Free Situational Judgment Test for Managers Practice 2025

Are you about to take the situational judgment test for managers? Managers must demonstrate specific traits in order to pass the SJT portion of their interview. Make the most of your Management assessment test, by walking in fully prepared for successful results with our management judgment test preparation package.

The Managerial SJT Practice Pack includes a detailed PDF book guide as well as SJT questions, and answers that test for the following competency categories:

  • Managing and Leading Others includes competencies like encouraging employees' development, team building, encouraging innovation, discipline, fostering service orientation, responsibility for subordinates, diversity, and equality.
  • Managing and Leading Performance includes competencies like decision-making, supervising and monitoring staff performance, resource management, prioritization and planning, delegation, creative problem-solving, and commercial outlook.
  • Interpersonal Skills include competencies like effective communication, building and maintaining relationships, respect for employees, and influencing others.
  • Managerial Personality Profile includes competencies like flexibility, adaptability, resilience, persistence and optimism, openness to criticism, and independence.
  • Conscientiousness includes competencies like integrity, reliability, responsibility, thoroughness, and achievement striving.

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Management SJT Practice

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Each of the three Managerial SJT practice tests contains detailed answers and explanations 

  • Managing and Leading Others
  • Managing and Leading Performance
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Managerial Personality Profile
  • Conscientiousness
  • Immediate online access, Practice 24/7 
  • Secured payment
  • Exclusive to JobTestPrep

On this page, you will find free Situational Judgment Test for Managers example questions and answers as well as general exam information, Let’s begin.

What is a Situational Management Judgment Test?

Management Situational Judgment Tests do exactly what their name implies: They present a realistic employment situation, and test your judgment as to the effective course of action to take in resolving the difficulties experienced by managers in the situation presented.

Management SJTs are used as initial screening tools to highlight those applicants who possess the competencies necessary for success in the role of a manager.

Here are some examples of applicants who have decided to purchase the JobTestPrep Preparation:

  • Director
  • Head of Public Affairs
  • Manager
  • Operations Manager
  • Supply Chain Manager
  • Team Leader

Can you Fail a Management Situational Judgment Test?

Yes, this management skills test assesses your decision-making ability on a variety of topics that are important to your future work as a manager. If your decision-making ability does not meet the required standard for the role, it is unlikely that you will pass the exam, making practice crucial.

How Do you Prepare for a Situational Judgement Management Test?

A management SJT is an aptitude test for managers and it requires that the applicant will expose himself to a variety of situational management questions.

JobTestPrep offers management-style tests that include management situational judgment questions that are based on the main SJT management competencies.

Practicing these question types will ensure that you will be able to pass the managerial situational judgment test with flying colors.

Below you’ll find a few examples of these types of questions.

Free Situational Management Judgment Example Questions

Listed below are related management scenarios with detailed situational judgment test questions and answers

Sample Question 1

You manage a department that is comprised of 4 teams. Things go rather smoothly - your teams are cooperative, the atmosphere is good and the department manages to meet its deadlines. You know that things go fine but think that the team leaders are resting on their laurels. You believe they can do better and productivity rates can be higher.

Which approach is most likely to increase productivity?





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Best response: A
Core competency: encouraging employees' development, encouraging innovation and leading changes
Secondary competencies: influencing others, decision making

Explanation: This is a question about motivation (team leader's motivation, which affects their teams) and means to improve productivity.

Setting specific goals and providing incentives (response A) creates clear expectations and motivates the team leaders to try harder, aiming for clear goals.

Response B increases motivation but lacks a distinct strategy to improve productivity. It could work, but asking the team leaders to improve is rather vague and might not achieve the desired goals.

Giving a motivational speech about the competence of the team leaders (response C) indeed could motivate them, but it could also reinforce the current state – the feeling that the team is good enough, and instead of pushing higher the team leaders may continue to rest on their laurels.

Response D provides false feedback – the team leaders don’t have a motivational problem (we are not told that they don’t work well or that they are being lazy, but simply that they don’t try to improve). This feedback might feel like a reprimand and demotivate the team leaders.

Responses A and B are both appropriate and could be effective. Different workplaces may have different attitudes as to which is better. And, of course, a combination of both would be best. We chose response A as best as it is the only one which includes incentives and clear goals, which are most likely to increase motivation and engage the team leaders in a more ambitious mode of work.

Sample Question 2

Recently you received complaints from customers regarding long waiting for service. You decide to bring up this subject at this week’s supervisors' meeting and ask for your team supervisors' input on the subject. You want to start a creative brainstorming session.

How would you organize the discussion?





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Best response: C
Core competency: effective communication
Secondary competencies: decision making, team building

Explanation: This is a question about your methods of leading discussions. Notice that the goal is to create a specific kind of discussion – creative brainstorming. The optional responses could be appropriate in creating different types of discussions, but here you are aiming for this specific kind.

Starting the discussion with your opinion (response A) may start the conversation but it could also influence the opinion of your team supervisors. You are in a different position than they are, and they might be influenced by your opinion, consciously or not.

When trying to establish a creative discussion, you should aim for an open conversation in which creativity can thrive. When you keep your team supervisors' responses short (response B), you don’t allow them to be creative and the ideas you will receive will be less innovative. This response shows ineffective communication.

Response C combines the effectiveness of responses B and D: you allow an open discussion that allows creative thoughts to flow, and you make sure that eventually, you get input from all members. This is important, as open conversations, creative as they may be, tend sometimes to be led by dominant individuals, while more quite individuals may not speak up. However, their input could be valuable (decision-making, effective communication). Moreover, by making sure that you’ve heard everyone you send out a message that their opinion matters. This act also enhances team building.

In response D you allow an open discussion to take place, thus allowing creativity and teamwork (team building). As mentioned above, the only flaw in this strategy is that some voices may remain unheard.

Pass the Situational Management Assessment

JobTestPrep Employes a team of psychologists who use their expertise to prepare you for the SJT Management recruitment test in the most accurate and comprehensive manner possible.

We ensure you receive the most accurate and comprehensive test practice by thoroughly researching each test and updating it frequently.

Management SJT Format

Managerial SJTs consist of multiple-choice questions that follow a short scenario containing everyday problematic situations falling within the domain of a manager’s position. You will be asked to perform one of three tasks:

  • Choose the most/least effective action to address the main issue.
  • Choose the response you would most likely take in the situation.
  • Rank or rate the effectiveness of all of the optional courses of action in the situation.

You can expect to find 25 – 50 scenarios on any given Managerial SJT. There is rarely a time limit. The scenarios are usually engaging and challenging. You are encouraged to choose your responses spontaneously, based on intuition; however, analyzing the scenarios and choosing responses that highlight your skills will allow you to better present yourself on the test.

Apply for Managerial Positions with Confidence

We at JobTestPrep provide a thorough test preparation service, designed specifically to prepare you for managerial SJTs that are used by US leading employers. Getting insight into the test's ins and outs and practicing tests provides you an advantage in this competitive recruitment process. Start practicing now for the Management SJT and outperform your competition.


This is just another name for the Situational Judgment test for managers that aspires to test the candidates' leadership competencies like supervising and monitoring staff performance, resource management, prioritization and planning, delegation, and more.

Yes, one of its competency categories is the managerial personality profile that tests for competencies such as flexibility, adaptability, resilience, persistence, optimism, and independence.


If you are looking for a different test, or are not sure which test is relevant for your position, please  contact us, and we will do our best to ensure you get the most accurate preparation for your upcoming assessment.