Prepare for the JEA Assessment Tests

Applying for a job at JEA? The recruitment process can be a challenge without the right preparation. Start practicing with JobTestPrep, our practice materials will prepare you for the hiring process. Access dozens of mock tests, study guides, score reports, and more tips and tools.  Embark on JEA careers with the help of our customised PrepPack!

  • Prepare for you Land Title Tests
  • Access timed practice tests & comprehensive score reports
  • Learn as you go with detailed answer explanations


About JobTestPrep’s JEA Packs

Going through the recruitment process for JEA can make you feel somewhat frazzled. JobTestPrep’s comprehensive practice materials will help ease your mind and help you gain the confidence that you need to come out on top throughout the JEA’s hiring procedure.


Insider Information from One of Our Customers

'Make sure you invest in the practice tests, it helps to be familiar with the material before you are timed. For me, it was difficult to do the timed math problems only because there were so many problems in such a short amount of time.'

M.J. Dyer, Apprenticeship Maintenance Utility installer



JEA Personality Test

JEA deploy a personality test to better screen potential employees before you can sign on the dotted line. They want to know who will perform well and those who won't. It is important to note that you should answer each question truthfully and go with the first answer that comes to mind. Overthinking questions will throw you off, waste time and perhaps indicate to the recruiter that you are trying to game the system.

JEA IBEW Apprenticeships

IBEW Electrical Apprenticeship Test – The IBEW apprenticeship test consists of two separate sections:

  • Algebra & Functions
  • Reading Comprehension

The total exam time is 2.5 hours including instructions, actual testing time, and the break period between the two sections of the test battery. The focus of the IBEW aptitude test is on finding applicants whose abilities match apprenticeship requirements. In order to be able to impress your employer with your knowledge, it is best to prepare.

Practice is the greatest precursor to success when faced with the JEA tests. JobTestPrep offers a variety of highly comprehensive practice materials and study guides to ensure that you are always one step ahead. Familiarize yourself with the JEA tests today and naturally come out on top!

Click here for an IBEW sample test!

JEA Interview Process

Preparing for an interview can be difficult as companies devise new techniques and questions to knock you off your kilter. HR managers want to know how you are going to handle criticism in the moment by trying to use scare tactics (i.e. no smiles during the interview), using the stress interview (i.e. rapid-fire questioning) or by using the classic weakness question. First understand that the interviewer is not out to get you, but to find the best candidate who can “take the heat”. Don’t get nervous, bring your “A Game” with our interview PrepPack™ and be ready for any interview scenario.

Frequently Asked Questions by JEA Applicants

Many employers use aptitude tests as part of the hiring process because they provide employers with the opportunity to gain insight into your intellectual skills, work compatibility, and cooperation and interaction with others. Therefore, preparation for these tests is essential to get one step closer to the job you desire.

  • Pre-employment tests - Applicant Talent Assessments weed out the candidates that do not have the skills to properly perform the job. The company wants to know you can do the technical work.
  • The Interview - This could include a screening phone call, followed by a first, second and even third interview. Of course, the process for C-Levels will be more intense than for lower levelled workers.
  • The follow-up – After each stage make sure you follow up by thanking your interviewer for their time and to reiterate your interest in the position.
  • Background and Drug Testing – Be aware many companies will check your criminal history and may even perform drug tests.
  • Reference Checks – Usually once the company has made up their mind to hire they will ask you for one or two references to collaborate your story.

Jobtestprep will provide you all the tools you need to guide you through each stage of the process.

From the screening process to the interview and assessment you will have to prove over and over again that you are right for the position and can fit in to company culture. However, even after you have made your final handshake and sign the contract you work has only just begun. Your onboarding process will give your new employer a great sense of how you will adapt to your new role – all eyes will be upon you.