Prepare for the Ford Pre-Employment Test for Assembly Line Workers

Are you applying for an assembly line position at Ford? Make sure to sharpen your skills with our preparation kit that includes: reading comprehension tests, math tests, and spatial reasoning tests. All of these resources are aimed at helping ensure your position at the Ford Motors company.

  • Total Tests: 27
  • Topics Covered: Spatial reasoning, math, reading comprehension
    Includes: Immediate online access, practice 24/7
Ford Assembly Line Workers Test Practice

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  • 8 reading comprehension practice tests
  • 12 math tests divided to two types: basic math and math word problems
  • 7 spatial reasoning practice test
  • 6 reasoning skills tests
  • 5 study guides
  • A specific study guide for each type of test
  • Comprehensive explanations and solving tips for every question
  • Secured payment


The Ford application process for candidates who wish to join the assembly line and take part in the manufacturing of new vehicles consists of four tests: dexterity, reading comprehension, math, and spatial reasoning. These tests are designed to assess if a candidate has the required skills for production in the US. JobTestPrep offers a PrepPack™ with practice materials for all of these tests. Our packs also include useful tips and information to help you pass these tests and obtain your desired job.