Prepare for the Ford Pre-Employment Assessment Test

Are you required to take the Ford Assessment Test to land a job at Ford Motor? JobTestPrep offers sophisticated practice materials that can increase your chances of excelling on the Ford pre-employment assessment.

JobTestPrep Ford Assessment Preparation includes the following practice packs:

  • Ford Preparation for Engineers and Supervisors preparation kit that includes Personality, Advanced Numerical, Basic Math, and Verbal Reasoning practice tests that will help you ensure that you’ll be accepted to an engineer\supervisor position at the company.
  • Ford Preparation for Assembly Line Workers includes Reading Comprehension, Math, and Spatial Reasoning practice exams aimed at ensuring your acceptance as an assembly line worker at the Ford Motors company.

This page will help you prepare for the Ford Motor Company assessment Test. It includes a detailed guide and some free sample questions.

JobTestPrep is a leading test prep company that offers accurate practice simulations for hundreds of pre-employment tests. Since 1992, it has helped 1M+ candidates. If you have any additional questions about the Ford Assessment Test, feel free to send us an email, we usually reply within 24 hours.

What is the Ford Assessment Test?

The Ford Assessment is a screening test designed for engineers, supervisors, and assembly line workers. It comes in different variations and challenges candidates on topics such as verbal and numerical reasoning to see how they apply logic, comprehend patterns, and understand the English language.

The Ford Motor Company is an American automaker headquartered in Dearborn, Michigan and is the second largest US-based automaker. The multinational company employs around 200,000 employees worldwide, almost half of whom work in North America. Ford uses two different application processes for two types of positions in the US.

Free Ford Assessment Test Sample Questions

Ford Preparation SHL Senior Numerical Style Sample Question

How many BA overseas (OS) students study in the UK?






The correct answer is (A) - 721,000

The table is plentiful with different types of data; however, the only information that is relevant for answering the question is the number of students studying for a BA in each department (2nd column from the left) and the percentage of OS students out of it (6th column from the left).

To answer the question, you need to calculate the number of OS students for each department. For instance, in the History department there are 250 thousand BA students, of which 10% are OS students. So, the number of OS students in the History department is: 250,000 x 10% = 250,000 x 0.1 = 25,000 (for simplicity, you can omit the thousands throughout the calculation and add it in the end). In a similar way, you can calculate the number of BA OS students in each of the departments:

Department Total BA students (000's) % of OS students Number of OS students (000's)
History 250 10% 25
Psychology 675 20% 135
Finance 1180 30% 354
Literature 340 5% 17
Physics 620 20% 124
Math 210 30% 63
Philosophy 150 2% 3

Finally, sum up all the departments to get the total number of OS students (remember to add the thousands):
(25 + 135 + 354 + 17 + 124 + 63 + 3) x 1,000 = 721,000

The Ford Preparation for Engineers and Supervisors pack includes:

  • 11 SHL Senior Numerical practice tests that will work on your ability to make correct decisions or inferences based on numerical or statistical data.
  • 7 Basic Math Numerical practice tests will help improve your ability to handle and interpret numerical data such as fractions, decimals, and formulas.
  • 9 SHL Verbal Reasoning practice tests will help increase your ability to comprehend written information and draw conclusions from it.
  • A Full Personality Test and Guide and 30 Single Trait Drills - will help you get ready to the Big Five Personality model style of questioning as well as challenge you with questions on specific personality traits you may want to work on.
  • 6 Inductive and Deductive Reasoning practice tests will improve your ability to apply general rules to specific situations and come to logical conclusions and identify rules or concepts which fit a given situation.

Ford Assembly Practice Sample Question

Please choose the correct option:






The correct answer is 4.

Look at the ends marked B. If the ends marked B were put together, how would they look? Of the five pictures, only pictures 2 and 4 have the ends marked B put together. Now, look at the ends marked C. Which of pictures 2 and 4 show that the two places marked C are put together? Of the two, only picture 4 has the places marked C put together.

The Ford Assembly Line Workers Pack includes:

  • 5 Math Word Problems practice tests that will teach you how to make the quick numerical formulation of verbal data and basic calculation abilities (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) and also challenge you with travel, ratio, work rate, and percentage exercises.
  • 7 Numerical Reasoning Practice Tests that will test your ability to work with fractions, decimals, and formulas.
  • 8 Spatial Reasoning Practice tests that include questions on topics such as Mental Rotation of Abstract shapes, 3D Assembly, 3d Spatial Reasoning, and Shadow projection.
    8 Reading Comprehension Practice tests include questions on topics that will improve your reading comprehension, the ability to understand information, your ability to apply information, and your ability to organize information.
  • A full Personality test and guide and 30 single trait drills - that prepare you for questions based on the Big Five personality model and challenge you with questions about specific personality traits you may wish to improve.

Ford Application Process: Engineering & Supervisory Positions

Ford offers a variety of engineering positions: process, project, mechanical, electrical, software design, program management, product development, among others. All of these positions, including process coaches and supervisory positions, are filled using the same application process.

This process begins with three tests, after which candidates go through a phone screening followed by an on-site interview. Two of the tests are designed to measure reasoning skills (numerical and verbal), while the third test assesses if a candidate's personality fits with the company's culture. As advancing in the application process is conditional on passing these tests, preparation is essential, as you can only take these exams once a year. Our practice pack can help you get it right the first time.

