TVA Assessment Test Preparation - Get Practice for the EEI and the AIR Tests

If you're looking for a TVA job, you will most likely take either the AIR assessment or EEI Tests (POSS & MASS).

The AIR (American Institute of Research) Test is a multiple-choice test given to candidates for electricity-related positions at TVA. The test covers Algebra, Reading comprehension, and Mathematical usage. The test takes 96 minutes to complete and is considered difficult to pass.

The TVA AIR Preparation Pack offers you the practice test inventory you will need to pass the AIR & EEI Test:

  • 4 Full AIR practice tests: Accurate simulations, including everything you will face when you take the test.
  • Personality test guide: Learn how to best exhibit your personal qualities for any personality testing or interview you may encounter.
  • Comprehensive EEI Practice: If you need to take any EEI tests, make sure you get the full preparation for the task included in the preparation pack.

It may be that you were looking for Air Force assessment tests. If so, visit these resources:  ASVAB Air Force or AFOQT test preparation.

TVA Test Preparation

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  • 4 AIR Practice Tests
  • 2 Full-Length EEI POSS Practice Tests
  • 2 Full-Length EEI MASS Practice Tests
  • Full-Length Personality test
  • 8 SJT Practice Tests for Supervisory & Managerial Roles
  • 52 Additional EEI Practice Drills by Topic
  • 8 Study Guides and Video Tutorials


Shir, TVA Expert at JobTestPrep
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What Is the TVA AIR Test?

The AIR (American Institute of Research) Test is a multiple-choice test given to candidates for electricity-related positions at TVA. The test covers Algebra, Reading comprehension, and Mathematical usage. The test takes 96 minutes to complete and is considered difficult to pass.

The AIR categories are:

1. Algebra- This section requires you to solve algebraic equations by finding the values of variables. Questions include arithmetic processes for finding single variables, functions, and polynomials. 

2. Number series- This section requires you to decipher the logic of the number series to find a missing value in the series.

3. Reading Comprehension- This section includes paragraphs for you to read, and then give judgement on the truth values of statements- are they true, false, or indeterminably true/false according to the paragraph?

What Is the TVA?

The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is the largest public power company in the United States. TVA's service area covers all of Tennessee, portions of Alabama, Mississippi, and Kentucky, and small areas of Georgia, North Carolina, and Virginia and provides electricity, manages natural resources, and promotes economic development.


Here are some sample test questions for you to try:

Sample Question #1

Consider the following table:

9 1
18 2
27 3
36 4
45 5

Which of the following choices represents the same relationship as demonstrated in this table?





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The correct answer is C.

As can be seen from the table, the relationship is Y = X / 9:

1 = 9 / 9
2 = 18 / 9
3 = 27 / 9
4 = 36 / 9
5 = 45 / 9

Answer (A) is incorrect because if Y = 2X + 1, then when X = 9, Y = 19 instead of 1.

Answer (B) is incorrect because if Y = X + 3, then when X = 9, Y = 12 instead of 1.

Answer (D) is incorrect because in the given table, X is always greater than Y, and in the graph, Y is always greater than X.

Only answer (C) represents the same relationship:

2/9 = 0.222

3/9 = 0.333

6/9 = 0.666

10/9 = 1.111

Therefore, the correct answer is C.

Sample Question #2

Find the missing number on the right:

144 | 73 | 18 | 10 | 520 | ?





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The correct answer is 261.

Every two terms are a pair. The first number is divided by two and then increased by 1 in order to produce the second term.

144/2+1 = 73
18/2+1 = 10
250/2+1 = 261

Therefore, the correct answer is D.

Sample Question #3

Read the passage below and answer the question:

Last year, road fatalities decreased by 9%. According to the latest figures published by the Department of Transportation today, this year has seen the lowest number of deaths in road traffic since records began. However, road deaths are only the tip of the iceberg because, for every death on US roads, there are 10 serious injuries, such as damage to the brain or spinal cord. Country-by-country statistics show that the number of road deaths per year still varies greatly across the US, with the countries reporting the lowest number of fatalities being California, Oregon, Washington, Vermont, and Maine, with only 30 deaths per million inhabitants. Vulnerable road users such as pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists, and users in certain age groups, notably the elderly, are particularly affected by serious road injuries.

Which of the following statements is correct?





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The correct answer is D.

This is what the text states: "for every death... there are 10 serious injuries".

It follows that there are more serious injuries than deaths.

Which Assessment Am I Going to Take?

When applying to TVA, you are likely to face one of these assessments:

AIR Test - Given to:

  • Groundman Trainee
  • Lineman Apprentice
  • Electrician Apprentice positions

EEI Tests (POSS & MASS) - Given to:

  • Student Generating Plant Operator
  • Mechanical Technician Trainee
  • Combustion Turbine Technician and Combined Cycle Technician Trainee
  • Instrument Mechanic Trainee
  • Hydro Technician Trainee
  • Electrical Technician Trainee

What Is the AIR Institute?

The American Institutes for Research (AIR) is a nonprofit organization based in Arlington, Virginia. It conducts research and evaluation, provides technical assistance, and develops and disseminates evidence-based solutions to improve the quality of life for individuals and communities.


What About the EEI Tests?

 If you're going to take one of the two EEI tests (POSS/MASS), prepare yourself to encounter a variety of different question types.

Here are the types of questions you'll get on each test:

Reading Comprehensionvv
Mechanical Conceptsvv
Mathematical Usage Version 1 v
Mathematical Usage Version 2v 
Figural Reasoningvv

You can read more about each test on our dedicated EEI pages for the POSS Test and the MASS test. Or you can also read all about EEI Tests on this page.


Come Prepared

TVA's recruitment process is rigorous, but with extensive practice, you can improve your chances of being selected to work at TVA. Start preparing yourself now for the company's aptitude tests with JobTestPrep.


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JobTestPrep is the perfect choice for those looking to take their career to the next level. Since 1992, we have helped over 1,100,000 job seekers reach their career goals. Our PrepPacks offer 24/7 online access from any computer or a smart device and are backed by our money-back guarantee in case the actual test content differs from what's included in our materials.