Online Preparation for Cargill

With revenue over $109 billion and 150,000 employees to boot, it is no wonder that Cargill has become a serious international food conglomerate and was ranked number 15 on the Fortune 500 in 2015. If you want to join this heavy hitter, then it's time to begin preparing for a range of possible online tests, which may be administered to you throughout the Cargill hiring process. These tests may include the Mechanical Comprehension test, CEB's SHL, and Aon Hewitt, among others. JobTestPrep is fully equipped to help you study and practice for these pre-hire exams, as well as for the all-important interview? Any questions? Let’s begin!

Cargill Hiring Process

There is no doubt that the hiring processes at major companies like Cargill are becoming ever more challenging. This is due to the more sophisticated style of pre-hire online testing and the increasing number of job seekers. Make sure that you are no caught out and are fully equipped to deal with every scenario that comes your way throughout the hiring process. Get started with JobTestPrep and get ready to take on the world.

How to Interview at Cargill Chemical

JobTestPrep wants to ensure that you not only pass your upcoming pre-hire exams, but can also seamlessly answer every question during the interview segment with confidence. As a starting point, try to think about these questions.

Cargill Interview Prep Questions

  • Why should you be our top pick? This question throws many people off. Many fall into the trap of talking about what others cannot do. Instead, stay positive and talk about your positive attributes, soft-hard skills, and understanding of the company. Show them that your values align with theirs.
  • Do you have a picture of an ideal company? Talk about the environment that you need to succeed, but more importantly prove to them how your values align. You can also mention that you feel their company will provide you with the challenges you need to maintain stimulated and will afford you with the opportunities to get ahead of the game.

Cargill Online Testing

What is the Cargill Assessment exam all about, well here is a teaser.

CEB’s SHL Numerical Reasoning Online Test

In this test, you will encounter numerical data in the form of a table or a graph, followed by multiple-choice questions relating to them. Answering the questions often requires you to show basic math aptitude and to perform calculations involving fractions, percentages, ratios, and conversions.

The test involves three primary topics, which include: Ability test, which will ask you to choose from 1 of 5 options to solve a problem; Workstyle, where you have to choose a reaction that most likely fits your profile; Personality Assessment in which you have to respond to question which judge your honesty and values.

Learn about the testing platform used by SHL - Talent Central.