Online Preparation for WSIB’s Hiring Process

WSIB - Workplace Safety and Insurance Board is a quizi governmental Canadian agency under the Ministry of Labor, which provides worker compensation and no-fault insurance, health coverage and a host of other benefits for workers across Ontario. If you are in the business of helping others and are an administratively oriented type of person than sending your resume to WSIB could be the right move to put your career on the fast track. To help you land the job of your choice JobTestPrep has all the information you to pass the relevant tests and interview sessions WSIB will require of you. Take your career to the next level with JobTestPrep.

  • Step-by-step study guides and video tutorials
  • Additional drills to enhance the accuracy of your performance

WSIB Hiring Process

With a number of career options to choose from at WSIB, the hiring process may vary from position to positon. No matter if you are applying as a claims representative, records clerk, account analyst, Eligibility Adjudicator or occupational therapist, the hiring process will involve, a screening phone call, an in-person interview involving one or more hiring managers and potential online testing as well. Note, the process can take anywhere up to 4 months, position depending.

  • The Interviews: The process will usually begin with a brief phone call to review your resume and to provide you with a brief overview of the position and benefits. Prepare for this phone by reviewing your resume and make sure to ask questions to make sure your skills match.
  • Assessment Testing: Depending on the position you are looking to fill, you will be subjected to testing as part of the interview process. For instance, if you are vying for the Eligibility Adjudicator position you may have to take up to two assessment tests.

 Start Your WSIB Hiring Process Preparations Today!

Interview and Resume Preparation for WSIB:

Let’s look at some tips, which you may find useful both in the preparation of your resume and the job interview as well.

Preparing a Winning Resume

  • Stay away from Jargon and use clear and concise language.
  • Provide working examples of how you have implemented your skill-sets.
  • Make your resume job specific for the wanted position.
  • Show how your skill-sets meet the position requirements.

Possible Interview Questions

  • Eligibility Adjudicator Interview – You might face behavioural questions like: Have you ever challenged you manager or work peer and how was the issue resolved?
  • Customer Service Representative Interview – Would you define yourself as a lone wolf or a team player and why?
  • Claims Representative Interview– What are the top five qualities which comprise a service representative?
  • Records Clerk Interview – If you were in charge of distributing sensitive files to co-workers who would you ensure the safety of those files?