Hiring Process and Interview Preparation for Sumitomo Rubber

Have you been considering applying to Sumitomo Rubber? After submitting your application, you will most likely be taking many different aptitude tests. Don’t get caught off guard. Allow JobTestPrep to help you through your entire application process with our customized PrepPacks™.

Sumitomo Rubber Mechanical Comprehension Tests

The Bennett Mechanical Comprehension Test (BMCT) is a popular assessment used to identify individuals with good mechanical reasoning abilities and spatial perception. Employers may use this assessment to infer future performance in jobs that require these skills. There are two versions of the BMCT: BMCT and BMCT II. The BMCT consists of 68 multiple-choice questions and has a 30-minute time limit. The BMCT II consists of 55 multiple-choice questions and has a 25-minute time limit.

However, if you apply to more experienced positions such as maintenance mechanic, you may be required to take a Ramsay Mechanical Test. Make sure to find out precisely which test you have, so you can prepare yourself accordingly.

Sumitomo Rubber Personality Tests

A strong handshake is not all you need in order to land your dream job. Sumitomo Rubber also administer a personality test, as part of the hiring process. The tests generally range around 200 questions and give the employer a stronger sense of whether you are the right personality for the position and the company work culture at large. True, while there are no right and wrong answers, the tests are designed to measure your creativity, honesty, ethics and overall personality.

Sumitomo Rubber Apprenticeship Tests

the Sumitomo Rubber apprenticeship exam will most likely cover a number of subjects ranging from algebra and mathematical reasoning, mechanical reasoning, reading comprehension, etc. The JobTestPrep Apprentice Exam PrepPack™ contains the types of tests you are likely to be taking when applying for a job with Sumitomo Rubber.

Sumitomo Rubber Typing Tests

Typing tests are used to see how quickly and accurately you are able to type in a given amount of time. Click here for more information.


Sumitomo Rubber Interview Policy

Sumitomo Rubber will most likely begin with a screening interview phone call. After seeing that your resume fits the bill, a representative will call you to ask a series of brief background and technical questions to further weed out unwanted candidates. The next stage will usually entail a sit-down face to face interview where you will be asked more in-depth questions on subjects not covered during the initial phone screening or written application. Be ready for curve ball questions and open-ended question that provide your interviewer with more background info. Feel free to ask your own follow up questions to gain clarity and better focus your remarks.


Sumitomo Rubber uses aptitude tests to measure and understand your workplace competencies and capabilities. These tests are often scored by taking your score and comparing it to that of other candidates, then comparing all scores to the benchmark score.

Personality tests are used to assist your interviewer in obtaining a better-rounded profile of your workplace suitability, more so than a written resume can. Sumitomo Rubber uses these tests to ensure that they will be hiring someone who fits the position’s competencies and their company standards. There are technically no right or wrong answers on a personality test, however, certain answers can have an adverse effect on your overall personality profile and may hinder your ability of being considered for the position.

The Sumitomo Rubber’s SJT test may come in several formats and it is important for you to be aware of the various possibilities. Some tests are linear based, while others are interactive in nature. So, what’s the difference? The linear format presents a number of questions to each applicant and in the same order, while interactive uses branching, meaning each answer will dictate the next series of questions. Questions and answers will vary from a specific work scenario with one unique solution to possibly multiple issues requiring multiple solutions. While there is no per say right or wrong answer. While there is no right or wrong answer, per say, scores are based on the best and worst alternatives as the tester sees it.

Preparing for any test prior to taking them will give you the ability to familiarise yourself with the material being covered. JobTestPrep offers you the advantage for excelling in all of your Sumitomo Rubber assessments through the use of our many practice tests and study guides.