Ace the SOPD Test with Accurate Practice Tests

The SOPD Test (EEI SOPD II) is a highly challenging test that will push your mathematical, verbal, and logical thinking skills to the limit. This page will guide you through everything you need to know about the SOPD Test, and introduce you to our accurate Prep Pack which will provide you with:

  • SOPD Test Mathematical Usage practice tests will sharpen your mathematical skills and drill you in solving problems quickly without the use of a calculator.
  • SOPD Test Reading Comprehension practice tests will help you read complex information effectively and efficiently, and extract the pertinent information.
  • SOPD Test Analytical Thinking practice tests will prepare you for the three challenging parts of the test through accurately prepared questions simulating the difficulty and time pressure of the EEI SOPD II.


SOPD Test Practice

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  • 6 SOPD II Mathematical Usage Tests
  • 2 Full-length SOPD II Reading Comprehension Tests with Video Tutorial
  • 15 SOPD II Analytical Thinking Tests with Video Tutorial
  • 9 Basic Addition and Memory Drills for the Multitasking Test

Note: this pack does not include multitasking practice tests


Yedidya, Mechanical Testing Expert at JobTestPrep
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What is the SOPD Test

The EEI SOPD II was developed by the Edison Electric Institute (EEI) as a selection test for positions in energy control centers. It will examine your mathematical, verbal, and logical abilities under a short time limit, adding extra pressure to this already challenging assessment.

Let’s have a look at how the EEI SOPD II is built:

Mathematical Usage

This section assesses your ability to solve and operate mathematical relationships. You will be presented with 16 multiple-choice questions of three types: formula conversion problems, basic algebra problems, and word problems, which you will need to complete in 17 minutes.

Analytical Thinking Test

This test is broken down into three sections – argument, problem solving, and logical reasoning.

  • The argument section includes seven questions and requires you to analyze information and form logical conclusions accordingly.
  • The problem-solving section includes five questions and requires you to read a text and glean the relevant facts before identifying the correct answer.
  • The logical reasoning section includes 11 questions and requires you to make inferences from given facts.

Reading Comprehension

This test assesses your ability to read complex texts effectively and efficiently, while collecting the relevant information from within. You will be given four passages (usually science related) followed by several questions, which you will need to answer under a stressful time limit. The test includes 16 multiple-choice questions and must be completed within 22 minutes.

Multitasking Simulation

This test assesses a candidate's ability to monitor various tasks in parallel. In this section, candidates must concurrently complete four separate tasks (memorization, basic math, visual monitoring, and listening), each presented in different areas of the screen.

EEI SOPD II Practice Test Question


To make sure you don't get overwhelmed by the difficulty and pressure of the SOPD Test, preparation is essential. Below you will find an analytical thinking sample question (argument type), followed by the kind of in-depth answer and tips that you will receive when purchasing our prep pack.

Since in the real SOPD Test you will need to answer 23 analytic thinking questions in 45 minutes, we propose you set your timer to two minutes to simulate the pressure of the real thing. 

Practice Test Question

Scientists believe that many ordinary painkillers actually cause, not relieve, headaches because of medication overuse. They estimate that half of all chronic migraines, and up to 25 percent of all headaches, are actually "rebound" episodes triggered by the overuse of common pain medications. Studies of the relation between painkillers and headaches have always involved administering to test animals doses of painkillers massive enough to affect animals' nerve cells in the brain, and then measuring their levels of pain. To date, results of studies on the most common causes of headaches have led to an overestimation of the degree to which medication overdose contributed to headaches.


Which one of the following, if true, most strengthens the above argument?

A. In the doses used until now in studies on “rebound” headaches triggered by painkiller overuse, animals’ neurons (nerve cells) are often not affected
B. Dilation of neurons causes chronic migraines more frequently than ordinary headaches.
C. Occasionally test animals were administered doses of painkillers larger than the largest possible human exposure levels.
D. People take more painkillers to relieve migraines than to relieve ordinary headaches.
E. Most of the pain-relief medication that is now banned because of the risk of “rebound” effects could safely be used by chronic headache sufferers.


Click on the correct letter below to reveal the answer






For questions of the Strengthening the Argument type, we first identify the argument and then find the answer choice claim that would strengthen the argument, that is, provide additional evidence for the veracity of the argument. The argument is in the last sentence (this is often the case): Results of studies on the most common causes of headaches until now have led to an overestimation of the degree to which medication overdose contributed to headaches. Now unpack this: Studies overestimated the degree to which medication overdose contributed to headaches.

Before going to the answer choices, ask yourself: What would cause such an overestimation in the studies? Remember also that the studies were conducted on animals. Now, when you know exactly what you are looking for – an explanation of what would cause the overestimation in the studies – read the answer choices one by one. The claim in answer choice C would strengthen the argument: Occasionally test animals were administered doses of painkillers larger than the largest possible human exposure levels.
Therefore, the correct answer is C

Online Test Preparation for EEI SOPD II

The SOPD Test piles on the pressure by presenting you with complex mathematical, analytical, and reading questions of various types within a tight time limit. Arriving at your test day without proper preparation could easily mean being overwhelmed, getting a poor score, and missing out on that job you were aiming for.

Meticulous preparation with an accurate practice test for each type of question in the SOPD test is the only tried and tested way to ace this test, and with our prep pack you can be sure you are getting the most accurate simulation of the EEI SOPD II available.

Other EEI Tests:

JobTestPrep offers accurate test prep packs for a number of EEI's standardized tests, including study guide and practice test batteries: