Practice for the Siemens Korn Ferry Tests

Do you have an ambition to join Siemens AG but fear that you may fail its pre-employment Korn Ferry examination? We are here to ease your worries and guide you to the successful completion of your hiring process. JobTestPrep has brought together into a sophisticated PrepPack™ close simulations of the Korn Ferry tests that will help you pass your examination at Siemens with confidence and success. We have also added to our tests interview practice, answer keys, and study guides so that you sound confident in your interviews and inspire Siemens' recruiters to make a hiring decision in your favor. 

  • Hundreds of practice questions
  • Full explanations and solving strategies
  • A variety of tests and exercises

Our Siemens' PrepPacks™

JobTestPrep has compiled practice materials to help you prepare for the Korn Ferry tests and interviews required as a part of Siemens's application process. Our PrepPack™ consists of close simulations of several Korn Ferry tests - the Global Competency Framework, Assessment Leadership Potential, Four-Dimensional Executive Assessment, and viaEdge - all of which will turn your examination at Siemens into a rewarding, exciting experience. To ensure your success not only on the test but also in your interview, we have put into our PrepPack™ also interview preparation, detailed study guides, and answer keys. Together, our practice resources will turn your ambition to work at Siemens into a reality.

Siemens's Korn Ferry Tests

The Korn Ferry Test was primarily designed to evaluate applicants' leadership potentials. To estimate leadership, assessors have focused on four dimensions:

  • Traits
  • Drives
  • Experiences
  • Competencies

Four leadership styles have further been identified:

  • Task-Focused
  • Intellectual
  • Engaging
  • Social

Based on these factors and leadership styles, assessors have created several types of the Korn Ferry Tests: the Global Competency Framework, Assessment Leadership Potential, Four-Dimensional Executive Assessment, and viaEdge.

The Korn Ferry's Global Competency Framework

Korn Ferry Global Competency Framework is employed by Siemens AG to weed out candidates unfit for leadership positions and evaluates their traits and dispositions, professional experience, and competencies. Insights into applicants' traits and dispositions, the tests measures how strong are their self-confidence, appetite for taking risks, assertiveness, logical reasoning, and patience. When studying job candidates' experience, the Global Competency Framework test seeks to understand how well they fulfilled their leadership-related tasks in the past. The evaluations of applicants' competencies yield information about their interpersonal relations, decision-making, and work-related skills.

The Korn Ferry Assessment of Leadership Potential

The Assessment of Leadership Potential is designed to evaluate whether you are a natural leader. The test's creators consider the most precise predictor of people's leadership potential a trait of learning agility. Possessing learning agility means that you are adaptable, curious, focused, and open-minded. This character trait also guarantees that you are able to carry on with tasks, even when job parameters are not clearly defined. The Assessment of Leadership Potential also measures such characteristics as self-assertiveness, problem-solving skills, and tendency to submit completed projects on time.

The Korn Ferry Four-Dimensional Executive Assessment

The Korn Ferry's Four-Dimensional Executive Assessment is the most popular test among the existing Korn Ferry assessments and administered by companies most often. Like the Assessment of Leadership Potential, it focuses on measuring candidates' learning agility; yet it also estimates their personal energy, evidenced by such qualities as persistence, assertiveness, and conscientiousness. Other skills and abilities estimated on this test are problem-solving, mathematical calculations, decision-making, strategic thinking, business comprehension, and interpersonal communication.

The Korn Ferry viaEdge Assessment

The Korn Ferry viaEdge is an online self-assessment designed to identify managers and leaders. Like other Korn Ferry assessments, this test also focuses on learning agility, a quality connected to an ability to learn from work's situations and adapt to new circumstances. Another important trait that the viaEdge test seeks to measure in prospective managers is self-awareness. Employers at Siemens want their prospective managers to be keenly aware of their strength and weaknesses and, in general, to be able to evaluate correctly their own professional potential.


Practice for Siemens Tests

JobTestPrep has developed several close simulations of the Korn Ferry tests able to prepare job candidates to a variety of the Korn Ferry tests offered at Siemens's pre-employment assessments. Our resources contain exercises designed to bring your managerial, supervisory, and problem-solving abilities to new heights. Your self-awareness and your personality profile will be enhanced as well. JobTestPrep's Korn Ferry tests are supplied with study guides and answer keys that will enable you to identify and eliminate your weaknesses before you take your exam at Siemens's headquarters.

If you're unsure about purchasing now, you can check our Free Korn Ferry Practice Tests. 

Siemens's Interview

Whether you are invited for a phone, video, face-to-face, or panel interview, JobTestPrep can help you prepare for your conversation with Siemens's representatives. Our interview resources include hundreds of interview questions designed for specific positions at the company. With our materials, you can record your answers and review them at your leisure and thus substantially improve your interview skills. Gain the edge over the competition and ensure a successful interview by practicing with JobTestPrep's high-quality PrepPack™.


Employees will face a wide range of assessment throughout the course of their careers. Employers want to know not only what you know, but more importantly how you employ and apply that knowledge. It is for this reason that the test is also known as the professional dilemma test. Instead of looking as the SJT as a challenge, see it as an opportunity to rise above the competition.


First and foremost, you should make clear on your interview why you are the correct choice for the job. Think of good examples from past experiences that can show that you have the right set of skills needed to succeed at Siemens AG. You may find it helpful also to use the STAR method to answer questions, because this method provides a more comprehensive picture of your professionalism and work ethics.

Practice for your Siemens's pre-employment assessment with our thoughtfully collected materials and, in so doing, score high on your examination. With our specifically tailored PrepPack™, you will also increase your self-awareness and will be able to build an impressive personality profile. Study with JobTestPrep's resources and start contributing to the development of Siemens's automative industry.