/he is to compare the provided paperwork with what is displayed on the computer screen and make changes as needed. This part has two samples, each with a four-minute time limit.

The results of Parts I and II reflect the candidate's speed and accuracy. The Spreadsheet Test battery is 24 minutes long. Including a practice session, the total test time is approximately 65 minutes.

SASS Testing and Sample Questions, Answers, and Explanations:


Here, you can find questions from our SASS practice test (which you can purchase on this page and get immediate access to). The questions include answers and explanations. Inside our prep, you can find many more questions and formats that will prepare you and increase your confidence for the SASS testing process.


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Since 1992, we have helped over 1,100,000 job seekers reach their career goals. Our PrepPacks offer 24/7 online access to the testing platform, constantly updating and refreshing to ensure that it remains the most effective and comprehensive tool available online for the preparation test platform, backed by our money-back guarantee in case the actual test content differs from what's included in our materials we are constantly updating and refreshing our testing platform to ensure that it remains the most effective and comprehensive tool available online.

Prepare Online for SASS

Practicing for the SASS exam with JobTestPrep will ensure that you achieve high scores and impress potential employers. Start practicing right away with JobTestPrep's success-proven materials to ensure you land your desired job. JobTestPrep's EEI test series includes the SASS practice test and in-depth explanations necessary for success, which also act as an adequate SASS study guide.

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