Practice for Gap Inc. Assessment Tests

Applying for Gap career positions? As part of the Gap application process, you have to get through the Gap assessment test. The best way to land the hiring process and tests is to start preparing today. JobTestPrep offers Gap interview tips, practice tests to help you become next Gap employee. 

Gap Assessment Test

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  • 9 Basic Numerical Tests
  • 6 Numerical Reasoning Tests
  • 14 Verbal Reasoning Tests
  • 7 Language Tests
  • 12 Abstract Reasoning Tests
  • 11 Clerical Aptitude Tests
  • 21 Mechanical Aptitude Tests
  • 19 Spatial Reasoning Test
  • Personality Profiling Tests
  • 5 Situational Judgment Tests
  • Interview Preparation
  • 11 Numerical Guides
  • Money back guarantee - see terms and conditions 



Gap is one of the largest retail stores in North America with over 2,500 stores and 135,000 employees. There are many opportunities at Gap, as well as job promotions due to the fact that they like to hire from within the company. If you are applying for Gap internship or taking the Old Navy assessment test, the Banana Republic assessment test, Intermix assessment test or Athletica assessment test then the Gap preparation package is relevant as all companies are subsidiaries of The Gap.

Gap Job Application and Interview Process

Gap online application process usually goes as follow:

  • Apply online. Fill in your personal details and make sure you insert your relevant experience. 
  • Take an online assessment test. Most likely you will encounter a personality and/or situational judgment test. After preparing with our situational judgment and personality test, make sure you have a calm quiet environment to take the test.
  • If you pass the Gap exam\s, you will receive the Gap phone interview. Gap HR recruiter will ask you questions on your resume and experience. He or she will also like to check your ambition for the position.
  • After the phone interview, you will be invited to a face to face Gap interview on site from a manager. 

Gap Assessment Tests Format

Gap job application or Gap Inc. affiliated companies application requires an assessment test in order to get a job at the entry-level position. Gap has a fairly long assessment test in regards to other merchandise companies, taking you anywhere between 20 minutes to an hour. This is a good thing because it gives you more chances to let them know what kind of person you are instead of relying on one or two questions. The assessment test is formatted as follows:

  1. Situational Judgment Test – Gap uses situational judgment questions in order to gauge how you would react in certain situations at work. The test is around 9 questions, but every question has about 5 different answers, making it a 45 question test. You need to rank the answers from how you would most likely respond, to least likely.
  2. Background Questions – they would like to get to know you and your history better. Questions may be in the form of “how many times have you missed work in the past year?”
  3. Personality Test – Gap will like to assess your personality in order to see if you match the company principles and fit the profile to be an employee. It is important to research a little bit about Gap or any store you’re applying for in order to understand what they want from new employees.

After you finish the online application process it may take a few weeks for Gap to call you in and ask for you to come in for an interview. Don’t be nervous if it takes a little while.

Gap Interview Questions and Answers

Previous candidate, including Gap internship candidates, were asked the questions below during the Gap application process (Gap phone interview and\or face to face interview):

  • What do the words "Customer Service" means to you?
  • What is an Up-sale?
  • Who was your favorite boss? Why?
  • Why would you like to work in Gap?
  • Describe me a positive experience of customer service. Why was it positive in your opinion?

Gap Interview Tips

During Gap hiring process, you might get professional questions from the sales industry in the personal interview if you apply for a sales associate position. 

Gap Subsidiaries


Gap, Microsoft, and other trademarks are the property of their respective trademark holders. None of the trademark holders is affiliated with JobTestPrep or this website.

Gap Subsidiaries
Old Navy Banana Republic Athleta Inc. Intermix