Companies providing energy and utility services are the largest workforce employers in the market. We can help you apply for positions in customer service, engineering, sales, and finance with our Power, Utilities, and Energy Bundle.
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Power, utilities, and energy companies have a multi-step hiring process that consists of the following: an online application, a phone interview, assessment tests, and an in-person interview.
Engineering: For positions such as materials engineer, you will need to take a test which evaluates your numerical and spatial reasoning skills.
Operator: For jobs which involve planning and scheduling, you will take a test which evaluates your knowledge of mechanical principles and your ability to interpret information in the form of graphs and tables.
Clerical Positions: If you are seeking a clerical position such as meter reader, you will take a test which assesses your clerical skills.
Financial Analyst: For finance positions, you may be asked to take a Microsoft Excel test—a 40-minute test which requires you to perform actions such as using functions, formatting and editing cells, and creating charts and graphs.
Customer Service Representative: If you are applying for a customer service position, you will probably take a situational judgment test or undergo CSR Response Testing. Both tests involve demonstrating good customer service skills and problem-solving abilities by presenting you with hypothetical workplace scenarios involving customers. You must choose the best course of action out of five or six given options.
Some companies require all candidates to take a personality test in addition to their profession-specific test.
Jobs in the Utilities, Energy, and Power Industry | |||||
Engineering | Operator | Financial Analyst | Customer Service | Clerical |
Click on one of the companies below to learn more about their hiring process and gain access to our exclusive practice material.
More Energy and Power Companies | ||
Alabama Power | Ameren Energ | Amigo Energy |
Arizona Public Service | Austin Energy | Bartlett Electric Cooperative |
Basin Electric Power Cooperative | Berlin Electric Utility Department | Black Hills Energy |
Black Hills Power | Brazos Electric Power Cooperative | Central Power Electric Cooperative |
Champion Energy | Choptank Electric Cooperative | City of Greenville |
CLECO | Comanche Electric Cooperative | Cooke County Electric Cooperative |
CoServ Electric | CPS Energy | Dayton Power & Light |
Denton Municipal Electric | Direct Energy | Dominion Resources |
Easton Utilities | El Paso Electric | First Energy |
Gas South | Hawai'i Gas | Imperial Irrigation District |
Integrys | Just Energy | Kentucky Utilities |
Kingsport Power (Appalachian Power) | LG&E KU | Long Island Power Authority (LIPA) |
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power | Louisville Gas & Electric | MDU |
Memphis Light, Gas and Water | MidAmerican Energy Company | Minnkota Power Cooperative |
Nashville Electric Service | National Fuel Gas | National Grid (Niagara Mohawk) |
National Grid USA | New York Power Authority (NYPA) | Nextera |
North-East Utilities | Otter Tail Power Company | Pacific Gas & Electric |
Pacific Gas and Electric | PSE&G | Sacramento Municipal Utility District |
Salt River Project | San Diego Gas & Electric | Southwest Gas Corporation |
Southwestern Electric Power Company | Tennessee Valley Authority | Tennessee Valley Authority |
Toledo Edison | Transwestern Pipeline | Tucson Electric Power |
TVA | UniSource Energy Services | Wiregrass Electric Cooperative |
Hydro One | Eaton |
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