Numerical Reasoning Test

The Ford SHL numerical reasoning test is designed to measure a variety of skills and abilities. This test assesses if candidates for engineering and supervisory positions possess basic arithmetic skills, estimation skills, critical reasoning, and the ability to understand and analyze graphs and other numerical data. The test usually contains 17 questions and must be completed in 17 minutes. Because this test is aimed at high-level positions, which require strong data interpretation skills, it includes a wide array of graphs and charts. Applicants hoping to fill these positions must get used to reading this kind of data.

Verbal Reasoning Test

The Ford verbal reasoning test involves drawing logical conclusions from verbal information. It measures an applicant's ability to understand, analyze, and interpret information provided in a written text. This test usually includes 30 questions and needs to be completed in 17 minutes. It consists of a text followed by questions on the contents of that text. These written sections can vary in length from a few paragraphs to only a few sentences. The test-taker is requested to identify whether a statement is true or false based on the information provided, or whether the information is not sufficient enough to form an answer.

These two tests are administered online and unsupervised. The applicant's scores on the tests are displayed to Ford as a percentile. Those who fail to pass the tests will not be asked to attend an interview. Thorough practice, however, may increase your odds of advancing in the application process. Our Ford practice pack includes Verify-style tests guaranteed to help improve your scores.

SHL Assessments are taken online via the SHL Talent Central testing platform.

Ford Application Process Assembly Line Positions

The Ford application process for candidates who wish to join the assembly line and take part in the manufacturing of new vehicles consists of four tests, a phone screening, and an interview. These tests are designed to assess if a candidate has the required skills for production. JobTestPrep offers a preparation package covering these tests. Our packs also include useful tips and information to help you pass these tests and obtain your desired job.

Dexterity Test

The goal of the first test is to assess an applicant's basic functional dexterity. On this test, a board is placed in front of the applicant, who must put as many screws as he or she can through the holes on the board in a five-minute period. This task is not complicated, but it has to be done well. The highest possible score is 120 screws.

Reading Comprehension Test

Two important aspects required of applicants for assembly line positions are safety awareness and attention to detail. Therefore, Ford uses a reading comprehension test to assess an applicant's ability to pay attention to and understand notices put up in the manufacturing environment. On this test, an applicant is asked to read notices that may be put up around the facility regarding safety and to show that he or she has read and understood what these notices are saying.

Math Test

Like in many other jobs, assembly line workers are also required to use basic arithmetic. Thus, Ford wants to assess their applicants' math skills with a specific test. This test covers basic mathematical skills: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, percentages, averages, and decimals. Applicants are asked to deal with simple calculation questions and word problems. The math test is considered the most feared exam for many candidates and practice could help to reduce it.

Spatial Reasoning Test

The ability to make a distinction between each component and identify its unique structure in the factory is an essential skill for manufacturing positions. Consequently, Ford uses three sections of a spatial reasoning test in its hiring process:

  • The first section measures an applicant's 3D orientation skills. It assesses whether or not a candidate understands how 3D-objects can be viewed from multiple perspectives. The applicant is tasked with finding which answer choice represents the shapes after they have been rotated in space, without changing the location of the dot on their corners.
  • The second section measures an applicant's interpretation of obscure shapes. It is sometimes called "Shadows Test." The applicant is asked to look at pictures of shadows and to choose from the response options the pieces which would be the best match.
  • The third section measures an applicant's matching and identification skills. In this section, pictures are presented, and the applicant is asked to choose which picture from the response options is the best match.

All of these sections should be completed as quickly as possible. Spatial reasoning tests can be tricky as they require you to identify the pattern before you can answer the question, which is why it is recommended to practice for these sections.

For Both Ford Positions

Personality Test

Ford wants to evaluate each applicant's character. It is particularly important for the company to assess the cultural fit between the applicant's personality and the "One Ford" plan—the business strategy that has guided the company since 2007, which set the name for the "One Ford Assessment." According to Ford, the One Ford plan emphasizes an employee's ability to work as part of a team, to become a role model of Ford values, to foster functional and technical excellence, and to deliver results. The Ford personality test measures whether an applicant's behavior matches these requirements. It tests honesty, work habits, the ability to get along with others, the willingness to work as part of a team, and whether a candidate strives for excellence.This test usually consists of six questions and does not have a time limit. There are no right or wrong answers, but answering these questions for the first time can be very confusing. You may end up making mistakes that will negatively affect your score. Practice is the best way to overcome this obstacle and improve your chances of being offered your desired job. JobTestPrep's PrepPack™ includes a personality test that, while not the same as the One Ford Assessment, offers tips and strategies to help you prepare for it.

Phone Screening and Interview

Two of the most significant parts of the hiring process are the initial phone screening and interview. After you have passed the aptitude tests, you will receive an email to schedule a 30-minute phone screening. During this screening, a Ford representative will confirm some of the information from your application and ask you behavioral–type questions like why they should hire you and what you would do in a given situation.

Once you have passed the initial phone interview, you will be invited for a tour of the Ford campus, a presentation about the company, and an interview with one or more Ford employees. The interview itself will last for approximately 30 minutes and will consist mostly of questions about how you handled a specific situation at work. For this type of question, you should use the STAR method, which stands for the following:

  • S — situation — give a general overview of the situation
  • T — task — describe the problem and why you were the one to solve it
  • A — action — explain how you handled it
  • R — result — sum up the short-term and long-term results